Publicity proposal?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Publicity proposal?

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  • #84138

    Hello all,


    Could I propose an idea for publicising the definition of socialism? The initial idea would be to commission a cartoonist to produce a series of reproducible cartoons that illustrate the following points, taken from the World Socialism website:


    • If there are wages and salaries, it is not socialism.
    • State ownership is not socialism.
    • Social programs are not socialism.
    • Socialism means democracy at all levels of society, including the workplace.
    • Socialism means a wageless, moneyless society.
    • Socialism means voluntary labour.
    • Socialism means free access to the goods produced by society.


    These cartoons would then be made available, individually, on large format posters without a "brand identity" (SPGB/World Socialism). They would also be produced on self-adhesive posters with SPGB identified on them with a brief tag-line that tells people how to  find out more.


    How these points would be illustrated would need to be creatively ironed-out so as to be clear to the casual passer-by. 


    Any thoughts?


    Yep don't do illustrations as a poster do them as either RSA Animate style videoillustrated guide book like Clifford Harper 


    Hello Gareth,Since the brief conversation of this topic on Spintcom ( I have it on good authority that there is likely to be a new Campaigns Committee in about a week's time so your publicity suggestions would probably be best directed towards those comrades in the first instance. 


    How about something like this?


    Gareth I think it is a great idea. I suggested something similar but was largely ignored. I hope you have better response. I produced this as an example. The Cartoons need to be funny or people will not be interested. took the idea rom a sketch from the front cover of an old socialist standard. Those were the days.


    I think it is more likely that we do not have the 'staff' or members. Perhaps you could produce something yourself.I have a great idea (if I say so myself) but not sure I can undertake it myself.


    Lol, very good.But not what I had in mind


    Just had an idea for a photo shop or cartoon idea the party could splash over it's social media. It is crude I admit, but it could be upgraded with a bit of tinkering. I'd do it myself but my old laptop no longer runs my graphics software programe.Cameron referred to the refugees as "swarms"

    David Cameron wrote:
    “you have got a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain because Britain has got jobs, it’s got a growing economy, it’s an incredible place to live”.He added: “But we need to protect our borders by working hand in glove with our neighbours, the French, and that is exactly what we are doing.”

    Possibilities:- Photo shopped pic of Cameron handing out fly swatters to border control.Or a simple photo shopped pic of Cameron waving a fly swatter, raving about being invaded by swarms etc.Or a cartoon graphic where Cameron is transofmed into a lesser witted fly swatter. Possibly a sketch of him crawling out of an egg sack, or an egg sack near by with him hanging upside down, drying out on a branch etc. Again raving about invasions by swarms. etc.Stuff like that might get noticed.

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