Religion and Socialist Society

July 2024 Forums General discussion Religion and Socialist Society

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  • #129237

    The solution is easy, Just fill out the application for membership. We have had members who had religious beliefs when the two ideological realities confronted each other, they decided what to do.  Historical Materialism and Idealism cannot be conjugated like a verb


    Here is an older article (1908) dealing with the same question. In it you can see the opportunistic uses religion is put to.

    Hud955 wrote:

    "The WSM parties wish to maintain a materialist understanding within the organisation. It therefore makes sense to exclude people who might want to change that"Okay,  I can understand that reasoning."The experience of history is that democratic organisation that have a reformist as well as a revolutionary programme soon get taken over by reformists who at this present time far outnumber those whose class consciousness is revolutionary.  "What do you personally think would happen if people of "loose" religious beliefs became a majority in the SPGB?


    I am concerned about the prospects of establishing Socialism internationally. Religion has a strong hold on people in large parts of the world. It might be very difficult to convince, say, the average Egyptian to not only be in favor of Socialism, but to make him an atheist as  well. The purpose of my original post was to see if we really have to make the world population atheistic before we can bring about Socialism.

    Sympo wrote:
    The purpose of my original post was to see if we really have to make the world population atheistic before we can bring about Socialism.


    gnome wrote:
    Sympo wrote:
    The purpose of my original post was to see if we really have to make the world population atheistic before we can bring about Socialism.


    Most atheists love capitalism. Nobody needs a PHD in Physics to become an atheists, and nobody needs a PHD in Philosophy, Politics, or Economics to understand socialism. The critique to religion is the critique to capitalism, and the critique to capitalism is the critique to religion. Only 15% of the Russsian population were atheists because the conditions that motivated the existence of religion never disappeared from the Russian society. The Russians leaders were atheists who supported capitalism. Most members of the so called liberation theology they have raised valid critique against capialism, and they are not atheists, but their main objective is to reform the capitalist society, and to reduce poverty with charity. Poverty is wage slavery

    gnome wrote:

    Now when you say no…Do you mean that we need the majority of humanity to become both socialist and atheist, or do you mean that we don't need an atheist population in order to create a socialist society? Or do you mean something else?

    Sympo wrote:
    gnome wrote:

    Now when you say no…Do you mean that we need the majority of humanity to become both socialist and atheist, or do you mean that we don't need an atheist population in order to create a socialist society? Or do you mean something else?

    We don't need a majority atheist population in order to achieve socialism although the still relatively small socialist movement restricts its membership to atheists.

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