Republic vs democracy vs anarchy

July 2024 Forums General discussion Republic vs democracy vs anarchy

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  • #125110
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    sorry it condradicts your narritive but humans have been fighting eachother forever. don't really know what to say. 

      Well maybe have a look at this thread CP and read the article by Brian Ferguson in particular  who is the world's premier expert on ancient warfare.  It might help you to change your mind. Warfare was more or less non existent more than 10,000 years ago Also have a look at this article which refutes your claim

    Bijou Drains
    John Pozzi wrote:
    The basis of economics, i.e., the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth is the product of nature – not labour. If money values natural resources people are free to play. Machines can labour.

    Try telling your fairy story to the tea planation workers in India mentioned in this story. inability to examine the world outside of your miniscule frame of reference is actually quite nauseating. We have you pontificating about your ridiculous daydream, whilst your fellow workers are starved to death while watching their children being prepared to be fed into the same meat grinder of capitalism. If you have any intellectual credibility, question the ridiculous nonsense you are propagating and find out about the real case for socialism. Tell them the machines can do the work and they can just play,

    Certain media outlets sole purpose is to shape public opinion instead of giving you the facts. this has been the case for a while.

    CP, don't try to teach your granny to suck eggs.The media has invariably had an agenda to push and fake news is not at all a modern thing.Read about Hearst and how his newspaper empire instigated the US/Spanish War that brought Cuba and the Philippines under the American wing. I was brought up with the American news narrative on the Vietnam War. Did you know that the exposure of the My Lai massacre was not broken by the thousands of reporters and journalists in Vietnam, but by a soldier writing a letter to his small hometown newspaper and the story being picked up by some Washington-based reporters. The local Vietnam reporters knew of many such atrocities and thought it so common that it was not worth bringing to the public's notice. And, of course there was the Iraq War and afterwards the media promises to scrutinise the government more but soon as the Libyan Air War begun, such pledges of fact-checking government claims were ignored…as they were when the Syrian Civil  War begunJohn Keracher, who you probably not heard of, wrote a pamphlet called the Head Fixing Industry in the 1930s Sinclair, who you probably do know of wrote the Brass Check.Sure it has not been the 100 days presidents usually have to prove their mettle, but how long will you wait, CP, before you begin to see that Trump is an oligarch/plutocrat and not some political savior. He has now appointed many of his cabinet and outlined some of his social policies which i have indicated they are not and have not been promoting the interests of the American people.I am not accusing Trump of being a fascist, but surely you recognise that some of his chosen advisors and grass-root supporters are neo-fascists. The rest who sympathise with Trump give legitimacy and cover for this very right-wing drift in the American political scene. A Robbo suggested, those who voted for Trump may well have been sincere in seeking a new type pf President, but will soon learn that it is the same old same same but with a different label and different advertising. Be assured though that those on this list do understand that Hilarity Clinton would be very much similar to Trump in not delivering election campaign promises and that Bernie Sanders would be thwarted by the establishment in trying to achieve his. But again, there is no American exceptionalism, this is happening all around the world – disillusionment with the political system…Duterte, Orban, Erdogan…and many many others…Find a scape-goat and promise the cure…and ignore civil rights, human rights and even  the nation's own laws. People think Trump is something new…that fake news is something new…nope…been there, seen it, got the tee-shirt.Hopefully, you can begin to see behind the curtain and see that the Wizard of Oz was just a carnival showman. 

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    John Pozzi wrote:
    The basis of economics, i.e., the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth is the product of nature – not labour. If money values natural resources people are free to play. Machines can labour.

    Try telling your fairy story to the tea planation workers in India mentioned in this story. inability to examine the world outside of your miniscule frame of reference is actually quite nauseating. We have you pontificating about your ridiculous daydream, whilst your fellow workers are starved to death while watching their children being prepared to be fed into the same meat grinder of capitalism. If you have any intellectual credibility, question the ridiculous nonsense you are propagating and find out about the real case for socialism. Tell them the machines can do the work and they can just play,

    And children who  are slaves making toys for other children and. Working in the sugar cane plantations cutting cane with machetes and mochas which is very dangerous job. Pro life evangelical love children when they inside thei mother belly but hate them when they are outside. The stupid nationalists reject when they are refugee running away from the horros of capitalism. All these capitalism lovers should be writting poems to cover the horros of the profit system. 


