PRESIDENT Donald Trump

July 2024 Forums General discussion PRESIDENT Donald Trump

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  • #122994

    Thanks, Brian, but I meant the original plain raw vanilla un-annotated version in its naked purity.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Now the economists are beginning to mellow to Trump, at least on the short term, it seems.

    …don’t be surprised if economic growth actually accelerates for a couple of years…a Trump administration might actually end up doing the right thing for the wrong reasons…an accidental, badly designed stimulus would still, in the short run, be better than no stimulus at all. In short, don’t expect an immediate Trump slump… be prepared for the real possibility that good things will happen …

    Aren't they call bourgeois economists ?  They are the Gendarme of the Capitalist Economy Marx and Bourgeois Economy


    In an interview Donald Trump said that he was planning to deport more than 3 millions of Illegals ( Let's say Mexican or Latinos ) and all peoples with criminal records, but that is bullshit because that is been carried  for many years before Bill Clinton.Any person with criminal records  is being deported, and any person who serves  jail times for criminal acts is being deported, and some are deprived of their US citizenship, and have been returned to their country of originDuring the government of Barack Obama they have deported more peoples than  during the government of Bill Clinton and George Bush combined.If he continues retrieving  on all of  his campaign promise and election rhetoric he will become another Barack Obama, who promised many things and he did not fulfill any of them, he did not even close Guantanamo Prison, and Guantanamo Bay  is part of the deal with the Cuban government to lift the embargoThe Mexican government  is planning to build their own wall on the South of Mexico to stop the immigration from Central America,  in Mexico the immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua are also considered illegals, but the pro-immigrants groups in the US do not mention that particular situationThe wall that exist on the North side was started during the government of Bill Clinton, George Bush continue the wall and Obama has done the same thing, now Trump is talking about a fence which is the same as a wall, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders approved the bill when it was submitted to the Congress  PS There are also rumors that Donald Trump  is going to be a part time  president because he does not want to spend all his time in the White House in Washington, he wants to stay on his Tower in New York, and continue conducting his real estate business


    As you say, Obama is reported to have deported two and a half million immigrants between 2009 and 2015 Since 2008 the number of cases of people being deported for traffic violations has quadrupled. 

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Hitler was also copying American electoral rallies (including borrowing the Roman salute).  American extreme rightism has never gone as far as abolishing democracy, probably because it has never had to.

    And then, they want to give lectures on Democracy to others countries, or others peoples. The so called Fathers Founders of the USA did not believe in Democracy, and all of them supported slavery., and they had slaves tooThe so called US  Constitution that many peoples like to worship is only a reactionary and backward document written more than 200 years ago to benefits landownersThe Evangelical are riding back in the saddle of the White House again, and the Vice-President is a caveman who wants to reverse many reforms that have already being implemented including abortion, and gay rights, and to stop the research on Stem Cell, a man who has never read a book on Histology, Embryology or Pathology wants to stop the next paradigm of regenerative medicine which can save the life of many human beings. Probably, he wants human beings to comeback to the day of Magical Medicine and ShamanismWith a congress controlled by cavemen they might approve many reactionaries law, if they reverse the law of abortion probably most of those women that voted for Trump are going to be making alley abortion again, done by peoples who do not have the proper professional training, or traveling to others countries where abortion is not penalized.Probably, most of these so called Christian Evangelical have not read the real history of Christianity, which was an anti-slavery workers  movement born in Rome, and it emerged like any other religion based on materialist needs, and they were against classical slavery, against the state, against emperors, and they were not part of the Roman army.  Engels wrote a very nice piece of documents in regard to the history of Christianity and Karl Kaustky too

    twc wrote:
    Can anyone supply a link to just the plain non-annotated statement of our Object and Declaration of Principles?As the  banner we fight under, it is far superior.

    It's here, for instance:


    Oh, of course!  I simply forgot to look in the obvious place.  Thanks, as always. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    As you say, Obama is reported to have deported two and a half million immigrants between 2009 and 2015 Since 2008 the number of cases of people being deported for traffic violations has quadrupled. 

    This is an article published by The Voice of the America,( an ex-mouthpiece of the CIA during the Cold War ) in regard to the so called illegal immigration: army of unemployed is needed by the US farmers, and many of them have received heavy fine for employing them, and they have  declared publicly that they  will continue using them, even if they receive fines from the Federal government.Some of those farms were also in bankruptcy or they were receiving federal subsidy.They have also sold commodities to  Cuba using prepaid letter of credit, the US government has violated its own embargo of those commodities are poultry and beef, and immigrants from Mexico and central America  work in that type of industry, and they have the proper skill to do that kind of job. as well they have the skills for plumbing, carpentry, and  electricians.From Mexico there is large immigration of scientists that are employed in technology and government space programs, and Puerto Rico has a large immigration of young peoples with University degrees.The problem of immigration toward the US must be studied without the poison and hysteria  of narrow nationalism. It is not the stupid rhetoric exposed by Donald Trump in a few months, it is long historical situation, even more, European has gone thru similar situation during the exodus of German, Irish and Italian.The US did not receive any Jews from Germany because they would be forced to place them in Ghettos along with the Black, the Latinos and the Chinese, and the Cuban government rejected  two ships with Jews,  despite that the Cuban embassy had given  their consent for take them as refugee,  and one dictator from the Caribbean ( Rafael L Trujillo )  made an offer to take them as refugeeWhen the US was an industrialized nation the borders were wide open, and the textile industry employed many workers from the Caribbean islands, that is reason why New York has so many neighbor hood inhabited by Caribbean, by that time they were not called rapists or criminals, on the contrary,  the owners of the factories  said that they were good workers, they were good workers because they were receiving cheap salary without any workers union protectionThey can fool some peoples, but they can not fool everybody. Juan Gonzalez ( Journalist of Democracy Now )  is publishing a book about the Caribbean and South American emigration and that research was already done several years ago by 3 persons from the Caribbean islands.The US government also provoked intentionally the immigration of many members of the left from the Caribbean, South America and Central America in order to eliminate them without having to kill them, and that immigration reduced the resistance against the government that they have imposed in the Americas, that is reason why there were so many leftists and communist organizations headed by Caribbean in New York, Chicago, and New Jersey


