Republic vs democracy vs anarchy

July 2024 Forums General discussion Republic vs democracy vs anarchy

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 180 total)
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  • #125082
    Capitalist Pig
    Matt wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    robbo203 wrote:
    Just as a matter of interest, does this mean then that you oppose the concept of democracy altogether?

    He says elsewhere he is a fan of Marie Le Pen.

    who is now in the process of being jailed for criticizing ISIS

    How upsetting. A product of your rule of capitalist Law. Oh blessed martydom awaits her. So what? "On the legal affairs committee, 18 MEPs voted to lift immunity, three opposed and no one abstained.Under French law, the maximum penalty for distributing violent images is three years in prison and a fine of up to €75,000 (£64,000)".What does a power struggle between rival capitalist parties for the purpose of gaining government over the workers, have to do with us, who advocate getting rid of these enforcers of capitalist exploitation and running  of a free access society by the workers self organised to get rid of class exploitation.I merely cited an example of your support for a fascist totalitarian type, 'smack of firm governance', but you weep and wail when it is imposed upon your favourites.

    you truly disgust me

    Capitalist Pig
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    robbo203 wrote:
    Just as a matter of interest, does this mean then that you oppose the concept of democracy altogether?

    He says elsewhere he is a fan of Marie Le Pen.

    who is now in the process of being jailed for criticizing ISIS

    Those are not the real facts, or you do not know what you are talking about.  They removed her parliamentary inmunity because she was publishing violence picture of ISIS, and under the capitalist law of France, that is prohibited with the penalty of being taken to prison or the imposition of a heavy fine.The main problem of France is not ISIS, it is only a distraction, the real problem is capitalism, and it has been discovered that the terrorists attacks made in France have been committed by the same terrorists that they have trained, andf they want those terrorists  actions to be committed to have excuses to continue the war in the Middle East, and  to produce fear within the French populationIf they are going to publish pictures of violence, they also should publish the pictures of the atrocities and fascists acts committed by the Westerrn Powerr and the USA in Iraq, where they dropped depleted uranium, mini nukes,  and millions of bombs against the population, and they destroyed everthing, and more than 1.5 millions people were killed, and there are children that are born without legs, without arms, and with cancer , leukemia, with large tumors due to atomic radiation.  They have also dropped bombs on hospitals, actions that were not effected  by the German Nazi in WWII, the terrorists attacks of the western power in Iraq are  worst than the terrorist attacks made in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where a whole population of inocent peoples were used to scierntific atomic experiments, and they have dropped more bombs than during WWIIISIS is their product, produced by the wars in the Middle East, and they have used ISIS in order to carry their criminals acts to overthrow goverments, to make war against the goverment that do not support them, , and to overthrow leaders like they did in Lybia, and many young peoples have joint ISIS because many of their relatives have been killed, and the leaders of ISIS have used that excuse to obtain more membership. They whole middle east is a mess produced by the USA and the Western powers and the real intention is petroleum, minerals and opiumThe army of ISIS has been financed by the Western Power and the USA goverment, even more, many report have shown that the amount of attacks made against ISIS is only a lie, they have only destroyed those members of ISIS who have opposed their own creator, like in Benghazi, where the US embassy was a nest of terrorists and criminals, and some groups of terrorists attacked the embassyThese are only fight between bandits of capitalism trying to take control of the state and the economy in detriment of the working class, and to impose neo-fascists, and neo-Nazis agenda, who ever support them, can also support the Italian Fascists and the German Nazis

    nice conspirecy theory. her immunity has been removed from the EU because she criticized ISIS by esposing their atrocities but according to you, thats ok! who needs free elections just jail those who you disagree with. You have sunk to a new low by saying such things. The real problem isn't ISIS so just let them keep raping and killing people in the name of allah? You are so blinded by your ideology you can't see the light of day, if a terrorist murdered someone right in front of you I bet you would look the other way and blame capitalism. Just disgusting.Obama did fund and support isis though, the millitary rebeled and ended up bombing the shit out of them near the end of his administration.