    Yes, CP, you do have a president who is , as you say, looking out for your interests.So maybe you can explain this to us.Loan sharks, payday lenders and rogue debt collectors could be given carte blanche to rip off American customers as part of a touted shake up of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Randy Neugebauer, considered the favourite to replace the current director of the CFPB, is leading calls for the agency in its current form to be dismantled and his appointment to lead it would likely see the watchdog lose much of its clout. He claimed American consumers should be free to choose loans and mortgages, regardless of whether the deals on offer were good or bad.   Neugebauer, who represented west Texas’s 19th congressional district, also voiced his support for payday lenders, despite a lack of transparency and often crippling rates of interest that have led to calls for them to be banned. He also gave his backing to the President’s executive order calling for a review of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulations, saying rules designed to curb the riskiest actions of banks before the financial crisis had been an overreaction.Once more, how can you defend your belief that Trump is on "our" side when everything he is doing shows otherwise. You now know with more analysis from the neutral CBO that the new healthcare plan will leave millions with no cover and paying more for what they get under it. Hoe can you continually take the Trump rhetoric at its face value?

    John Pozzi

    Alan,For a balanced democratic world economy network 


    Johnfor a society based on  voluntary association and free access to all goods and services and therefore no need for banks or money,  See

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Yes, CP, you do have a president who is , as you say, looking out for your interests.So maybe you can explain this to us.Loan sharks, payday lenders and rogue debt collectors could be given carte blanche to rip off American customers as part of a touted shake up of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Randy Neugebauer, considered the favourite to replace the current director of the CFPB, is leading calls for the agency in its current form to be dismantled and his appointment to lead it would likely see the watchdog lose much of its clout. He claimed American consumers should be free to choose loans and mortgages, regardless of whether the deals on offer were good or bad.   Neugebauer, who represented west Texas’s 19th congressional district, also voiced his support for payday lenders, despite a lack of transparency and often crippling rates of interest that have led to calls for them to be banned. He also gave his backing to the President’s executive order calling for a review of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulations, saying rules designed to curb the riskiest actions of banks before the financial crisis had been an overreaction.Once more, how can you defend your belief that Trump is on "our" side when everything he is doing shows otherwise. You now know with more analysis from the neutral CBO that the new healthcare plan will leave millions with no cover and paying more for what they get under it. Hoe can you continually take the Trump rhetoric at its face value?

     It is like the so called repeal on the ACA ( Affordable Care Act ) it is just a tax cut on the rich people including the president himself. If workers do not understand that the real taxpayers are the capitalists they would not understand that  medicaid extension is financed with surplus value. Workers do not finance the state, it is just an economic fallacy. Roosevelt imposed a 70% tax rate on the capitalsits

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Certain media outlets sole purpose is to shape public opinion instead of giving you the facts. this has been the case for a while.

    CP, don't try to teach your granny to suck eggs.The media has invariably had an agenda to push and fake news is not at all a modern thing.Read about Hearst and how his newspaper empire instigated the US/Spanish War that brought Cuba and the Philippines under the American wing. I was brought up with the American news narrative on the Vietnam War. Did you know that the exposure of the My Lai massacre was not broken by the thousands of reporters and journalists in Vietnam, but by a soldier writing a letter to his small hometown newspaper and the story being picked up by some Washington-based reporters. The local Vietnam reporters knew of many such atrocities and thought it so common that it was not worth bringing to the public's notice. And, of course there was the Iraq War and afterwards the media promises to scrutinise the government more but soon as the Libyan Air War begun, such pledges of fact-checking government claims were ignored…as they were when the Syrian Civil  War begunJohn Keracher, who you probably not heard of, wrote a pamphlet called the Head Fixing Industry in the 1930s Sinclair, who you probably do know of wrote the Brass Check.Sure it has not been the 100 days presidents usually have to prove their mettle, but how long will you wait, CP, before you begin to see that Trump is an oligarch/plutocrat and not some political savior. He has now appointed many of his cabinet and outlined some of his social policies which i have indicated they are not and have not been promoting the interests of the American people.I am not accusing Trump of being a fascist, but surely you recognise that some of his chosen advisors and grass-root supporters are neo-fascists. The rest who sympathise with Trump give legitimacy and cover for this very right-wing drift in the American political scene. A Robbo suggested, those who voted for Trump may well have been sincere in seeking a new type pf President, but will soon learn that it is the same old same same but with a different label and different advertising. Be assured though that those on this list do understand that Hilarity Clinton would be very much similar to Trump in not delivering election campaign promises and that Bernie Sanders would be thwarted by the establishment in trying to achieve his. But again, there is no American exceptionalism, this is happening all around the world – disillusionment with the political system…Duterte, Orban, Erdogan…and many many others…Find a scape-goat and promise the cure…and ignore civil rights, human rights and even  the nation's own laws. People think Trump is something new…that fake news is something new…nope…been there, seen it, got the tee-shirt.Hopefully, you can begin to see behind the curtain and see that the Wizard of Oz was just a carnival showman. 