    Zizek – Never did like him and now i know why


    The so called 'Establishment", or 'Status Quo" is capitalism, and most peoples do not know what they are referring to, and most  peoples support that economical system, and its leaders,  and most peoples do not have  the subjective consciousness to overthrow it  yet. Our problems as human beings are not centered on politicians, presidents, individuals capitalists, etc, etc, our problem is capitalism. Period.If we do not hit that Piñata we will never get the candies,  we will continue blindly blaming the problems in our class brothers,  workers will continue in the same spinning cycle electing one representative of the capitalist class every four or six years, and it does not make any difference if they are right wingers or left wingers, extreme or moderate, conservative or liberalsThe particular problems in the USA are not the Latinos, the Muslim, the Democratic or Republican party, Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton, the real problem is capitalism, and the real allied of the workers are the ones that they are rejecting: The world working class, we are the only ones able to stop wars, hungers, misery, world diseases, and world contamination. We do not need leadersTo elect any member of the capitalist class, is to continue supporting the establishment, or status quo.  How workers are going to expect that a member of the capitalist class ( Trump, Clinton or whatever ) is going to defend their interests ? It is totally absurd. It is also called class conciliation, the interests of the capitalist class, and the interest of the working class can not be reconciled,  they are two different electrical polesThe ideological  break is going to start when workers got the completely conviction that the state and its  representative are only defenders of the interests of the economical base, and that there is not politician, president, or minister able to change or alter the economical base, the problems of our world are not the presidents, it is the mode of production and wage slavery. We are physical and mental slaves of the capitalist society. It is not our capitalism, it is their capitalism.Left wingers have also fell in the same trap when they think that their so called revolutionary leaders ( or leaders of the revolution ) are going to resolve the problems of mankind, they are all above the economical reality, or the new gods of the OlympusThe Left which is an irrelevant political current, like the right,  does not have any solution either, because they will spend all their life riding on their favorite horse, of attacking the right wing and neo-liberalism,( the opposite is State capitalism )  but in essence they are the same bird from the same nestTheir slogan of making the rich pay for the crisis, it is like saying that profits is going to exist forever in our society, their own slogan means to prolong the capitalist society. Many slogans of the leftists have been created and promoted by the right wing too


    Donald Trump is one of the few US presidents who has been taken to a civil court and have settled a case for a monetary compensation. I think that 25 millions dollars    is a petty cash for Trump. All US presidents enjoy criminal impunity


    Has any other recent republican candidate been so popular among Neo-nazis?

    Sympo wrote:
    Has any other recent republican candidate been so popular among Neo-nazis?

     Roosevelt one time said that in the US they  should have  established a government similar to the one established in Germany, the major reason was that several companies such as IBM, Coca Cola , ITT, General Electric, and Ford were making large profits with the help of the Nazis in Germany Before WW2 the Nazis were very popular in the US and they had a large membership and they made marches on the streets, and many government official supported themThere was a secret plan from the US government  to drop bombs and chemical bombs against England, and Canada  and they were making alliances with Nazis

    Sympo wrote:
    Has any other recent republican candidate been so popular among Neo-nazis?

    Old news is not new news.  It is only the repetition of old history, like the old days of Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Racial discrimination, ethnic discrimination, genocide, invasion, narrow nationalism, using foreigner as excuse for political purposes,  hate and wars is  nothing new in the USA. Like MalcomX said:" We did not land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us".The USA government has invaded more 125 times different countries in Latin America, and some have been forced to pay the expenses of the invasion, before the center of torture of  Guantanamo Bay and Iraq, they had them in Latin America ( ex La Cuarenta )  and they had the School of the Americas to train criminals, and most of the police forces were trained by them Italian, German and Irish have also been discriminated, and their immigration have been used for politician to implement oppressive measuresDiscrimination against Mexican is nothing new either, they were used as an excuse to invade Mexico and acquire an enormous territory rich in gold, silver, and others natural resources.Discrimination against Jews is nothing new either, during WW2 the US government did not want to accept any Jews because they would have been forced to place them in ethnic neighborhood with the Blacks and Latinos.Despite all that,  the main problem is not racism, the main problem is Capitalism


    There is going to be a recount of votes in some states in the USA. The world champion of Democracy is under investigation for electoral fraud. Now Trump is claiming that he won by a landslideThis time the  UN should send some election observers to the USA in the same way that the US has done in others countries when they are experts in election fraud inside and outside 

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