PRESIDENT Donald Trump

July 2024 Forums General discussion PRESIDENT Donald Trump

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  • #123024

    I never quite liked the term globalist. I may well be wrong but it derives from the usage of the right-wing conspiracists but the left can also be criticised when they demonise "globalisation"..I'll try in the future to  stick to the tried and trusted old words for Trump…capitalist, oligarch, plutocrat, robber-baron, In the words of our national poet, CP, "Facts are chiels that winnae ding", loosely translated to mean facts are fellows that will not be overturned or cannot be disputed. In the course of our exchanges, Robbo and i and mcolome1 have provided you with an abundance of evidence and ample examples that exposes Trump as simply another run-of-the mill-bourgeoise political leader, a con-artist performing the customary sting operation over his voters. He hasn't even got the excuse of being sincere but misguided which i think Bernie Sanders could be described as. When people such as yourself decline to face the reality and continue to support a politician with blind loyalty, then it is the beginning of the route towards authoritarianism. 

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I never quite liked the term globalist. I may well be wrong but it derives from the usage of the right-wing conspiracists but the left can also be criticised when they demonise "globalisation"..I'll try in the future to  stick to the tried and trusted old words for Trump…capitalist, oligarch, plutocrat, robber-baron, In the words of our national poet, CP, "Facts are chiels that winnae ding", loosely translated to mean facts are fellows that will not be overturned or cannot be disputed. In the course of our exchanges, Robbo and i and mcolome1 have provided you with an abundance of evidence and ample examples that exposes Trump as simply another run-of-the mill-bourgeoise political leader, a con-artist performing the customary sting operation over his voters. He hasn't even got the excuse of being sincere but misguided which i think Bernie Sanders could be described as. When people such as yourself decline to face the reality and continue to support a politician with blind loyalty, then it is the beginning of the route towards authoritarianism. 

    you provided no evidence except for your political anylasis which is leftist leaning. Your even biased toward a person if they call themselves a 'socialist'. Don't confuse facts with ideas because things will start to get hazy then.

    Capitalist Pig
    robbo203 wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    everything the donald has done is crippling the globalists' agenda of one world government which is open borders, corporate colonialism and crony capitalism. Why do you hate prosperity?

     CP Dont by conned by the rhetoric! Trump is a globalist  (which does not necessarily mean wanting "one world government " incidentally) and a corporatist. He  himself has personal financial interests in more than 2 dozen countries.  He has packed his cabinet with representatives of BIG BUSINESS or "crony capitalism" as you call it to an almost inprecedented extent  (I cant think of anyone who would more closely fit the bill of a crony capitalist than Trump given his policy of protectionism towards American Big Business). And  despite the suggestion that America under Trump  would be isolationist and shun military adventurism  in other parts of the world, if anything US military might is being flexed even more under more under Trump  (he promised to increase military spending did he not?) Here's just a sample of things that have happened under his adminsitration which I have copied and pasted from a site called from which I receive regular bulletins.  These refute the claims that Trump is some sort of anti -globalist  opposed to meddling in other countries

    well if thats true about the cia that would be big, but I wouldn't see it happening considering the hate between the cia and trump is reaching jfk levels.trump does not own the trump corporation anymore so how can he have financial assets in 2 dozen countries(not that that would be a crime)?It is not a crime for Rex tillerson to have managed the biggest and most successful oil company in the world, I find it impressive actually. He worked his way up from the bottom and became ceo of exxon, inspirational to me.The trump philosophy is peace through strengh which has been true for centuries. Another thing is fair trade deals with other countries which is why trade deals like TPP are being gotten ridden of, fair trade is not isolationism its just in the national interest. Whether or not it is the right thing to go into syria we can debate but it was ultimatly the military general's decisions to go, trump will actually take advise which I think is a good thing if he is not surrounded by neocons which he recongizes I think.



    Trump does not own the trump corporation anymore so how can he have financial assets in 2 dozen countries(not that that would be a crime)?

    Again an inaccurate statement. What you should have said as that Trump no longer controls his corporation having placed it in a trust to his two sons, not a blind trust as many would expect and what a UK PM is obliged to do.Voice of America, scarcely a left-leaning source, explained  

    Two months into his presidency, interviews with government watchdogs and a VOA review of state records and documents filed by the Trump Organization show that while Trump has taken some steps he promised in January, he's failed to fully implement his own trust agreement., of course, we still await his full tax details, not some leaked pagesAs for his new reliance on military advisors, it is an improvement on his previous claim that  "I know more about #ISIS than the generals do, believe me…"


    As for Rex Tillerson, you as someone who has criticised Obama for being a supporter of Islamists are you purposefully ignoring the head-chopping ISIS financing Saudies was defended by Tillerson during his Secretary of State confirmation hearings when Tillerson declined to label Saudi Arabia as a "human rights violator" plus he defends the Saudi invasion of Yemen.