    he's already delivered a month and a half into his presidency. got rid of tpp, south dakota pipeline is to be completed with american made steel, issued an exec order to prevent people from terror havans from coming into our country until we have a better vetting programs, numerous companies have reinvested into the usa because of what trump has said and what he was done so far like getting rid of unneeded regulations, taking out isis instead of playing with them and giving them money and weapons. why don't you read his 100 day plan for america to get a better perspective

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Yes, CP, you do have a president who is , as you say, looking out for your interests.So maybe you can explain this to us.Loan sharks, payday lenders and rogue debt collectors could be given carte blanche to rip off American customers as part of a touted shake up of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Randy Neugebauer, considered the favourite to replace the current director of the CFPB, is leading calls for the agency in its current form to be dismantled and his appointment to lead it would likely see the watchdog lose much of its clout. He claimed American consumers should be free to choose loans and mortgages, regardless of whether the deals on offer were good or bad.   Neugebauer, who represented west Texas’s 19th congressional district, also voiced his support for payday lenders, despite a lack of transparency and often crippling rates of interest that have led to calls for them to be banned. He also gave his backing to the President’s executive order calling for a review of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulations, saying rules designed to curb the riskiest actions of banks before the financial crisis had been an overreaction.Once more, how can you defend your belief that Trump is on "our" side when everything he is doing shows otherwise. You now know with more analysis from the neutral CBO that the new healthcare plan will leave millions with no cover and paying more for what they get under it. Hoe can you continually take the Trump rhetoric at its face value?

    you just want to demonize success and wealth, trump wants to embrace it and make everyone else wealthy too. so whats wrong with less bureaucracy and more free market? You will find that money spent privately is much more well spent then money spent by the government.the american health care act is probably not going to pass with many republicans calling it obama care lite and saying they will not support it. The insurance companies have their greedy little hands all over this bill though.


    Just to clarify, CP, you say "south dakota pipeline is to be completed with american made steel, –  Not true nor will the Keystone Pipeline which is to be revived be built with US steel his War against ISIS he is also contradicting his other promise of not getting involved in more foreign wars. Trump did what Obama didn't do…put boots into Yemen and into Syria, already one body-bag has returned.Those executive orders on entry to the US were defined as contraventions of the US constitution by Federal judges which you have defended as a inviolable principle and was by all neutral experts described as ill-judged and vague.Yes and many of those regulations Trump promises to be remove and bring back businesses is a race towards the bottom.I think my previous post fully explains to you that Trump put business before the American people and is setting up a replay of another financial crash.You probably don't rate him and believe he is the anti-Christ, the Devil Incarnate him this is Chomsky's opinion."Anti-establishment is kind of a joke," Chomsky concluded. "Take a look at Trump and take a look at who's appointed for the cabinet." Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, for example, "comes from Goldman Sachs, a major investment firm where he was for almost 20 years," Chomsky observed. "What's anti-establishment?" he asked. "This [cabinet] is drawing from the billionaire class, largely financial institutions, and military and so on; in fact, take a look at the stock market, that tells you how anti-establishment he is. As soon as Trump was elected, and since, stock values in financial institutions escalated to the sky," he said. Investors are "delighted he's going to eliminate regulations, let them make more profit; of course, it'll lead to another crash, but that's somebody else's problem. The taxpayers will take care of that." Chomsky is not the only one predicting a market crash. Even the right-leaning Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that "a revival in fortunes for hedge funds that trade across global assets, sparked by Donald Trump’s election victory, has hit trouble." "Wall Street hailed Trump's triumph on November 8 as the dawn of a pro-business, growth-spurring revolution," Shawn Tully, Fortune Magazine's senior editor-at-large, explained earlier this week. Vowing to roll back regulations, slash taxes and invest big in infrastructure, Trump created a rare post-election bull market.  However, Tully also warned that "given the high levels where stock prices stood pre-election, and the astounding run-up since then, investors have raised the bar for corporate performance so outrageously high that even if Trump does deliver on what he has promised, rich returns may still be out of reach." We come back here next year, CP, and see which of us as the more correct. 


