PRESIDENT Donald Trump

July 2024 Forums General discussion PRESIDENT Donald Trump

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  • #123009

    The Green Party like any other capitalist party is playing the same game like the others two, or like one of  them saying that the election were hacked  by the Russians, but they do not denounce the political corruption, and the reactionary character  of both parties and its representatives, and the discontent that exist within the US working class against both parties, their representatives,  and their ruling class.The election has shown that most of the workers did not want to vote for any one of them, and they were on a dead end, to elect any of the candidates of the ruling elite, and it also has shown the undemocratic character of the election system, and some of the so called progressive candidates at different levels were  eliminated by the Democratic party leaders The election has shown that millions of US workers have rejected the 8 years of Obama which was going to be represented and continued by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party  and preferred to vote for a demagogue.The Democratic Party along with the Republican both are playing the same game, and are trying  to stop the discontent that already exist, and Obama had tried to indicate that the election of Trump is the will of the people, when the other candidate obtained more than 2.2 millions of the popular vote indicating that they will support all the reactionary measures of the next presidentIn oaters countries the candidate with the majority of the votes would have won the election, and in some countries voters are allowed to reject the presidential candidate, and in some others countries presidents, and members of the congress are only allowed to be elected for four or six years only ( like in Costa Rica )  instead of making a career out the political system


    They are assembling the new military junta of the USA like the old days of Argentina and Chile. 

    Sympo wrote:
    Has any other recent republican candidate been so popular among Neo-nazis?

      There were many anti-fascists, who supported Nazism and Fascism in Italy and Garmany including Winston Churchill as this article shows:

    mcolome1 wrote:
    There were many anti-fascists, who supported Nazism and Fascism in Italy and Garmany including Winston Churchill as this article shows:

    Yes, I am aware of Churchills praise of Mussolini. That racist piece of crap might be the most overrated Briton of all time.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    So what is your thoughts? Mine is what dreadful political pundit i make…i thought Yes for Scotland, Remain for the UK …and i thought Hilarity would be the next president of the USA. I even thought the Pirates in Iceland had a chance of holding political office. Never trust me to pick a winner in any election, comrades. 

    Come the election to establish socialism, I suggest you bet that it won't happen–you can't lose! It really would be "Socialism or your Money Back"!

    rodmanlewis wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    So what is your thoughts? Mine is what dreadful political pundit i make…i thought Yes for Scotland, Remain for the UK …and i thought Hilarity would be the next president of the USA. I even thought the Pirates in Iceland had a chance of holding political office. Never trust me to pick a winner in any election, comrades. 

    Come the election to establish socialism, I suggest you bet that it won't happen–you can't lose! It really would be "Socialism or your Money Back"!

     I do not think that Alan Johnston was wrong, in any way, Hillary Clinton was the winner, and in others countries around the world she would have been the winner, the problem is that the US government and the US congress are  not going to indicate that the so called electoral college is a vestige of the slavery system. In a small capitalist  country like Costa Rica presidents and congressmen are only elected for 4 years, but in the US many congressmen are making a career out of their political posts.There had been too many electoral abnormalities, they do not use the expression election fraud, instead they are talking about hacking done by other country from outside,, when the US government is the first  hackers around the world, and they have hacked the governments of others countries, they have intervened in the political and economical affairs of others countries, and they have spied on others leaders, they have overthrown many governments, they have promoted coup d'tat, they have invaded Latin American countries for more than 120 times.The United Nations should send electoral observers to the US every time that there is a primary or presidential election, instead of sending Jimmy Carter to others countries to observe their election. In any so called Banana Republic the whiner is the person that obtains more votes, therefore the US government can not give lectures on Democracy to others countries. The donkey can not tell to the rabbit that it has long ears


    Footage has emerged of Trump telling Jorge Ramos a journalist from Univision to get out of his press conference in 2015


    The Nationalist,  and Anti-Globalist Donald Tump has won a diplomatic battle: China has approved 38 Tademarks  to make him richer. Some peoples are masochists or stupid.

    John Pozzi

    I have no country; Earth is my world, I am a GRB shareholder. 

    Capitalist Pig

    everything the donald has done is crippling the globalists' agenda of one world government which is open borders, corporate colonialism and crony capitalism. Why do you hate prosperity?