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    Trump does not own the trump corporation anymore so how can he have financial assets in 2 dozen countries(not that that would be a crime)?

    Again an inaccurate statement. What you should have said as that Trump no longer controls his corporation having placed it in a trust to his two sons, not a blind trust as many would expect and what a UK PM is obliged to do.Voice of America, scarcely a left-leaning source, explained  

    Two months into his presidency, interviews with government watchdogs and a VOA review of state records and documents filed by the Trump Organization show that while Trump has taken some steps he promised in January, he's failed to fully implement his own trust agreement., of course, we still await his full tax details, not some leaked pagesAs for his new reliance on military advisors, it is an improvement on his previous claim that  "I know more about #ISIS than the generals do, believe me…"

    he didn't have to release himself of all assets, he did it to prevent the image of conflict of interest and to focus on being the president. You are just looking for anything to delegitemize him with and i find that sad. Donald trump's sons should have the right to run the company he built from the ground up.those two scandelious pages that were obtained illegally by nbc showed that he paid 25% taxes which is more than your beloved bernie sander's 13%. Instead of talking about all that he has done and that he is actually doing what he said what he would do you want to focus on non-issues for the sole purpose of character assasination. Its honestly getting very cringey for the lengths you will go to try to smear him. maybe you should get a job at CNN? ;)


    IN 2005 – 12 f###ing yers ago…Sanders released his details voluntarily…an income of $205,000 for him and his wifeThe excerpt from Trump shows he got $153 millionOnce more you seem to have failed to read the VOA report which states he still retains a conflict of interest. Of course getting an inheritance of $200 million from his father contributed to that so-called "building up from the ground"Once more, i have indeed raised many things that he has done, things you wish didn't exist…If you were a Clinton supporter, my attitude would be little different and just as critical…i would be demanding the release of the Goldman Sachs speeches.If you were a Sanders supporter, my attitude would be little different because i would be exposing how a president with opposition in both houses can never achieve his policies.And for jobs advice, now that Milo has slunk away in disgrace, there is an opening in Breitbart for yourself, rose-tinted glasses come with the position

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    IN 2005 – 12 f###ing yers ago…Sanders released his details voluntarily…an income of $205,000 for him and his wifeThe excerpt from Trump shows he got $153 millionOnce more you seem to have failed to read the VOA report which states he still retains a conflict of interest. Of course getting an inheritance of $200 million from his father contributed to that so-called "building up from the ground"Once more, i have indeed raised many things that he has done, things you wish didn't exist…If you were a Clinton supporter, my attitude would be little different and just as critical…i would be demanding the release of the Goldman Sachs speeches.If you were a Sanders supporter, my attitude would be little different because i would be exposing how a president with opposition in both houses can never achieve his policies.And for jobs advice, now that Milo has slunk away in disgrace, there is an opening in Breitbart for yourself, rose-tinted glasses come with the position

    don't try to seem 'unbiased' because its pretty obvious you are not by citing false claims and conspircy theories that hold little backing.trump took a one million dollar loan from his father not 200 don't lie about that either. I personally didn't read any of milo's articles or breitbart but what they did to him was the real disgrace, though you seem to be ok with it because he is a conservative. Don't pretend to charish free thinking and diversity of ideas when you won't stand up for others right to do so.


    I resent being called a liar. But i may have exaggerated his inheritance since he has brothers and sisters. The $1 million loan doesn’t include his inheritanceHis father, Fred Sr died in 1999, and the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates. From the moment of his birth, Trump was set up for success. If someone were to invest $40 million in a S&P 500 index in August 1974, reinvest all dividends, not cash out and have to pay capital gains, and pay nothing in investment fees, he'd wind up with about $3.4 billion. No brains needed!!! But since you have now lowered yourself to the sewer with your accusations, i now cease any engagement with you…Goodbye 

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I resent being called a liar. But i may have exaggerated his inheritance since he has brothers and sisters. The $1 million loan doesn’t include his inheritanceHis father, Fred Sr died in 1999, and the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates. From the moment of his birth, Trump was set up for success. If someone were to invest $40 million in a S&P 500 index in August 1974, reinvest all dividends, not cash out and have to pay capital gains, and pay nothing in investment fees, he'd wind up with about $3.4 billion. No brains needed!!! But since you have now lowered yourself to the sewer with your accusations, i now cease any engagement with you…Goodbye 

    you have not acknowledged one of my points instead you cite lefty articles that some how 'prove' that I am wrong about trump's motives therefore no debate required. I am calling you dishonest in your analysis which is shown by your unwillingness to adress simple and obvious facts. Don't call yourself unbiased and objective when you know you aren't. But it isn't the same as outright lying

    Capitalist Pig

    maybe when you get out of your self-indoctrination one day you will be able to discuss different ideas and viewpoints.


