Resource Based Economy

October 2024 Forums General discussion Resource Based Economy

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  • #85762

    I am an activist for a money free world or an RBE.  Many people think that the ideals I talk about are similar to socialism.  One fellow advocate says along the lines of this about you:  "You are by far the most informed and logical authority on the money free society concept"

    One of the most jarring things about people advocating for the social change to an RBE is that they treat it as a novelty and do not properly educate themselves about what they are talking about so the process is proving slow to get enough people to see the necessity and real possibility of achieving change if we all work together.  When the person I mentioned also said that you were the oldest (by about 100 years) in realising the concept of a money free world I asked that person, "So why haven't they got us to an RBE yet then?"

    It was suggested that I pose the question to the WSM directly, so I am doing so.

    Thus, Why have you not yet acheived your object given that you have been around for a quite a while?  Do you truly propose that the society you envision will operate without any money, or indeed any kind of alternative trading mechanism?  Will everything be freely accessible and not in danger of being hoarded or claimed by any one individual again? 

    I have not managed to fully digest your principles yet so if the answers to these questions are in there I would appreciate someone pointing me to specific sentences or paragraphs.


    Piper wrote:
    I am an activist for a money free world or an RBE.  Many people think that the ideals I talk about are similar to socialism.  One fellow advocate says along the lines of this about you:  "You are by far the most informed and logical authority on the money free society concept"One of the most jarring things about people advocating for the social change to an RBE is that they treat it as a novelty and do not properly educate themselves about what they are talking about so the process is proving slow to get enough people to see the necessity and real possibility of achieving change if we all work together.  When the person I mentioned also said that you were the oldest (by about 100 years) in realising the concept of a money free world I asked that person, "So why haven't they got us to an RBE yet then?"It was suggested that I pose the question to the WSM directly, so I am doing so.Thus, Why have you not yet acheived your object given that you have been around for a quite a while?  Do you truly propose that the society you envision will operate without any money, or indeed any kind of alternative trading mechanism?  Will everything be freely accessible and not in danger of being hoarded or claimed by any one individual again? I have not managed to fully digest your principles yet so if the answers to these questions are in there I would appreciate someone pointing me to specific sentences or paragraphs.Thanks.

    Your friend is spot on the button.  The top menu bar About us and Publications in particular is a massive resource on a huge variety of subjects and provides an answer to your query: Enjoy.


    This pamphlet "Socialism As a Practical Alternative" provides a description of how the prtoduction and distribution of wealth could be organised without money especially chapters 4 and 5:


    An open discussion will take place at The Socialist Party's premises in South London this coming Sunday, 8 October @ 3pm, to which, as is the case with all of our meetings, everyone is invited: 

    Piper wrote:
      "You are by far the most informed and logical authority on the money free society concept"

    We certanly are! We were advocating what I would call a democratically organised RBE looooonnnngggg before the likes of ZeitGeist. Our case however, is based on the class struggle. Socialism: a money free society is the only solution to exploitation of the working class.  Even the Guardian is seeing this: is only when the majority recognises the nature of capitalism will Socialism be possible, but we are on our way

    Why have you not yet acheived your object given that you have been around for a quite a while?

    A fair question and we keep asking ourselves that very same question.I suppose the simple reposte is…Why has not The Zeitgeist Movement become more influential and have a greater impact? The main reason i think is that our audience is still dominated by the capitalist ideology which is entrenched by powerful tools such as the media, both factual and entertainment, by schools and colleges, by even many of the churches (how many refer to the Early Christian communism or Dhammic Buddhism, for instance). We are conditioned from birth, it appears.The Marxist view is the self-emancipation of people will arise through an increase in consciousness, spurred by the realities of the vicious class war and the contradictions of the capitalist system, combined by the growth and spread of socialist/RBE ideas to present the alternative societal structure to be aspired towards. We hold no Holy Grail in how the link of the very obvious tragedies surround us and the bleak future of environmental destruction with peoples increased understanding of the cause and the cure can be effectively made.We, like the TZM, can only do what we do, offering a solution which capitalist apologists cannot give.We both have also learned of NOT what to do and discovered the folly of imposing our ideas by minority force or by gradual increments in reforms. We can only caution those who return to failed strategies of the consequences of those past mistakes. This alone hinders our task in conveying our answer to capitalism. We have to keep re-stating what we are not instead of declaring what we are.Another thread informs us of the death of the Marxist theorist, István Mészáros, who added a caveat to the well-known dictum …" socialism or barbarism…if we are lucky."

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