    Capitalist Pig

    I didn't think anyone on this forum would defend isis or the overthrow of free elections. I am done


    No one is condoning ISIS, CP,  but the SPGB and many of its members have been around for a very long time and we do know that ISIS crimes are much the same as committed by others in the past, and will be the same as will occur in the future.ISIS and like-minded Islamists are not an unique phenomena. You are right that we do not consider ISIS as the "real" problem" but as more a symptom of the capitalist system's constant misery and horror.Maybe our weakness is that we have grown too accustomed to the brutality of capitalism because we see it everywhere we look in one shape or form. Perhaps, you might not be very wrong in describing us as fatalists when it comes to crimes of the capitalists. We expect it and we are rarely if ever proved wrong.Remember the Contra's, killing and raping and torturing of Catholic nuns in Nicaragua but described by the then US president as freedom fighters and provided with money and weapons?What about what is happening right now in Myanmar against the Muslim minority, in the name of the Buddha?You know i could go on giving examples and offering comparisons and similarities.People are being murdered right before your eyes but you, too, look the other way, CP, or is Black Lives Matter wrong in alleging that many US police get away with murder, whether the figure is one, a hundred, or a thousand, is irrelevant.I personally don't think Marine Le Pen is that very different for some ruling EU political leaders. Viktor Orban, for instance. But when political gangsters fall out amongst themselves in their power grabs, why should i really care. 

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    I didn't think anyone on this forum would defend isis or the overthrow of free elections. I am done

    Save your mock disgust and sham emotionalism for impressionable others… You can not argue against socialism working without introducing some version of the 'human nature' argument to justify government over the people and the retention of some kind of state control.Your support of Le Pen is a sympton of your own slavishness and gulliblity. You are walking into the same trap the Islamisist recruiters set for their supporters and will be dispensed with by your leaders as soon as expediency calls.

    Capitalist Pig

    it was just disturbing to see people flock not to defend the french canidate that is being silenced by the EU, but instead saying she deserved what she got because she is a 'capitalist'. hypocritical to me. Then saying isis is no big deal because umm…capitalism. It was just very appauling to read thatblack lives matter is a leftist organization funded by george soros. they burn buildings, riot in the street, and call for the death of police officers. why would any person support what they do? I say they are the classic definition of domestic terrorismits just weird to see people on this forum that advocate for 'complete democracy' say nothing against this. So if your agenda can't be passed with democracy will it just become inconvienent and abandoned? double think

    Capitalist Pig
    Matt wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    I didn't think anyone on this forum would defend isis or the overthrow of free elections. I am done

    Save your mock disgust and sham emotionalism for impressionable others… You can not argue against socialism working without introducing some version of the 'human nature' argument to justify government over the people and the retention of some kind of state control.Your support of Le Pen is a sympton of your own slavishness and gulliblity. You are walking into the same trap the Islamisist recruiters set for their supporters and will be dispensed with by your leaders as soon as expediency calls.

    emotionalism…why do you guys have to end everything with 'ism'?


    Here is some rebuffs to your claim that Soros is funding BLM  UK analysis of Soros "philanthropy" analysis of his political financing which i think shows the extreme danger of the path you are going down, CP (forgive the length of the extract but i think you should read it all very carefully.)