    This is the real analysis and report on Trump 2005 Tax Return. Two pages only, missing all the supporting documents and schedules. is a reporter who has written a biography about Trump and he is working on a second one. The taxes were mailed to him by Trump himself  to create a distraction on the real issues.It is not  illegal for a Journalist to publish documents received from a third source or directly from the interested party. He denied knowing the journalist but he has worked for the Mercury for several years which is the same newspaper where Gary Webs worked who was able to prove the connection of Reagan, the CIA and Colombia drug cartel on his book known as The Dark Alliance

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I never quite liked the term globalist. I may well be wrong but it derives from the usage of the right-wing conspiracists but the left can also be criticised when they demonise "globalisation"..I'll try in the future to  stick to the tried and trusted old words for Trump…capitalist, oligarch, plutocrat, robber-baron, In the words of our national poet, CP, "Facts are chiels that winnae ding", loosely translated to mean facts are fellows that will not be overturned or cannot be disputed. In the course of our exchanges, Robbo and i and mcolome1 have provided you with an abundance of evidence and ample examples that exposes Trump as simply another run-of-the mill-bourgeoise political leader, a con-artist performing the customary sting operation over his voters. He hasn't even got the excuse of being sincere but misguided which i think Bernie Sanders could be described as. When people such as yourself decline to face the reality and continue to support a politician with blind loyalty, then it is the beginning of the route towards authoritarianism. 

    you provided no evidence except for your political anylasis which is leftist leaning. Your even biased toward a person if they call themselves a 'socialist'. Don't confuse facts with ideas because things will start to get hazy then.

    Leftist, leftism or left is another concept that you have not understood yet. In this forum we have indicated thousands of times that we do not support or advocate leftist conceptions, the Socialist Party is not a leftist organization. For most leftists, the Democratic Party is considered as  a rightwing party like the Republican PartyThere is a great difference between left and socialism, and left and right are not relevant terms, both come from the same source which is capitalism.  Our website has hundred of articles explaining the differences, even more, the ICC use a term known as the left of capital, which we do not support either, because it is like indicating that there is a socialist sector within the left, and a non socialist sector within the leftIt is like the expression liberal or liberalism, most peoples do not know the meaning, the origin and the existence of that economical trend, intervention of the state in the economical affairs is not liberalism, it is the oppposite way.  Studying, reading, and digging for new ideas is the key to understand many conceptions

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
     you have not acknowledged one of my points instead you cite lefty articles that some how 'prove' that I am wrong about trump's motives therefore no debate required. I am calling you dishonest in your analysis which is shown by your unwillingness to adress simple and obvious facts. Don't call yourself unbiased and objective when you know you aren't. But it isn't the same as outright lying

     Everyone without exception is biased – including you CP.  I am just amazed that anyone with any scrap of intelligence can fall for the transparent BS that gushes forth on an almost daily basis from the mouth of that arrogant self-aggrandizing narcissist, Donald Trump.  It’s so friggin obvious that the man is a fraud through and through but you seem to have allowed yourself to fall under the spell.  Hopefully in your case, it only a matter of time before the penny begins to drop By the way, it really does not matter that much if Trump did not possess these rather unattractive personal qualities. Even is he was as white as the driven snow and overflowing with Christian charity as the expression goes, he would still be doomed to failure and forced to break his promises.  You cannot run capitalism in the interests of the majority.  You can only run capitalism in the interests of the owners of capital.  That is the nature of the beast. This is what is unique about the socialist position and this site in particular.  You won’t find socialists taking sides in the game of capitalist politics.  We don’t hold that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.  We are just as merciless and principled in our attacks on the so called Democrats as on the Republicans Despite what you claim Trump is a corporate capitalist and exponent of what you call “crony capitalism” and who has a clear record of treating his own workforce with utter contempt.  He is not interested in the wellbeing of “American Workers” as he so loudly proclaims. How can you possibly be so gullible as to fall for this utter crap?  This is a mere marketing ploy to garner and consolidate electoral support.  “America First” is a completely hollow slogan that in reality is intended to put the interests of Trump First. On the question of personal Trumps wealth, Alan is essentially correct.  Trumps claim that “I took $1 million and I turned into $10 billion.” is a lie. The fake figures aside, this is just regurgitating the trashy myth of the so called “self-made” man which is itself based on a lie.  In fact, Trump’s wealth was not made by himself but by his workforce.   But Trump has lied about all sorts of other things too.  Look at the area of foreign policy.  We were lead to believe that under Trump the USA would become more isolationist, would withdraw from meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.  It now seems that the opposite is the case.  And you are intent on defending this guy, even to the extent of accusing others on this forum of engaging in untruths and distortions. The irony could not be richer CP!


    The Trump Anthem

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