Religious Believers in London

July 2024 Forums General discussion Religious Believers in London

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    Church of Latter Day Socialists

    I have a vague recall that there was once a journal called the Mormon Worker


    An interesting article on the depiction of Jesus the Christ as a Westerner, but, of course you may be a mythicist and don’t believe he even ever existed.


    One bloke saw his likeness in a pile of vomit and from that miraculous day to this has never been sober.


    No doubt most people on this forum have had Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on the door. Last time a pair came round, for a split second we hit common ground. One of them thrust a leaflet under my nose and the conversation went something like this:

    JW: Some people think the world is getting better, some think it’s getting worse and some think it’s about the same. What do you think?

    Me: I think the world would be a far better place if we abolished the capitalist system and established a world where all resources are held in common.

    JW (glancing at his mate): Well, I think we could go along with that.

    Me: Well, you need to join the World Socialist Movement then.

    JW: Ah well, we’re Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Me: I also disagree with all forms of religion.

    Whereupon they scuttled off.




    The JW vision of future society as expressed in their leaflets starts off well saying that there is no need for anyone to go hungry or live in slums etc. True of course and we can agree with that. But then they go on to exaggerate and say that no one will get ill or that nobody will die.


    Banning the Bible!

    The Catholic Church made a submission to MSPs on Holyrood’s Justice Committee, who have been tasked with scrutinising the reforms.

    The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland said: “Any new law must be carefully weighed against fundamental freedoms, such as the right to free speech, freedom of expression and freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”

    With section five of the legislation creating an offence of possessing inflammatory material, they fear the “low threshold” in the proposed new laws “could render material such as the Bible … as being inflammatory under the new provision”.


    Maybe they’ll stop giving it to castaways on Desert Island Discs.


    It’s hardly surprising people are still running to religion – opium of the people and all that – in such oppressive times (I don’t mean just the virus). It’s a way of feeling better – when they can see no alternative but to hang around until they get to heaven….

    There’ a great song by Dick Gaughan Stand up for Judas – if anyone thinks the ‘teachings’ of Jesus are akin to Socialism!



    Jesus the revolutionary is often the portrait made of him, JohnD, based mostly on his promotion of the “golden rule”, an ethical code that pre-dated him in Judaism and in variously repeated in many other cultures, far and wide.

    There is a Gospel of Judas,not%20by%20Judas%2C%20since%20it%20contains%20late-2nd-century%20theology.

    Appreciate you drawing attention to the song.

    Leon Rosselson has another version



    Alan… I didn’t realise Rosselson wrote it – thanks for the link.

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