    And on and on it goes ….Trump has selected yet another Goldman Sachs executive to fill a senior role in his administration, naming the firm's current managing director, James Donovan, to serve as deputy Treasury secretary.Donovan would be the sixth member of Trump's team with ties to Goldman, which was once described as "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."Donovan's now-boss, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, also worked at the investment bank. National Economic Council director Gary Cohn; White House senior counselor for economic initiatives Dina Powell; and chief strategist Steve Bannon also formerly held positions within the very institution that Trump pointed to on the campaign trail as a symbol of Wall Street corruption and greed. Jay Clayton, Trump's nominee to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), was a Goldman Sachs attorney.Draining the swamp…do you still believe that, CP, when Trump criticised Hilarity Clinton of giving speeches to Goldman Sachs but as he said…Jail Clinton was merely an election slogan not to be thought of as a election pledge to be carried out

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Just to clarify, CP, you say "south dakota pipeline is to be completed with american made steel, –  Not true nor will the Keystone Pipeline which is to be revived be built with US steel his War against ISIS he is also contradicting his other promise of not getting involved in more foreign wars. Trump did what Obama didn't do…put boots into Yemen and into Syria, already one body-bag has returned.Those executive orders on entry to the US were defined as contraventions of the US constitution by Federal judges which you have defended as a inviolable principle and was by all neutral experts described as ill-judged and vague.Yes and many of those regulations Trump promises to be remove and bring back businesses is a race towards the bottom.I think my previous post fully explains to you that Trump put business before the American people and is setting up a replay of another financial crash.You probably don't rate him and believe he is the anti-Christ, the Devil Incarnate him this is Chomsky's opinion.

    yea meant keystone.trump is sending troops small amounts of troops to take out isis strongholds instead of funding them through rouge states. Obama was an isis supporter and an extremist so don't make it seem like they are similar in that respect in any way. Debating whether this is the best approch is another thing.The exeuctive branch has complete control when it comes to immigration so long was it does not violate the constitution. the 9th circuite's decisions are overturned around 80% of the time by the supreme it doesn't, you just do not like trump because anyone who is successful in anyway is an evil capitalist. its sad really      <good interview of trump

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    And on and on it goes ….Trump has selected yet another Goldman Sachs executive to fill a senior role in his administration, naming the firm's current managing director, James Donovan, to serve as deputy Treasury secretary.Donovan would be the sixth member of Trump's team with ties to Goldman, which was once described as "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."Donovan's now-boss, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, also worked at the investment bank. National Economic Council director Gary Cohn; White House senior counselor for economic initiatives Dina Powell; and chief strategist Steve Bannon also formerly held positions within the very institution that Trump pointed to on the campaign trail as a symbol of Wall Street corruption and greed. Jay Clayton, Trump's nominee to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), was a Goldman Sachs attorney.Draining the swamp…do you still believe that, CP, when Trump criticised Hilarity Clinton of giving speeches to Goldman Sachs but as he said…Jail Clinton was merely an election slogan not to be thought of as a election pledge to be carried out

    so you believe if someone is from goldman they are not capable of doing a good job or carrying out trump's agenda? I'm sorry but this argument is just very beneath you

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