Prime Example of Junk Science

January 2025 Forums General discussion Prime Example of Junk Science

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  • #125702
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    Alan, I think you've misunderstood the reason for continuing to argue with critics like Pig. It's not to convince them (some of them are pretty pig-headed) but to deal with the arguments and prejudices they put forward as these are held by others who might be more amenable, as well of course to inform ourselves and hone our arguments.Anyway, to return to the subject.

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    it is supported within the scientific community that our actions and our thought patterns can turn on and off certain genes. Its called neurplactisity.

    Are you sure that this is what "neoplasticity" means?  As far as I can see, it actually argues the opposite of the view that we are prisoners of our genes. The clue is in the name itself: neuroplasticity. which would suggest that the brain is "plastic", i.e. not "hardwired".  Take this passage from the wikipedia article on it:

    The adult brain is not entirely "hard-wired" with fixed neuronal circuits. There are many instances of cortical and subcortical rewiring of neuronal circuits in response to training as well as in response to injury.

    In any event, this is the opposite of your original claim that genes influence what we think. "Turning on and off" genes (if that's what happens) would not alter the fact that what genes govern is our anatomy and physiology, in this case that of the brain, not what sort of ideas we hold..

    the actions and thoughts of a person can change the way genes are expressed making the appearance of a religious gene. I'm not a neuroscientist but this is pretty easy to understand.

    I do not think so, and your conception about Genetic is totally wrong.  Neuroanatomy, and Neurology is a very complicated subject and it requires certain prior knowledges in order to understand it, such as Medical Genetic, Histology, Embriology, Mollecual Biology, Biochemistry, Medical Physiology.   and General Anatomy.. In the same way is Pathology which also requires ample knowlege in Histology, and Microbiology. One of the expert in Molecular and cellular Biology is from a "Banana Republic" known as UruguayNeuroplasticity are the changes that can take place  in the brain from childhood up to adulthood.v.g, a person who has suffered a stroke can develop certain areas to compensate the loss,  there is a field of Pathology ( suffering )  known as Neoplasia, but it means new grow, or new tumor, and  it is related to the field of Oncology, which is the study and treatment of tumors. In Neoplasia 2×2 is 5, because there are too many changes, variations, and forms, and certain experiences is required to give the proper diagnosis, None of them are related to hard wiring. Medicine has a  language in Latin and Greek, knowning the etimiology of the expression it would be easier to be understood, in many so called  Bananas Republic,  Latin, French  and Greek were mandated languages to be learned in High School in order to study natural sciences , Jurisprudence and DiplomacyGenetic has nothing to do with religion, thoughts, or personality, and our brain is not hard  wired either, or with religious predisposition , that is a false theory, or seudo-science, invented by religious leaders, or so called scientiists with religious orientation, they have not abandoned methaphysic yet, I do not think that even Mendel, one of the founders of Genetic who was a monk would  not accept that concept, What Medical Genetic has proven is that we have many hereditary diseases or abmormalities, and the paradigm of Medicine is not going to be Genetic, it is going to be Regenerative Medicine, which is related to Embriology or Ematopoeitic. The genius Evangelicals want to detain the research on stem cells, even more, the vice-president of the USA want to do that, a guy who has not opened a book in EmbriologyThe hospital are throwing away  what we might need to save our lives, which is the umblical cord, and those Evangelical that are opposing the research on stem cell do not have a clue about it, they know shit, inside the belly of the mother of a  child we recapitulate thousands of years of natural history, we are acuatic, amphibious, repitles, birds,  red blood cells with nucleus, and all that has been proven by the field of Embriology. The explanation given by Alb is totally correct, he know what he is talking about, and the article written by the Socialist Party are correct too, the Socialist Party concerning natural sciences has been more advanced than many so called scientists which believe in witchcraft and magic Medicine, probably a Cuban Palero ( Naturalist called witch by the catholic church )  might be in a better shape than many of them. like  one working for NASA who said that the Joshua  was able to detain the son and the earth, nobody has been able to detain the inertia of any planet it would be like throwing every body out  from the surface of the earchThese are the best books in Genetics, Neuroanatomy y Neurology:  s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489863515&sr=1-3&keywords=clinical+neuroanatomyThere are two Bananas Republics known as Argentina and Cuba who are experts in those fields, specially Cuba is making big progress in Stem Cells and they do not have the intervention of church doctors, and in the treatment of cancers they are  using vaccines for specific organs, and natural peptides,  and Medicine is not  a businessThere is a big world out there outside of the tiny little world that the nationalists want to create inside their brains. When Harvard was saying that General Anatomy was already complete, Dr Barcelo in Argentina discovered 5th cavity of the Heart.Now with the cut in Sciences and Education the USA is going to fall behind in scientific researches,  will be America the Second or the Last, (will be the first in weapons to kill human being)   because in 2030 the world is going to see the emerge of new economical, and scientfiic powers including some from the so called third world.The proud Germans are obtaining their match for bone narrow transplant from Brasil, because they share the same genetics, in a place where African and Mulato prevails over the European population, there are many believers in gods who are receiving treatment in that country in order to get cure from Leukemia, and they researches have increased the survival rate to 90%   ____________________________   