    If there’s one thing Right loves to throw around, it’s the idea that George Soros is behind any sort of social movement, organized protest, or dissent in general against the status-quo. This is something that is held dear by all parts of the far-Right and even the center right-wing. It seeks to make sense of popular struggles and dismiss them as simply the work of people who are paid off by an evil financial capitalist. The myth has links back to anti-Semitic works such as the original fake news piece, The Protocols of Zion, and Soros being Jewish only adds icing to the far-Right’s cake. Moreover, it also side steps the issue of the very real stranglehold that non-profits and foundation money does play in resistance movements, which is negative, that seeks to channel social movements back into politics and the State, as opposed to building autonomous power on a community level…Because Soros does have expansive wealth, donates to what the far-Right describes as “left-wing” groups such as (a front for the Democratic Party), the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and (a large liberal non-profit), along with Democratic career politicians, on top of coming from a Jewish background, those on the Right love to use the image of Soros as a wealthy Jewish elitist to further a wide range of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and in the eyes of the far-Right, every riot, strike, occupation, and disruption ultimately has one man behind it: Soros…this reduction of struggle, dissent, and unrest boils down complex situations into easy solutions; and Soros as a wealthy Jew makes an easy devil for the far-Right…For instance, during the fall of 2014, the far-Right again used the myth of Soros to claim that he was behind the Ferguson riots, and paid people tens of millions of protesters to “riot” in the wake of police murder of Mike Brown, Jr. Later, as black insurgency spread to Baltimore, the far-Right again pushed the line that Soros was bank-rolling the Black Lives Matter movement, which many on the Right simply equated part and parcel with the self-organized uprisings that were organically coming from the black community itselves. As the Movement for Black Lives (in many ways the “official” Black Lives Matter organization) tried to reign in the expanding movement that was becoming more and more militant, it also became awash in grants from the Ford Foundation as Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Not surprisingly, some of the leaders of the official organizations of Black Lives Matter, and its push for policy reforms, Campaign Zero, and ended up endorsing Clinton.For those on the far-Right, this is evidence that the entire movement was itself funded by Soros, and that the rebellions, protests, mass organizing, and uprisings were all his doing. But what this really shows is that wealthy liberals and powerful non-profits were trying to bring popular and self-organized movements back into politics; to smother them of any revolutionary potential. For instance, in a recent article on Left Voice by Julia Wallace and Juan Ferre argues that this relationship between wealthy donors (like Soros) and non-profits actually moved revolt out of the streets and back into more ‘acceptable forms’… In short, Soros along with a host of other wealthy and powerful liberals were part of a push to pacify and contain Black Lives Matter and bring it back into the Democratic Party, but had nothing to do with “funding riots,” as the far-Right likes to imagine. The elites that attempt to control social movements with money want them to be political not disruptive…the myth of Soros and the globalists is helpful to the far-Right because quite simply it explains why people revolt; for the Right, it’s simple: they are paid to and on their own, are too dumb or incapable of organizing anything. This myth goes back to the anti-Semitic and racist views of old, and the anti-communist lines held by the John Birch Society that a select group of puppet masters are playing the good workers and poor in an elaborate scheme for world domination…the Right has a direct and real need to explain why revolt comes out of human communities because by attacking and discrediting it, it makes itself appear to be revolutionary and at the forefront of a worldwide struggle against “globalism” and overall, justifies themselves taking State power (or supporting it). This combination of dismissal of the capacity of human beings to run their own affairs and struggles, especially the poor and the colonized, while at the same time valorizing one’s own need to rule over those people, runs throughout both the authoritarian Left and the Right, and should recognized as the filth that it is and attacked., what do you think is the more reasonable and rational analysis of Soros…the one you are repeating…or the above? 

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    I didn't think anyone on this forum would defend isis or the overthrow of free elections. I am done

     Actually if I had to pick any one particular development in recent years that has been more damaging to the socialist cause it would be the emergence of ISIS.  It has contributed to the wave of bigoted, national chauvinistic populism that you yourself seem to be riding CP, with your defence of opportinist career  politicians like Le PenThat apart, it  is just too ridiculous for words to suggest anyone on this forum would "defend isis or the overthrow of free elections".  Hitler was voted into power, Does that mean we are barred from criticisng the abhorrent Nazi regime?. In any event I thought you said you were opposed to democratic decisionmakong. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?


    He is flailing about, introducing red herrings, rather than address the arguments with which others have countered his fascistic justification of the continuation of repression vested in a state.I thought you were going to leave in disgust.

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    Matt wrote:
    robbo203 wrote:
    Just as a matter of interest, does this mean then that you oppose the concept of democracy altogether?

    He says elsewhere he is a fan of Marie Le Pen.

    who is now in the process of being jailed for criticizing ISIS

    Those are not the real facts, or you do not know what you are talking about.  They removed her parliamentary inmunity because she was publishing violence picture of ISIS, and under the capitalist law of France, that is prohibited with the penalty of being taken to prison or the imposition of a heavy fine.The main problem of France is not ISIS, it is only a distraction, the real problem is capitalism, and it has been discovered that the terrorists attacks made in France have been committed by the same terrorists that they have trained, andf they want those terrorists  actions to be committed to have excuses to continue the war in the Middle East, and  to produce fear within the French populationIf they are going to publish pictures of violence, they also should publish the pictures of the atrocities and fascists acts committed by the Westerrn Powerr and the USA in Iraq, where they dropped depleted uranium, mini nukes,  and millions of bombs against the population, and they destroyed everthing, and more than 1.5 millions people were killed, and there are children that are born without legs, without arms, and with cancer , leukemia, with large tumors due to atomic radiation.  They have also dropped bombs on hospitals, actions that were not effected  by the German Nazi in WWII, the terrorists attacks of the western power in Iraq are  worst than the terrorist attacks made in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where a whole population of inocent peoples were used to scierntific atomic experiments, and they have dropped more bombs than during WWIIISIS is their product, produced by the wars in the Middle East, and they have used ISIS in order to carry their criminals acts to overthrow goverments, to make war against the goverment that do not support them, , and to overthrow leaders like they did in Lybia, and many young peoples have joint ISIS because many of their relatives have been killed, and the leaders of ISIS have used that excuse to obtain more membership. They whole middle east is a mess produced by the USA and the Western powers and the real intention is petroleum, minerals and opiumThe army of ISIS has been financed by the Western Power and the USA goverment, even more, many report have shown that the amount of attacks made against ISIS is only a lie, they have only destroyed those members of ISIS who have opposed their own creator, like in Benghazi, where the US embassy was a nest of terrorists and criminals, and some groups of terrorists attacked the embassyThese are only fight between bandits of capitalism trying to take control of the state and the economy in detriment of the working class, and to impose neo-fascists, and neo-Nazis agenda, who ever support them, can also support the Italian Fascists and the German Nazis