    The proof of the pudding is in the eating…promises are just that…promises…As an individual and not representing the WSM, i say to globalist Trump – GET THE FUCK OUT OF SCOTLAND

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The proof of the pudding is in the eating…promises are just that…promises…As an individual and not representing the WSM, i say to globalist Trump – GET THE FUCK OUT OF SCOTLAND

    actions are louder than words. just look at what he has done to devestate the globalists, or the people that want corporate monopolies one world government and open borders. or do you just not care


    Just what has he done?Followed Bernie Sanders policy of dumping TPP and TTIP. Followed the Obama policy of deporting millions.And is appointing a transnational Exxon executive as secretary of state not an endorsement of globalismBut i note you do not address the claims that Trump bullied his neighbours and tried to bully a nation which may well be symbolic of his actual personality and politics as president. 

    Capitalist Pig
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Just what has he done?Followed Bernie Sanders policy of dumping TPP and TTIP. Followed the Obama policy of deporting millions.And is appointing a transnational Exxon executive as secretary of state not an endorsement of globalismBut i note you do not address the claims that Trump bullied his neighbours and tried to bully a nation which may well be symbolic of his actual personality and politics as president. 

    even if I gave you a list of everything trump has done to beat back globalism you would still call him a globalist. I really don't understand your criticism of globalism btw because your ideology is based on it. is it just one more name to call trump for you?

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    everything the donald has done is crippling the globalists' agenda of one world government which is open borders, corporate colonialism and crony capitalism. Why do you hate prosperity?

     CP Dont by conned by the rhetoric! Trump is a globalist  (which does not necessarily mean wanting "one world government " incidentally) and a corporatist. He  himself has personal financial interests in more than 2 dozen countries.  He has packed his cabinet with representatives of BIG BUSINESS or "crony capitalism" as you call it to an almost inprecedented extent  (I cant think of anyone who would more closely fit the bill of a crony capitalist than Trump given his policy of protectionism towards American Big Business). And  despite the suggestion that America under Trump  would be isolationist and shun military adventurism  in other parts of the world, if anything US military might is being flexed even more under more under Trump  (he promised to increase military spending did he not?) Here's just a sample of things that have happened under his adminsitration which I have copied and pasted from a site called from which I receive regular bulletins.  These refute the claims that Trump is some sort of anti -globalist  opposed to meddling in other countries Trump gave CIA power to authorize drone strikes – report | 14 March 2017 | President Donald Trump has reportedly given the Central Intelligence Agency the power to conduct drone strikes against suspected terrorists…Unnamed US officials claim that President Trump expanded the power to conduct drone strikes from the Pentagon exclusively to the CIA, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. The move has not been confirmed by the Trump administration. Under the new authority, the CIA would not require permission from the Pentagon or even the White House before launching a drone strike for a targeted killing mission.   Pentagon wants to declare more parts of world as temporary battlefields | 13 March 2017 | Donald Trump's administration is considering a military proposal that would designate various undeclared battlefields worldwide to be "temporary areas of active hostility", the Guardian has learned. If approved, the Pentagon-proposed measure would give military commanders the same latitude to launch strikes, raids and campaigns against enemy forces for up to six months that they possess in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.   SEAL Team 6 joins South Korea war drill for the first time | 13 March 2017 | US special forces — including SEAL Team 6 — will take part in a large war drill in South Korea as part of a plan to "decapitate" the leadership in Pyongyang, according to a report. The SEAL team will join the annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises between the two allies for the first time, along with the Army's Rangers, Delta Force and Green Berets, Yonhap News Agency of South Korea reported. South Korean defense officials have confirmed that the drill will practice taking out the North Korean leadership, the Daily Star reported.   U.S. force in Syria to help anti-ISIS fighters with firepower | 10 March 2017 | A Kurdish-led force fighting the Islamic State group with the support of U.S. troops will close in on the extremists' de facto capital Raqqa within a few weeks, but the battle for the city will be difficult, a U.S. military official said Thursday. [Yes, it's 'difficult' as the US is simultaneously arming and funding ISIS] Air Force Col. John Dorrian said the U.S. force consisting of a couple of hundred Marines that arrived in the region south of the Syrian-Turkish border on Wednesday will not have any front-line roles, but will provide artillery fire to support the advance of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.   Marines have arrived in Syria to fire artillery in the fight for Raqqa | 8 March 2017 | Marines from an amphibious task force have left their ships in the Middle East and deployed to Syria, establishing an outpost from which they can fire artillery guns in support of the fight to take back the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State, defense officials said. The deployment marks a new escalation in the U.S. war in Syria, and puts more conventional U.S. troops in the battle. Several hundred Special Operations troops have advised local forces there for months, but the Pentagon has mostly shied away from using conventional forces in Syria

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