PRESIDENT Donald Trump

July 2024 Forums General discussion PRESIDENT Donald Trump

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    The Canadian site to apply for citizenship  crashed on Tuesday  due to the large applications of peoples applying for Canadian citizenship, or to become residents . Many  disappointed Americans want to become Canadian citizens, or to move  to Canada. 


    Corbyn wrote:
    “Trump’s election is an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment and an economic system that simply isn’t working for most people. It is one that has delivered escalating inequality and stagnating or falling living standards for the majority, both in the US and Britain.“This is a rejection of a failed economic consensus and a governing elite that has been seen not to have listened. And the public anger that has propelled Donald Trump to office has been reflected in political upheavals across the world.“But some of Trump’s answers to the big questions facing America, and the divisive rhetoric around them, are clearly wrong.[/corbyn]I'm not sure of this, much has been made of the middle to above average salaries of the apparent Trump supporters, nd, much like Brexiteers, seem to live in areas with low immmigration: it seems to be more of a fear of losing (wealth and status) rather than a call to arms for a different approach.

    Actually, Clinton will have got more votes overall than Trump. It's just that he got more delegates to the Electoral College that formally elects the president in the US:


    Another anomaly in the US way of electing the president — due to the first-past-the-post system being used to elect the members of the Electoral College:

    ALB wrote:
    Actually, Clinton will have got more votes overall than Trump. It's just that he got more delegates to the Electoral College that formally elects the president in the US:

     Only in the USA a patan like Donald Trump can become a president, in others countries, he will not qualify to become president of the Kiwani Club. He was elected by the electoral college, he was not elected by the popular vote. It is one of the most backward electoral system

    ALB wrote:
    Another anomaly in the US way of electing the president — due to the first-past-the-post system being used to elect the members of the Electoral College:

    In Venezuela the US government was not able to overthrow Hugo Chavez, and they were forced to reverse the coup because he was elected by the  majority of the  popular votes,  and the majority of the workers supported him. Most of the presidents of the US have  been elected by a minority of supporters, and sometimes when they finish their presidential period the supports is smaller too. Like someone said:  There  are not coups  in the USA because there is not an American embassyJohn F Kennedy did not provide support to the invasion of Cuba orchestrated by the CIA because later  he discovered that Fidel Castro had more than 85% of approval and supporters, probably higher than himself  in that historical period.It is a clear indication that if  the majority of the workers  vote for socialism,  the ruling elite  will not dare to overthrow them, they will be forced to give up their power to the workers.Salvador Allende only obtained 1/3 of the popular  votes, and his presidency was decided by a legal decision,( Like George Bush )   and it took a long time to overthrow him. What about if all workers around the world become socialists ? The capitalists are going to last less than a roach in  chicken nest.Only pessimists peoples, renegades,  and burn out  think that socialism is impossible to be established around the world.Most of the workers that voted for Sanders or Trump are against the capitalist structure, but they do not have the proper class consciousness to focus their social-economical problems,  and have placed their hopes on reformism, and in a member of the capitalist class

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How long will it be before Trump back-tracks on all his policies and threats? 

    Hasn't he already done so? Wasn't he threatening  beforehand  to bring criminal charges against Clinton  if he was elected.  His acceptance speech seems to suggest he has changed his mind on that score and now wants  to …er…"heal the divisions" that afflict Murrica. Pity. I was quite looking forward to Clinton being prosecuted.  I hope Corbyn sticks to his promise about putting Blair in the dock as a war criminal

