PRESIDENT Donald Trump

July 2024 Forums General discussion PRESIDENT Donald Trump

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     There is a very friendly article  about Bernie Sanders  written by  The Voice of the Americas ( VOA ) the old mouthpiece of the US government and the CIA during the climax  of the Cold War.  They competed with Moscow Radio , and Peking Radio, to win the minds of the workersHe was just a fishing  bait of the Democratic Party and the US rulers to attract the youth and young workers to the rank and files toward Bill Clinton campaign, at the end he capitulated like a typical bourgeois politician.If he was an independent runner as he was saying, Why he did not continue running as an independent ? If he is a socialist like he was saying, why he was so friendly with the representative of the US ruling class and the capitalist state ?It looks like Obama made him an offer that he was not able to refuse, and later on, he changed his political rhetoric supporting the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton campaign, he also campaigned for her.He did not care about the rejection of his own followers, he betrayed them, like Donald Trump is going to betray all the peoples that voted for him. Any worker who place his hope on his/her own rulers, or exploiters, or class enemy,  is in a dead end.There is not impartiality in the class struggle


    Some people call Bernie a sheepdog of the left, which begs the question was Trump a sheepdog of the right? What stopped Bernie from becoming President?


    The DNC stopped Sanders from becoming president , as i thought Wikileaks made clear when its disclosures forced the resignation of the chair-woman…They were orchestrating a campaign in favour of Clinton.And they colluded with the Clinton- friendly media to ensure Sanders was provided with not sufficient sympathetic coverage. Core sections of Democrats..blacks and latinos were offered the media by-line…only Clinton has the political connections and power to protect youThe Republican Party bried the same with Trump but didn't have the media suppressing articles so he had good media exposure…even anti-Trump cable outlets still provided him with ample publicity and he knew how to work them being PR-savvy.Anyways time to forget the past and think how we can improve our own presence taking into consideration that the Greens got less than 1% of the popular vote…Our task is to get the WSM  to improve from 0.0000001% to 0.000001% using the various write-in vote options. 


    The both of them had the same protectionist policy as a way of supposedly reviving employment in the rust belt. Trump won because he got the vote for this as well as those of traditional Republicans (and also because of the undemocratic US presidential election system). We'll see how protectionist Trump will be be and if he really will provoke trade wars with China and Japan.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Some people call Bernie a sheepdog of the left, which begs the question was Trump a sheepdog of the right? What stopped Bernie from becoming President?

    Both terms are irrelevant and false. Both are the same, and both come from the same source: Capitalism. Only right wingers and Left wingers want to differentiate themselves from each others. During the last decades we have had more "left wing" government than right wings government, and their legacy is a disaster, and right wingers government had implemented a lot of reforms like them. Workers have oscillated between both, and both have been removed by workersThe Democratic Party is as right winger as the Republican Party, and the Republican Party as as leftist as the Democratic Party. It is one single party dictatorship split in two political fronts, in essence both are the same. Again, we have the legacy of the Bolshevik because it was Lenin on his book on Left-Wing Communism who made it  relevant, and created the confusion, now anything, or anybody is a left winger or a communist. A guy with a gun at a bank taking money for the so called proletarian revolution is a left wing communist.Troskyists and Stalinists are always trying to look for differentiation between Stalin and Trotsky, and in essence both were the same, with  two different style of management, or the different between the Menshevik  and the Bolshevik,   and Lenin was like any other right win politician ( Insert it on a translator ) Right wing and Left wings, two wings of the same bird knwon as: Capitalism

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The DNC stopped Sanders from becoming president , as i thought Wikileaks made clear when its disclosures forced the resignation of the chair-woman…They were orchestrating a campaign in favour of Clinton.And they colluded with the Clinton- friendly media to ensure Sanders was provided with not sufficient sympathetic coverage. Core sections of Democrats..blacks and latinos were offered the media by-line…only Clinton has the political connections and power to protect youThe Republican Party bried the same with Trump but didn't have the media suppressing articles so he had good media exposure…even anti-Trump cable outlets still provided him with ample publicity and he knew how to work them being PR-savvy.Anyways time to forget the past and think how we can improve our own presence taking into consideration that the Greens got less than 1% of the popular vote…Our task is to get the WSM  to improve from 0.0000001% to 0.000001% using the various write-in vote options. 

