Private Eye small ad – YOUNG SOCIALIST needs mentor

July 2024 Forums General discussion Private Eye small ad – YOUNG SOCIALIST needs mentor

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  • #81117
    J Surman

    Just read in private Eye no 1318:

    “YOUNG SOCIALIST needs mentor to talk marxism, communism, onwards. In return will do your shopping, your garden, or bake you cakes.

    Any takers?


    Excellent, I wonder if I can get him / her to wash my van as well! 


    Surely the WSM/SPGB should reply to this ad and offer a complete course in proper socialism. Forego the cakes, etc, but an avid volunteer could surely be made use of? Send him a recruitment pack!

    J Surman

    Good morning!I’ve tried to send this several times, but with an apallingly slow connection in this rural backwater, failed miserably.I sent an email with information about our website, email address, blogspot, free material available from head office, plus 3 months free SS and an invitation to any of the meetings available around the country – assuming s/he is a UK resident.


    Excellent! Perhaps HO can keep us posted if we get any response….?

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