President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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    Reelecting Donald Trump, or electing Joe Biden ( Obama Light ) would be the continuation of the same old shit from a different toilet


    The election of any Republican emboldens the Right.

    But yes, DJP, Trump’s rhetoric resonates more strongly with the extreme Right, than say, Ted Cruz.

    I don’t think he drives their agenda but he himself bounces off their beliefs. How often does he re-tweets the talking points of Fox News?

    He needs a strong base to control and perhaps intimidate and threaten the conservative-minded Republican party machine.

    But the question being raised is Trump more dangerous to the working class that we must urge then to hold their noses and vote for Biden.

    What we must ask ourselves this, DJP, would a re-elected Trump be more effective in dampening down future working class resistance than a Democratic president such as Biden would be?

    Once again it, I suggest, it will be all about the lesser evil.

    Unions and grassroot organisers will be told, swallow the medicine despite the bad taste because ultimately it is good for you.  The alternative will be another Trump (Ivanka?) they will be told.

    And to ensure there won’t be, the Democrat president must appeal (appease) to the “moderate” Republicans which means a right-wing shift in policies, not the adoption of Sanders radical reforms. After all, the lesser evil approach has guaranteed the liberals support so no need to adopt the left’s agenda other than a few token gestures to placate them, probably in line with international norms such as climate change agreements.

    As socialists we cannot vacillate and sacrifice principle for temporary opportunism. We are that little voice of conscience – which says – “Told you so”.

    Of course, all the above is pure speculation and as I already said, i’m more often wrong than right.

    Another scenario is Biden as president will embolden the left such as AOC and the Justice Democrats who will pressure Biden into offering more concessions on M4A and the GND and the free college education. Perhaps working class organisations might feel they have more leverage and extra confidence and increase their demands.

    But to tell the truth, i think the side-effects of the pandemic rather than the choice of president will have had a lot more influence on the militancy of workers.

    In many ways who is in the White House is an irrelevancy




    Curiously the Democratic Party was the political party of the slave master, the racists, the lynchers,  the colonialists, and the Ku Klux Klan, and now they want to play the progressive card. Give me a break !!!

    Joe Biden can become a fireman to extinguish the workers’ revolts, as it happened with Barrack Obama and the black peoples,  and the Latinos who thought that a black president was going to resolve their problems, and he became a nightmare for the black American  peoples, Latin America,  and the African peoples too

    He reactivated the military and legal coups in several countries including Africa, Haiti, Ecuador, and El Salvador, he became the poppy of the white capitalist class, like in the present occasion the black bourgeoisie and the black religious leaders are promoting Joe Biden, and they were campaign against Medicare for all which is badly needed by the Afro Americans.


    Obama continued and increased the war machine left by prior presidents, and he increased the military spending and deported millions of workers, and Hillary Clinton became his new butcher, he initiated the killings of leaders using drones, and Joe Biden was part of those criminal actions, like his support for the Iraq and Afganistan war which have killed more than 1.5 million human beings. Donald Trump is a boy scout compared with Joe Biden and Barrack Obama

    The best USA president  is the one that has not been elected yet, as soon as he arrives at the white house, he must read the same pamphlet read by the other presidents


    NYT reports that Biden will be a progressive president, defending workers and their unions among other things


    There is now a credible allegation of sexual assault against Dementia Joe…he has been accused by an ex-staff member  of  penetrating her with his finger.

    New Evidence Supporting Credibility of Tara Reade’s Allegation Against Joe Biden Emerges

    The pro-Democratic Party media such as CNN and MSNBC are purposefully either discrediting the accuser or brushing the story under the rug. Biden has had 10 different interviews, including with CNN anchors Anderson Cooper and Brooke Baldwin, MSNBC anchors Nicolle Wallace and Brian Williams, ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, and NBC News’ Chuck Todd and not once been quizzed about the accusation.

    And the prominent female liberals who supported the #MeToo movement are displaying an extraordinary example of double-standards

    We can be sure this won’t be ignored by the Trump campaign

    Nor will the money-making ventures particularly in China and the Ukraine of Hunter Biden be neglected.

    What’s the bookie’s odds that Trump wina a second term? It increasingly looks like a sure bet




    The first sexual offender is in the White House and millions of peoples ( men, women )  voted for him, and continue supporting him, they worship him like a god, even more, religious leaders have said that he is god chosen one,  and they are willing to die and to kill for him, and they are willing to elect him, and they do not care if the places children and women in cages like animals, and they do not say anything about all the women that are being killed in Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and El Salvador which are fighting for women rights,  Several sexual offenders were elected to become magistrate of the Supreme Court and they have passed many laws against women


    Vote Biden – Vote Republican

    Biden said on Wednesday he would consider announcing the names of some cabinet officials before the election – and that some of the people might be Republicans.


    Barrack Obama did the same thing, and he selected peoples who served Ronald Reagan. They are birds from the same nest


    Biden said that he would keep the US embassy in Israel in Jerusalem if elected.

    “now that it’s done, I would not move the embassy back to Tel Aviv,” Biden told a virtual fundraising event.


    Joe Biden doesn’t want to lose his Jewish donors. The peoples from the USA are always electing craps to be president or presidential candidates


    So Biden has finally spoken.

    It is now a matter of she said, he said and who you wish to believe as expressing the truth

    Trusting someone who is relying on memory, can we forget that Biden mis-remembered his role in the civil rights movement marches and how he completely forgot that he was not arrested in South Africa for trying to reach the then jailed Mandela. Or his support for the Iraq war. Or allying with Republicans to oppose bussing of minorities.

    At  a personal level, he misrepresented the tragic circumstance of the death of his wife and infant daughter. He said the driver was drunk – who was not and who also had the right of way on the road and then after the crash assisted the best he could.

    Biden can invent “facts”


    I hold no brief for the sod but he might not be lying as memory is anything but reliable;

    The same applies of course to his accuser.

    Both could believe they are telling the truth but not be accurately recalling events of thirty years ago. Which means there is no way of establishing what happened.


    Reade has been accused of being inconsistent with her claims…rather than initially present the event in its entirety, she later elaborated on the details. There no contradictions in her account, just a fuller description. But it is being held against her.

    Her claims have been corroborated even if legally it might be said to be hearsay evidence.

    Likewise, Biden’s senior staff deny any complaint was lodged by Reade as proof positive that no assault took place.

    And now the Senate will be requested to permit an examination of its files. Not sure just how long that process will take. Probably until the end of the election is what i’m guessing when it cannot damage his chances.

    Bu, yes,  there are four options. Reade is lying. Biden is lying. Reade is misremembering. Biden is misremembering.

    My bet is that Biden is not consciously lying but as in the case of his wife’s and child’s traumatic death, he is prone to re-constructing events, understandable to minimise the pain.

    He has shown on several occasions that he also does so regards his political history. I see no reason why he should break the pattern.

    It is not for nothing i call him Dementia Joe. He exhibits the clinical symptoms of its onset, rambling incoherent replies to questions where cannot finish his sentence.

    Nor should we forget that Biden was pressured into a reply, it was not voluntarily given and took quite a while to get around to. And the media only began focussing on it once Sanders was out of the way. Never during the contest.

    Nor do i see many media outlets offering her interviews. The AP originally did but then declined to publish details of the interview at the time.

    In Scotland it would be a “not proven”, in a criminal case a “not guilty” but in a civil case, probably a “guilty” verdict



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