    The leaders of the Democratic Party are blaming their loss on the Green Party, the FBI and the Russians. What about amending the constitution to eliminate the Electoral College and the high requirement to permit others groups to  participate in the election ?  The WSM must smell the coffee,  except the Zapatista coffee  PS Before winning the election Donald Trump said that the Electoral College was a disaster, and now, Why he  does not repeat the same expression ? The best Politician is the one who keeps his mouth shut and does not make any promise


    This article stands up well:

    The great lesson to be learned from the decline of the Social Democrats is the sterility of the policy of reforms and of reform parties. The day on which a reform party reaches power is the day on which the evil effects of capitalism begin to sap and undermine the strength of the party, turning the members' blind loyalty first into bewilderment and then into dissatisfaction, causing them to drift into new parties.The depths of mental bankruptcy of the reformists are shown by the comment of the Fabian New Statesman (London, March 11th, 1933). After explaining that Hitler scored because he appealed, with banners and uniforms and parades, to the electorate's love of glamour, the German correspondent of the New Statesman says that the Social Democrats should have done the same, and should have given more prominence to pageantry and less prominence to social reforms. In other words, the workers are to be enticed, not even by the old plan of "bread and circuses", but by circuses without the bread! This is what forty years of Fabian reformism has brought to the working-class movement!

     that's where we're at now.


    My reading of the period that it was Hitler who copied the Communist Party's symbols of banners and parades and rallies and the use of  unemployed workers groups as paramilitaries. ie the redshirts.Once he later had the financing of being  state-sponsored  – they did get much more spectacular with the Nuremberg rallies but at the beginning, the Communist Party was perhaps better at doing the pageantry. But i am also hesitant to equate Trump with Hitler or MussoliniBut yes, Trump's slogans lacked any bread behind them…or if it did, it was based on taking it out of the mouths of other workers…the undocumented or in foreign climes 


    Hitler was also copying American electoral rallies (including borrowing the Roman salute).  American extreme rightism has never gone as far as abolishing democracy, probably because it has never had to.


    Donald Trump is already backing up on his relationship with NATO. He promised to Barack Obama that he will continue dealing with NATO in the same way that the US and others European Nations are dealing with that military conglomerate.Barack Obama already made public that accord that he made on their meeting at the White House.Whoever trust on his rulers will always receive disappointments, this situation will show that none of the candidates were the lesser evil, both are evils. This time Noam Chomsky failed again with his reformist  tactic of the lesser evil.The Socialist Party continue riding on the path of the true socialist principles, we do not have any tail that anybody can step on, right on the spot since 1903


     Far, far better than simply ‘standing up well’…It is one of the greatest pieces of political analysis ever penned!It explodes the idealist/utopian fantasy that socialism can be achieved by any means other than democratic capture of political power by a society conscious of its class position.It defiantly refutes the passage to socialism by any means other than conscious comprehension of our Object and Declaration of Principles.It is the SPGB case: all our opponents who claim to know another way we hurl, as always, the challenge:        Refute this analysis!


    Can anyone supply a link to just the plain non-annotated statement of our Object and Declaration of Principles?As the  banner we fight under, it is far superior.

    twc wrote:
    Can anyone supply a link to just the plain non-annotated statement of our Object and Declaration of Principles?As the  banner we fight under, it is far superior.

    Better still why not click on the top menu bar 'About us' and click on the drop down menu?


    Now the economists are beginning to mellow to Trump, at least on the short term, it seems.

    …don’t be surprised if economic growth actually accelerates for a couple of years…a Trump administration might actually end up doing the right thing for the wrong reasons…an accidental, badly designed stimulus would still, in the short run, be better than no stimulus at all. In short, don’t expect an immediate Trump slump… be prepared for the real possibility that good things will happen …
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