    nice conspirecy theory. her immunity has been removed from the EU because she criticized ISIS by esposing their atrocities but according to you, thats ok! who needs free elections just jail those who you disagree with. You have sunk to a new low by saying such things. The real problem isn't ISIS so just let them keep raping and killing people in the name of allah? You are so blinded by your ideology you can't see the light of day, if a terrorist murdered someone right in front of you I bet you would look the other way and blame capitalism. Just disgusting.Obama did fund and support isis though, the millitary rebeled and ended up bombing the shit out of them near the end of his administration.

    Now you call conspiracy theory the same laws that you have been defending, or what is known as the capitalist legal system. This is not a matter of legality, illegality, or conspiracy, these are strugles between bandits of capitalism.  I can sink  lower ( repeating the expression of you Caesar ) . I can say that the problem of the world and the USA is not Donald Trump either , it is the economical system that he represents, and the ruling class that is behind  every president, and every president has his or her own boss.Obama is not the only president of the US who had financed terrorists and criminals, the first terrorist was George Washington and the trend has continued until the present time, and also he is not acting like an individual, he is just following the law of market which is the real root of wars, there is not president or politician able to change the law of marketRonald Reagan supported and financed Al Qaeda, and they were called the freedom fighter, and the Nicaragua Contra which were a groups of terrorists  financed with drugs  by the goverment of Ronald Regan, and the Kosovo freedom fighter were supported by the organized crime and the western powers, they also made alliance with the Sicilian Mafia to invade Italy during WWII.  

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Here is some rebuffs to your claim that Soros is funding BLM  UK analysis of Soros "philanthropy" analysis of his political financing which i think shows the extreme danger of the path you are going down, CP (forgive the length of the extract but i think you should read it all very carefully.)

    If there’s one thing Right loves to throw around, it’s the idea that George Soros is behind any sort of social movement, organized protest, or dissent in general against the status-quo. This is something that is held dear by all parts of the far-Right and even the center right-wing. It seeks to make sense of popular struggles and dismiss them as simply the work of people who are paid off by an evil financial capitalist. The myth has links back to anti-Semitic works such as the original fake news piece, The Protocols of Zion, and Soros being Jewish only adds icing to the far-Right’s cake. Moreover, it also side steps the issue of the very real stranglehold that non-profits and foundation money does play in resistance movements, which is negative, that seeks to channel social movements back into politics and the State, as opposed to building autonomous power on a community level…Because Soros does have expansive wealth, donates to what the far-Right describes as “left-wing” groups such as (a front for the Democratic Party), the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and (a large liberal non-profit), along with Democratic career politicians, on top of coming from a Jewish background, those on the Right love to use the image of Soros as a wealthy Jewish elitist to further a wide range of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and in the eyes of the far-Right, every riot, strike, occupation, and disruption ultimately has one man behind it: Soros…this reduction of struggle, dissent, and unrest boils down complex situations into easy solutions; and Soros as a wealthy Jew makes an easy devil for the far-Right…For instance, during the fall of 2014, the far-Right again used the myth of Soros to claim that he was behind the Ferguson riots, and paid people tens of millions of protesters to “riot” in the wake of police murder of Mike Brown, Jr. Later, as black insurgency spread to Baltimore, the far-Right again pushed the line that Soros was bank-rolling the Black Lives Matter movement, which many on the Right simply equated part and parcel with the self-organized uprisings that were organically coming from the black community itselves. As the Movement for Black Lives (in many ways the “official” Black Lives Matter organization) tried to reign in the expanding movement that was becoming more and more militant, it also became awash in grants from the Ford Foundation as Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Not surprisingly, some of the leaders of the official organizations of Black Lives Matter, and its push for policy reforms, Campaign Zero, and ended up endorsing Clinton.For those on the far-Right, this is evidence that the entire movement was itself funded by Soros, and that the rebellions, protests, mass organizing, and uprisings were all his doing. But what this really shows is that wealthy liberals and powerful non-profits were trying to bring popular and self-organized movements back into politics; to smother them of any revolutionary potential. For instance, in a recent article on Left Voice by Julia Wallace and Juan Ferre argues that this relationship between wealthy donors (like Soros) and non-profits actually moved revolt out of the streets and back into more ‘acceptable forms’… In short, Soros along with a host of other wealthy and powerful liberals were part of a push to pacify and contain Black Lives Matter and bring it back into the Democratic Party, but had nothing to do with “funding riots,” as the far-Right likes to imagine. The elites that attempt to control social movements with money want them to be political not disruptive…the myth of Soros and the globalists is helpful to the far-Right because quite simply it explains why people revolt; for the Right, it’s simple: they are paid to and on their own, are too dumb or incapable of organizing anything. This myth goes back to the anti-Semitic and racist views of old, and the anti-communist lines held by the John Birch Society that a select group of puppet masters are playing the good workers and poor in an elaborate scheme for world domination…the Right has a direct and real need to explain why revolt comes out of human communities because by attacking and discrediting it, it makes itself appear to be revolutionary and at the forefront of a worldwide struggle against “globalism” and overall, justifies themselves taking State power (or supporting it). This combination of dismissal of the capacity of human beings to run their own affairs and struggles, especially the poor and the colonized, while at the same time valorizing one’s own need to rule over those people, runs throughout both the authoritarian Left and the Right, and should recognized as the filth that it is and attacked., what do you think is the more reasonable and rational analysis of Soros…the one you are repeating…or the above? 

