President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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    Noam Chomsky has been doing that for years, I don’t even waste my money and time  reading or buying his  books, he is ambivalent


    On the Republican side, they are already jockeying to be the next candidate if Trump is defeated.
    <p class=”css-ca4fse”>Nikki Haley ex-ambassador to the United Nations and former governor of South Carolina is one of the favourites</p>


    The same dog wearing a different collar.


    It looks like they removed the fuses from Bernie Sanders


    Steve Saylor of the Money Free Party USA has thrown his hat into the Presidential ring:


    Another MFP presidential campaign video


    Not too bad but he comes across as a bit wild-eyed. Hope we don’t when we put our case. Some of what he says is ok as when he says there’s no solution within the present system (which I thought I heard him call capitalism once). You can tell that, while they might be coming towards a similar conclusion to us, it’s from a quite different direction, as with his attacks on banks and from the hints of technocracy. Still, better than many other critics of the present economic system.


    They are much more currency cranky than the party of the sane name in the UK.

    With their endorsement of the US Federal Reserve conspiracy theory and their mistaken belief that private commercial banks can somehow create money to lend out of thin air, I don’t think we have all that much in common with them.




    That is a pity.

    I posted a reply to them to the effect that their argument is seriously flawed with  link into,

    Fractional Reserve Banking Refuted

    and our pamphlet,

    From Capitalism to Socialism – How We Live and How We Could Live

    I won’t hold my breath waiting for  a reply.


    Besides that, there is a conspiracist theory which says that the Federal Reserve Bank is a private institution owned by Jewish


    The case for a continuation of vote for the lesser evil, a bit more sophisticated and nuanced than the usual arguments so makes interesting reading – But as usal ends with the same conclusion.




    Regards the MFP, i still think it may be worthwhile to reach out to their supporters, indicating the weaknesses of some of the MFP positions.

    But more importantly is to link their money-free demand to the socialist traditions that predates the MFP such as the  WSPUS and Keracher’s Proletarian Party which i am sure that their audience are quite unaware of and require having that explained to them.

    This is all a part of the campaign to bring the WSPUS to the attention of a potentially receptive audience.


    I got a reply of sorts from them in my email, from a Stephen Chenoweth, which seems to show he hadn’t read or understood the points in the the article link I posted.

    “Not really talking about local, commercial banks. Just the Central Bankers of the world, and the Federal Reserve in this country… and the 12 “children” under them, the Reserve Banks all across this country. That’s where the money comes from. And the Fed just created $2.3 TRILLION more out of thin air.
    They estimate there’s $37 trillion circulating in the world now.  And how much debt?  $257 trillion.  Don’t even try to make sense of it.  We’re getting rid of banks COMPLETELY in the future.  We don’t need banks and we don’t need bankers.  We want to free the bankers and let them have the opportunity to do meaningful work.
    Open source software can handle transactions in a temporary monetary system until we make the change.  And besides, everyone who works in the financial sector actually creates … NOTHING.  Nothing real or tangible, no products that people need and want.  NOTHING.  Don’t need that anymore.  Can you imagine what a wonderful world we can create without the vampires?  And no corporations, either… just like the founders of this country wanted.  Take care, my friend.  Best to you.”
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by PartisanZ.

    He is right that ONLY central banks such as the Federal  Reserve and the B of E etc. can create money by printing it.

    It does get a bit more complex when it comes to QE and the issuing of government bonds to the money market which i think he is including in his money creation (i could be wrong). Someone more knowledgeable can explain how it does not pose a threat to inflation.

    As for open source banking, it is still part of the exchange economy, prices and commodity production, which MFP has to do away with if they seek to abolish money.

    Since he took the time to reply, why not try and establish a further dialogue and query just how long “a temporary monetary system until we make the change.” would be and if such a transition is even possible

    I added WSPUS links to the two You Tube videos.


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