Request for financial assistance from WSM comrade Kephas Mulenga

December 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Request for financial assistance from WSM comrade Kephas Mulenga

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    I have seen on SPintcom the last EC minutes report on a request for financial assistance from WSM member Kephas Mulenga.

    He has appealed for help with purchasing a computer in order to be able to keep up to date and in touch with fellow socialists as well as contributing to the cause.

    Given the fact the SPGB rules disallow funds to be sent abroad, an appeal for private donations has been put out.

    It wouldn't take much to get the lad what he needs. Even a small donation, say £10 from 30 party members/sympathisers would probably be enough. Suppose a few extra quid came in, an emergency fund could be set up for any such future requirements.

    Might not be a bad idea.

    steve colborn

    Got to agree with SP. A good way to spread the Socialist case. From each according to ability, to each according to need! It says it all. Steve.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Given the fact the SPGB rules disallow funds to be sent abroad

    Actually, it's not the rules as such but a Conference resolution that was passed in 2006:

    This Conference rules that the Party shall cease sending money grants to overseas groups or individuals, but shall continue to give every assistance to socialist activities abroad by way of printing and dispatching campaign material from Head Office.

    This was a surprise result in that most delegates spoke against it (after all, we are an internationalist party that stands for socialism on a world scale) but it was carried by a majority of members voting later, no doubt because the Party had been recently scammed out of money by groups in the Ukraine and in Uganda.We have already received some offers and will now have to work out the precise means of co-ordinating these and sending the money collected.


    Kephas Mulenga is a regular contributor to the African blog, Socialist Banner, such as this one. local insight into Zambian political affairs are always interesting.With a computer and a reliable internet provider i am sure he would be contributing even more and upon a wider array of subject.

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