President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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  • #200583

    That is only bullshit from the Me Too movement when their members were the first ones who voted for Donald Trump who was accused by several women, and they were the first ones who wanted poor women from other countries to be deported.

    More than 54% of the white women preferred Donald Trump and they did not care about his past, they just wanted a nationalist white buffalo in the White House, there was a video showing that he loves to grab women by their intimate parts, and everybody saw it

    It does not any difference if Joe Biden has dementia, that is the guy that one sector of the USA ruling wants to be elected, voters can select one of the personality from Disneyland and they will do the same job.

    it was the same case of Ronald Reagan who had Alzahmeir disease before he became the president, and his son has written a book denouncing his father mental condition, and he was elected twice by a landslide, and the guy was a criminal and a drug dealer who made an agreement with Pablo Escobar using the CIA, and he initiated the Condor Operation in Central and South America. They have always elected criminals, recalcitrant, and reactionaries.

    A spent part of my life in. a small town and peoples elected Tailors, Plumbers, Carpenters, Masonry, housewife, and poor women to be senators and governors, and they walked in the streets without any bodyguard, and they lived a simple life.

    The congress of the USA is a club of millionaires, criminals, and outlaws, and they are always reelected for several terms, and everybody knows that Joe Biden is a criminal who approved the massacre of Iraq, and he was part of the criminal operations conducted by Barrack Obama


    Peoples are stupid how are they going to prefer a man who is not going to advocate for Medicare for all when everybody in the USA need free medical service? Joe Biden is just the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party



    It is now evident the strategy of Biden’s camp is concentrating attention upon the written record.

    Reade, as she explained previously, was not explicit in her sexual harassment complaint. If the report is found it will not have any reference to the sexual assault. I’ve seen this before so it is no surprise to me.

    I am fairly confident that the liberal, pro-Democratic Party media will move on and Biden will face no further questioning upon this matter. The media will be satisfied it has done its job “professionally”

    Our task though is to convince our American fellow-workers that the lesser evil is still an evil. Sanders as the presidential contestant would have made our case much more of a difficulty but between Biden and Trump, it is somewhat easier.



    Perhaps a Libertarian Party candidate might split the Trump vote and give Biden the election?


    Another leftist plea not to not vote for Biden:

    Some of the arguments he sets out to refute are ones we make too. For instance;

    ”The two major parties are merely the right and left wings of the capitalist system. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.”



    The same old crap about saving the American democracy and the American dream, like the Americans, have been living under a democracy


    Nothing Left

    “Don’t criticize the lesser of two evils on the left or your voice will be banished.”


    An omen?

    The Republicans win Congress seat in California from the Democrats


    “…the party is deeply divided and might be too splintered to unify behind Biden in November…”


    So AOC joins one of Biden’s task-forces – co-chairs the one on climate change and provides him credibility when Sunrise previously gave his environment policies a F. Her new colleague is that well-known radical John Kerry (irony and sarcasm) who is there to rein her in from demanding the full Green New Deal limiting it to re-join the Paris Agreement

    Unity above all even for those so called radicals.

    “believes the movement will only be successful if we continue to apply pressure both inside and outside the system”

    Another of the squad co-chairs  Pramila Jayapal, health.

    Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, is the token trade unionist.


    You said before: Wherever goes to be with dogs will get fleas. US politicians do not have any integrity and dignity


    An omen? The Republicans win Congress seat in California from the Democrats.”

    Of course under the undemocratic way of electing the US President, where the voters in each state elect representatives to an electoral college who then elect the president, a vote for the minority party in a state doesn’t count. What makes it worse is that (except in one or two of the states) it’s the winner takes all with the party with the most  (not necessarily even a majority) votes in a state taking all its seats in the electoral college.

    California is traditionally Democrat and it’s inconceivable that it would vote for Trump so any vote for the Republicans there is a wasted in the sense that it doesn’t count towards the election for the president (it’s not wasted of course as an expression of the voter’s political view). The same applies to all other parties. This has the advantage for leftists living in California and other safe Democrat states that they can vote for a minority party (like the new one mentioned on another thread) without splitting the anti-Republican vote. They can  have their cake and eat it and vote Green or Progressive or whatever as this won’t split the anti-Trump vote while urging people in the swing states who think like them to vote Democrat.


    Jose  Biden is also riding on the horse of blaming China for the Coronavirus pandemic. He is just the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party, it also shows that Trump is not the problem


    Billionaire and former presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is considering a major spending blitz to back Joe Biden’s White House bid, CNBC reported on Friday.


    Biden continues his gaffes.

    The supposed political neutral former lead prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s special counsel team Andrew Weissmann hosts a Biden fund-raiser. A gift to Trump’s campaign accusation of the “deep state” for Biden.

    Then Biden does his best to alienate his black vote.

    “Charlamagne urged Mr Biden to return for an additional interview, saying he had more questions.
    “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Mr Biden responded.
    Charlamagne said: “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact that I want something for my community.”
    “Take a look at my record, man!” Biden said, throwing his hands in the air, seconds before concluding the interview.”


    These bourgeois politicians are so arrogant and ignorant that they don’t think before opening their mouth. The black peoples were the ones who gave Joe Biden the presidential nomination, and they rejected Bernie Sanders. Malcolm X told many times to the black peoples that the Democratic Party was the party of the racists, the KKK, white supremacists  and the plantations owners

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