“Public debt and the crisis in the Eurozone” wine & cheese public meeting, London, 11/12

September 2024 Forums Events and announcements “Public debt and the crisis in the Eurozone” wine & cheese public meeting, London, 11/12

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    Title: Public debt and the crisis in the Eurozone

    Date: Sunday, 11.12.2011

    Time: 3pm


    Bloomsbury Social Centre
    53 Gordon Square
    London WC1H 0PD



    Public debt is on everybody’s mind these days because it’s the main
    reason given for the massive cuts package pushed through by the
    government. However, when most people – in particular activists –
    discuss public debt, they usually either (a) discuss whether the
    current debt level does require the cuts or (b) that the current
    crisis is the harbinger of death of capitalism (as we know it).Yet,
    for many people it is not even clear what public debt is, what a
    government bond is, why states take on debt in the first place, who
    buys these government bonds and why, why Germany and Italy cannot
    seem to agree on a strategy out of the Eurocrisis and what
    particularities of the Eurozone this points to.

    In this meeting we want to start from the beginning and to provide an
    introduction to public debt, what it means for finance capital and
    the Euro. We also want to discuss common misconceptions about public
    debt and how to argue against them. No regular consumption of the
    Financial Times and no prior knowledge on economics or mathematics is
    required. Everbody welcome.

    the Wine & Cheese Appreciation Society
    of Greater London
    www: http://junge-linke.org/en




    Here’s the answer given to the government’s claim that their debt is our problem by a striking healthcare worker on 30 November (and published in the Times the next day):

    The Government is in debt but why should I have to pay for it?

    Good question.

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