    When peoples do not have any political knowledge or argumentations they will hold themselves to a burning nail. We have read so many false argumentations made by the far rights that  they will even accuse the capitalist class themselves, similar to the argumentation that Barack Obama is a communist instead of saying that he is one of the best servant of the US capitalism. We have read about Karl Marx being financed by the Rothschild in order to write Capital, we have read about the financing of the Black Panther by rich peoples, the feminist movement being financed by the Rockefeller family,  and so forThe new claim is that the new Pope was placed in Rome by Soros. The things is that the Pople has indicated that he is against Populism, Walls, Neo-Fascism, Neo-Nazism, and he has asked Catholic to protect and different the immigrants. What ever reasons they have, there is nothing wrong with that, even if it is coming from a religious center as the Vatican. This guy Soros is all over the map, but all these ideas have been propagated by White supremacists and anti-semiteAs you have said in other message, many members of the SPGB/WSM have been around for many years, and we have read and seen so many things that there is not any amateur that can come to us with fairy tales. Some of us started very young, and have been around for more than 40 or 50 years in the cause of the working class. We do know what we are talking about.Our principles have been laid down for more than 100 years, why the hell are we going to provide support to any capitalist leader, to any capitlist state, or to provide support to terrorists, nationalists, patriots, neo=nazis, and neo-fascists, when we even rejected WWI, WWII and preferred to go to jail instead of killing our class brother, we do not even listen to the fairy tales of Vladimir lenin and Joseph Stalin, and Lenin was a tremendous theoriticians, and we cleaned the floors with his flase theories.Any person that comes to this forum should know that this is a socialist forum, and we do not support any capitalist crap, and we do not guide ourselves by the bourgoise ideology, our critical method of analisis is the materialist conception of history, we do not pray to leaders, or presidents, capitalist parties, or parties of poverty,  or political candidates. We only have one program: Socialism, and nothing else. That is our historical missions. 

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Here is some rebuffs to your claim that Soros is funding BLM  UK analysis of Soros "philanthropy" analysis of his political financing which i think shows the extreme danger of the path you are going down, CP (forgive the length of the extract but i think you should read it all very carefully.)