    Dave B

    I thought Trump might win based in a small part on reliable reports on the very large attendances at his rallies etc. And its inverse; attendances at Hilary’s. But I think that only addresses the lesser proportions of the voters. Most voters were undoubtedly either voting against “Hilary” or against “Trump”. That was fully recognised beforehand with highest disapproval ratings of both presidential candidates ever.  The anti “Hilary” vote, as a combination and fusion of things is probably more interesting. Once aspect of it was encapsulated by a Michael Moore talk given several days before with his ‘prediction’ that a load of pissed off workers, shafted by lost jobs, poverty and foreclosed homes etc would send a ‘F**k You’ message to whom they considered as the preferred representative of the boss class. And as he said, some of the dafter would to some extent follow the maxim of; ‘an enemy of my enemy is my friend There was little confusion as to who ‘preferred representative of the boss class’ as the  so called mainstream media made that plain. If the Wikileaks stuff on the Wall Street speeches didn’t.  (On political punditry; the guy with his ear to the ground, Julian Assange, said in an interview with John Pilger a few days ago, that Trump wouldn’t be allowed to win. He might still be correct I suppose.)  The ‘F**k You’ message, which is ‘apparently’ naked revenge, can be analysed in two fundamentally different albeit always mixed up ways; the ‘working class’ and human and the ‘economic’ bourgeois way. The ‘economic’ bourgeois way is to raise the level of threatened or exacted, and costs to themselves, of punishment until it reaches risk -benefit equilibrium for the threatened potential perpetrators. It doesn’t matter whether it is pick pockets, sheep rustlers, Mafia horses heads or bomb B52 them into the stone age.    The other ‘F**k You’, is I will take you down and go down with you if that is what it takes.  On the ‘positive’ political incorrectness of the pro Trump supporters re Mexicans and illegal immigrants etc. This I think is invariably interpreted as naked racism ‘ethnicism’ etc and I don’t doubt that that plays its part. But as far as the much ‘justifiably’ maligned redneck working class , over there and here, are concerned ‘they’ could just as easily be Norwegian albino’s. ‘They’ are the ‘global reserve of the unemployed’, irrespective of their skin colour etc, producing the usual affect of over supply of any commodity, in this case labour power, an driving down its ‘price’. I don’t like racism at all; but I think ‘genuine’ working class economic concerns re cheap labour, which is the ‘content’ of ‘their’ problem should be properly redirected back to that? Rather than colluding with the liberal capitalist class as re- representing it, as for them, the safe space of a now, non economic class issue.     

    robbo203 wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How long will it be before Trump back-tracks on all his policies and threats? 

    Hasn't he already done so? Wasn't he threatening  beforehand  to bring criminal charges against Clinton  if he was elected.  His acceptance speech seems to suggest he has changed his mind on that score and now wants  to …er…"heal the divisions" that afflict Murrica. Pity. I was quite looking forward to Clinton being prosecuted.  I hope Corbyn sticks to his promise about putting Blair in the dock as a war criminal

    I do not think he will initiate a criminal legal process against her, she is the darling of the ruling elite, Wall Street. and the Saudi Arabia rulers If he does that, they will be forced to take everybody to jail including all members of the Congress, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George Bush Sr and junior, John Kerry, Collin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and many more. I think the dead presidents and ministers will be criminally processed.also.  If he starts to hit the wall too many roaches are going to comes out including himself will be questioned of how his father made his fortune. A ruling class will never shoot itself.He is not going to start a criminal investigation against the ruing elite of Saudi Arabia when they are the ones that are financing ISIS and others terrorist groups, Hillary's email show that the US have been dealing with terrorists, gangsters and criminal for many years, and they used them when they need them to promote their international economical interests. Later on, he will need them tooHe is not going to build any wall either, in any way they already have the wall built. If they deports all the Mexicans, it will happen like in 1930 when all real estate went into bankruptcy, landlords were complaining due to their loss, city and whole neighborhood were completely empty, and agriculture and farmers  were  going into bankruptcy. Capitalists are not fool, they are not  going to repatriate their factories from China, Vietnam, and South America to pay higher wages, and to create new labors unions, although wages in the US are very low, and the cost of production in China is increasing,  the minimum wage  in the USA must be around $75.00 dollars an hour to compensate for  the level of inflation.All the products and commodities that he is selling thru his  companies they are manufactured in China and Mexico, and many retailers like Macys and Sears are selling products manufactured in Mexico and in the  South American maquiladoras,  and retailers like Panasonic, Sony are manufacturing electronics products in Mexico . Capitalism is not a charity institution, its main purpose is to produce profits.Promises are promises. Barack Obama made more promises and he was not able to fulfill anyone of them, and he was more popular

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Only in the USA a patan like Donald Trump can become a president

    Didn't they elect one in the Philippines earlier this year? .But, then, the Philippines did used to be a US colony.  

    ALB wrote:
    Didn't they elect one in the Philippines earlier this year? .But, then, the Philippines did used to be a US colony.  

    Yes, and now the bodycount is 4000 plus.

