Question for Tanmanjeet Singh, Diane Abbott and David Lammy et al

September 2024 Forums General discussion Question for Tanmanjeet Singh, Diane Abbott and David Lammy et al

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  • #190093

    I watched PMQs. And much of Tanmanjeet Singh speech.

    I have made the point on Twitter in tweets  to  Labour MPs, Diane Abbott and David Lammy. I think Johnson reply has a valid point , he won’t take lectures (on racism) from Labour! But not for the reason he thinks!

    Labour was seen as  pro immigration. Which led to leading Labour MPs losing  their seats. Labour introduced the first racist Immigration Act.

    There  was a racist ode doing the rounds about Labour at the time.

    Tanmanjeet Singh what are you doing  in the Labour Party?



    • This topic was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by james19.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by james19.

    You’re right. Here is an article from the April 1968 Socialist Standard  analysing the Race Law that the Labour government had just brought in. And here’s the front cover:


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