    If there’s one thing Right loves to throw around, it’s the idea that George Soros is behind any sort of social movement, organized protest, or dissent in general against the status-quo. This is something that is held dear by all parts of the far-Right and even the center right-wing. It seeks to make sense of popular struggles and dismiss them as simply the work of people who are paid off by an evil financial capitalist. The myth has links back to anti-Semitic works such as the original fake news piece, The Protocols of Zion, and Soros being Jewish only adds icing to the far-Right’s cake. Moreover, it also side steps the issue of the very real stranglehold that non-profits and foundation money does play in resistance movements, which is negative, that seeks to channel social movements back into politics and the State, as opposed to building autonomous power on a community level…Because Soros does have expansive wealth, donates to what the far-Right describes as “left-wing” groups such as (a front for the Democratic Party), the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and (a large liberal non-profit), along with Democratic career politicians, on top of coming from a Jewish background, those on the Right love to use the image of Soros as a wealthy Jewish elitist to further a wide range of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and in the eyes of the far-Right, every riot, strike, occupation, and disruption ultimately has one man behind it: Soros…this reduction of struggle, dissent, and unrest boils down complex situations into easy solutions; and Soros as a wealthy Jew makes an easy devil for the far-Right…For instance, during the fall of 2014, the far-Right again used the myth of Soros to claim that he was behind the Ferguson riots, and paid people tens of millions of protesters to “riot” in the wake of police murder of Mike Brown, Jr. Later, as black insurgency spread to Baltimore, the far-Right again pushed the line that Soros was bank-rolling the Black Lives Matter movement, which many on the Right simply equated part and parcel with the self-organized uprisings that were organically coming from the black community itselves. As the Movement for Black Lives (in many ways the “official” Black Lives Matter organization) tried to reign in the expanding movement that was becoming more and more militant, it also became awash in grants from the Ford Foundation as Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Not surprisingly, some of the leaders of the official organizations of Black Lives Matter, and its push for policy reforms, Campaign Zero, and ended up endorsing Clinton.For those on the far-Right, this is evidence that the entire movement was itself funded by Soros, and that the rebellions, protests, mass organizing, and uprisings were all his doing. But what this really shows is that wealthy liberals and powerful non-profits were trying to bring popular and self-organized movements back into politics; to smother them of any revolutionary potential. For instance, in a recent article on Left Voice by Julia Wallace and Juan Ferre argues that this relationship between wealthy donors (like Soros) and non-profits actually moved revolt out of the streets and back into more ‘acceptable forms’… In short, Soros along with a host of other wealthy and powerful liberals were part of a push to pacify and contain Black Lives Matter and bring it back into the Democratic Party, but had nothing to do with “funding riots,” as the far-Right likes to imagine. The elites that attempt to control social movements with money want them to be political not disruptive…the myth of Soros and the globalists is helpful to the far-Right because quite simply it explains why people revolt; for the Right, it’s simple: they are paid to and on their own, are too dumb or incapable of organizing anything. This myth goes back to the anti-Semitic and racist views of old, and the anti-communist lines held by the John Birch Society that a select group of puppet masters are playing the good workers and poor in an elaborate scheme for world domination…the Right has a direct and real need to explain why revolt comes out of human communities because by attacking and discrediting it, it makes itself appear to be revolutionary and at the forefront of a worldwide struggle against “globalism” and overall, justifies themselves taking State power (or supporting it). This combination of dismissal of the capacity of human beings to run their own affairs and struggles, especially the poor and the colonized, while at the same time valorizing one’s own need to rule over those people, runs throughout both the authoritarian Left and the Right, and should recognized as the filth that it is and attacked., what do you think is the more reasonable and rational analysis of Soros…the one you are repeating…or the above? 

    you know that those sites are left wing propoganda outlets so don't pretend that everything said in them is true. He and his organizations openly gives millions of dollars to far left groups. that is a fact. Instead of posting an entire article in your comment to try to 'debunk' what i say do your own research.

    Capitalist Pig
    robbo203 wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    I didn't think anyone on this forum would defend isis or the overthrow of free elections. I am done

     Actually if I had to pick any one particular development in recent years that has been more damaging to the socialist cause it would be the emergence of ISIS.  It has contributed to the wave of bigoted, national chauvinistic populism that you yourself seem to be riding CP, with your defence of opportinist career  politicians like Le PenThat apart, it  is just too ridiculous for words to suggest anyone on this forum would "defend isis or the overthrow of free elections".  Hitler was voted into power, Does that mean we are barred from criticisng the abhorrent Nazi regime?. In any event I thought you said you were opposed to democratic decisionmakong. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?

    sorry for the outburst im just so sick of people making it like isis is a huge victim and america is the birthplace of all that is evil. I know you don't support isis sorry dude.

    Capitalist Pig
    Matt wrote:
    He is flailing about, introducing red herrings, rather than address the arguments with which others have countered his fascistic justification of the continuation of repression vested in a state.I thought you were going to leave in disgust.

    if you aren't going to contribute anything then leave

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