    Vin and Mcolome1, as they say "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge""There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation." “He that being robbed misses not that he is robbed of, let him not know it and he’s not robbed at all.” Shakespeare, Othello Act 3I think we can safely say that on all the threads, CP, has participated, those sayings have been proven correct.

    Capitalist Pig

    you can think what you want but there is evidence that shows our genetics can be infulenced by our behavior. thats why I brung up neuroplasticity. mcolomethanks for the very arrogant and snarky remarks alan.

    Bijou Drains
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    you can think what you want but there is evidence that shows our genetics can be infulenced by our behavior. thats why I brung up neuroplasticity. mcolomethanks for the very arrogant and snarky remarks alan.

    Oh dear, you really haven't read my post have you.I've also got to say that with your use of the phrase "I brung up" and your use of the term "snotty", I very much doubt your pose a child of the Amercan Dream. Both of those terms are indicative of UK use of the English language, rather that US usage,

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    you can think what you want but there is evidence that shows our genetics can be infulenced by our behavior. thats why I brung up neuroplasticity.

    Your ignorance knows no bounds. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.Each cell expresses, or turns on, only a fraction of its genes. The rest of the genes are repressed, or turned off. The process of turning genes on and off is known as gene regulation. Gene regulation is an important part of normal development. Genes are turned on and off in different patterns during development to make a brain cell look and act different from a liver cell or a muscle cell, for example. Gene regulation also allows cells to react quickly to changes in their environments.Gene regulation can occur at any point during gene expression, but most commonly occurs at the level of transcription (when the information in a gene’s DNA is transferred to mRNA). Signals from the environment or from other cells activate proteins called transcription factors. These proteins bind to regulatory regions of a gene and increase or decrease the level of transcription. By controlling the level of transcription, this process can determine the amount of protein product that is made by a gene at any given time.That process is not influenced or affected by our behaviour.

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    you can think what you want but there is evidence that shows our genetics can be infulenced by our behavior. thats why I brung up neuroplasticity. mcolomethanks for the very arrogant and snarky remarks alan.

    Probably it must be at the Home  University of the Amish Village, but not in the real world of natural sciences. Provide us with the evidences

    Capitalist Pig

    such arrogance. you will learn nothing if you think you already know everything. Are you a certified neuroscientist? no? then stop belittling others with your ignorance neuroscience and genes if that doesn't take up too many brain cells

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    such arrogance. you will learn nothing if you think you already know everything. Are you a certified neuroscientist? no? then stop belittling others with your ignorance neuroscience and genes if that doesn't take up too many brain cells

    We do not have any Neurologist around here, but we have a have a lot of peoples with knowledges, and peoples who know about natiural sciences, and they are authorities in their own fields. Personally, I do not need to look on Goggle, or Wikipedia,  I have a Medical library in my house, and I have access to several medical libraries,  and I am going to become an Internist.The worst ignorant is the person who does not want to accept that is mistaken.  When I came to the forum of the WSM i had to re-train myself, I had to place new ideas in my mind, but  first, I had to recognize that I was mistaken in many aspects after being in the working movement for several decades, but I opened the doors and windows of my minds, and I was able to learn something new. We spend our whole life learning. The Socialist Party is the best university for the world working class

    ALB wrote:
    Here: if ideas such as whether or not a god or gods exist can be inherited genetically.