    ALB wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Only in the USA a patan like Donald Trump can become a president

    Didn't they elect one in the Philippines earlier this year? .But, then, the Philippines did used to be a US colony.  

    That individual that you have mentioned is only a copy. The Donald Trumph phenomenon has existed in the USA for more than 500 years, the new one is just an updating

    Dave B wrote:
    I thought Trump might win based in a small part on reliable reports on the very large attendances at his rallies etc. And its inverse; attendances at Hilary’s. But I think that only addresses the lesser proportions of the voters. Most voters were undoubtedly either voting against “Hilary” or against “Trump”. That was fully recognised beforehand with highest disapproval ratings of both presidential candidates ever.  The anti “Hilary” vote, as a combination and fusion of things is probably more interesting. Once aspect of it was encapsulated by a Michael Moore talk given several days before with his ‘prediction’ that a load of pissed off workers, shafted by lost jobs, poverty and foreclosed homes etc would send a ‘F**k You’ message to whom they considered as the preferred representative of the boss class. And as he said, some of the dafter would to some extent follow the maxim of; ‘an enemy of my enemy is my friend There was little confusion as to who ‘preferred representative of the boss class’ as the  so called mainstream media made that plain. If the Wikileaks stuff on the Wall Street speeches didn’t.  (On political punditry; the guy with his ear to the ground, Julian Assange, said in an interview with John Pilger a few days ago, that Trump wouldn’t be allowed to win. He might still be correct I suppose.)  The ‘F**k You’ message, which is ‘apparently’ naked revenge, can be analysed in two fundamentally different albeit always mixed up ways; the ‘working class’ and human and the ‘economic’ bourgeois way. The ‘economic’ bourgeois way is to raise the level of threatened or exacted, and costs to themselves, of punishment until it reaches risk -benefit equilibrium for the threatened potential perpetrators. It doesn’t matter whether it is pick pockets, sheep rustlers, Mafia horses heads or bomb B52 them into the stone age.    The other ‘F**k You’, is I will take you down and go down with you if that is what it takes.  On the ‘positive’ political incorrectness of the pro Trump supporters re Mexicans and illegal immigrants etc. This I think is invariably interpreted as naked racism ‘ethnicism’ etc and I don’t doubt that that plays its part. But as far as the much ‘justifiably’ maligned redneck working class , over there and here, are concerned ‘they’ could just as easily be Norwegian albino’s. ‘They’ are the ‘global reserve of the unemployed’, irrespective of their skin colour etc, producing the usual affect of over supply of any commodity, in this case labour power, an driving down its ‘price’. I don’t like racism at all; but I think ‘genuine’ working class economic concerns re cheap labour, which is the ‘content’ of ‘their’ problem should be properly redirected back to that? Rather than colluding with the liberal capitalist class as re- representing it, as for them, the safe space of a now, non economic class issue.     

    I have read  others F- K messages from workers on the streets protesting against Donald Trump election, and they are asking for his impeachment, and they are saying that he is a rapist.Racism has existed in the US since the first day that the Puritan placed their foot on the ground, they started to claim sacred land since the very beginning, and using the Bible  to justify the discrimination and the killing of the natives. 


    Another backtrack?Donald Trump’s team has removed the statement on his website to ban all Muslims from the US. On the same night that millions of votes were pouring in for the real estate mogul turned politician, the page linking to his December 2015 statement regarding a temporary and complete Muslim ban has been removed.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    As with Brexit, the disturbing thing is thre is no discernable working class movement, except in asserting nationalist rights: repatriate the jobs that the Otehr has taken away.  It really does call into question whether the working class is the agent of sociealism.  Should we then, as Paul mason suggests today, tail end liberalism as a lesser evil?

    Depemds on what is meant by "working class".  Reading the papers and watching TV on the result of the election the term seems to be used to mean "non-college-educated white males" but for us, of course, the term has a much wider meaning than that — all forced by economic necessity, by virtue of being excluded from ownership of means of production, to seek to sell their mental and physical energies for a wage or a salary. That'll be over 90% of the population in the developed capitalist parts of the world. In the elections a majority of these voted against Trump who, in percentage terms, got less votes than those who in Britain voted to remain in the EU. Still, a disturbingly large number did.

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