
September 2024 Forums General discussion Profitability

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  • #82083

    This could be a long term consquence of the crisis coming home to roost:

    Revenues are 44 per cent higher than in 2007 but margins have been slashed. Net profit margins declined from eight per cent to 5.5 per cent last year; 2007’s 9.3 per cent has not been matched since.

    I find the chart of Net profit against Revenue to be interesting, and suggestive of a limit within capital.  It's incredible to think that  £2.07 trillion in revenue produces £380.1billion gross profit (I make that 18%, but could be mistaken).


    The other interesting part of this survey is right at the end of the City AM report:

    Out of the 10 largest firms by profit — which together make a staggering 50 per cent of revenues and 57 per cent of the FTSE 350's profits — three work in natural resources.

    The Times (3 June) reported this as follows:

    The Profit Watch UK study also demonstrates the extent to which the share market is concentrated on just a few companies: the top ten companies account for 50 per cent of all revenues, while the top ten by profit accounted for 57 per cent of after-tax profits.

    Talk about the concentration of capital (like Marx).


    I suppose that means that  Militant should now be calling for the nationalisation of the Top 10 companies these days.

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