    How would anyone know if it's junk science?  Generally, I test science for junkiness by googling a similar term and finding what a completely different and probably neutral source says. Here's what the American Psychiatry Association says on the subject.  It was just my first google result, so not conclusive, but a good start.  

    Are beliefs inherited?Research shows some attitudes are rooted in genetics, though environment is still key. Detecting junk science is what information scientist call a social problem. You figure out one way to detect junk science and the junk science producers will figure out a new way to disguise junk science. While you can't effectively stop junk science because of the social problem nature, you can understand and perhaps affect the costs of producing or detecting junk science.  And there's technology and information infrastructure you can put in place to rate articles better.  But those are system changes that let us detect junk science in the future, not something we can do quickly for our needs on the spur of the moment.

    Steve-SanFrancisco-UserExperienceResearchSpecialist wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    Here: if ideas such as whether or not a god or gods exist can be inherited genetically.

    How would anyone know if it's junk science?  Generally, I test science for junkiness by googling a similar term and finding what a completely different and probably neutral source says. Here's what the American Psychiatry Association says on the subject.  It was just my first google result, so not conclusive, but a good start.  

    Are beliefs inherited?Research shows some attitudes are rooted in genetics, though environment is still key. Detecting junk science is what information scientist call a social problem. You figure out one way to detect junk science and the junk science producers will figure out a new way to disguise junk science. While you can't effectively stop junk science because of the social problem nature, you can understand and perhaps affect the costs of producing or detecting junk science.  And there's technology and information infrastructure you can put in place to rate articles better.  But those are system changes that let us detect junk science in the future, not something we can do quickly for our needs on the spur of the moment.

     The same groups of peoples who approved the killing and the tortures of the CIA, and have written manual of tortures for them, and have worked for the CIA in the brainwashing of peoples. Using Freudian conception of the so called  human instinct, and idea rejected by Anthropologists

    Bijou Drains
    ALB wrote:
    Here: if ideas such as whether or not a god or gods exist can be inherited genetically.

    If religious beliefs were genetically inherited then you would expect to see a huge mismatch between the religious beliefs of children who were conceived using sperm or egg donation and their parents, to my knowledge I have not seen any reports of such a phenomena. Similarly I don't think religious screening of sperm or eggs is taking place, it would be interesting to see a fertility clinic interview prospective sperms about their views on the holy trinity or transubstantiation.However if this science is true and belief systems can be inherited, perhaps we socialists should concentrate on sperm and egg donation, rather than political agitation and propaganda? We keep being told we're a bunch of W…….s, perhaps it's time to act on it!


     If we can observe the evolution of our Cardiovascular system, we would see how the system that we have now came from inferior animals (invertebrate) thru different evolution from an open system into a closed system, until becoming a very complex system. It will contradict completely the Creationist theory If we were created by a god, He ( it is male )  should have created a simple system without so many complications, and without the use of the system of prior animals and organism. Proven by Histology and Embryology, the same process that took place in nature, it takes place inside the body of a woman when she is pregnant for 9 months. Why the pro-life do not adopt an amphibious, or a fetus? They do not care about the life of millions of born children who die every year, they worry too much about the life of a dog, but they do not care about the children that are born in Iraq without arms and legs due to radiation, they approve all kind of bombardment, and then they go to church on Sunday with a deodorant under their arms known as The BibleWe have never inherited any religious belief, (Real Geneticist have not proven that) probably, only scientist who still have metaphysical ideas, Atheism is older than theism because man created religion many years after he/she had the materialistic need to create the religious conception, in that moment religion was a very progress idea, there was no way or sources to be able to explain our world thru the natural sciences. There are too many scientists living in the times of the magician, and living in the beliefs that they obtained during their childhood.I do know many peoples who the opportunity to see  in a classroom that the brain is not wired to have religious belief, but on Sunday they are ready to go to church, and pray to a phantom that does not exist. It proves what Engels said regarding scientistsWhat  Alb has written it is like the Apologetic argument that I always heard from the Jesuits and the Salesian, and La Salle Brothers, regarding the egg and the chicken, which was the first one created by god?  and the reality is that there was not an egg and there was not a chicken, it was the evolution of a larger animal which also was carnivorous, and had teeth, and was able to fly

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