President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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  • #207994

    “Apparently a fly won the vice-presidential debate”



    The most prestigious medical journals in America in a thinly veiled editorial endorses Biden without actually saying so


    This man knows pretty well everything about those debates. Only idiots can believe in those debates. It is only a TV show like watching a football game


    That is a very influential Medical Journal and they always know what they are talking about when it comes to science and medicine, and diseases prevention and they know that the pandemic could have been controlled using the proper medical protocols, and many good doctors and nurse have died. Some doctors are questioning the decisions made by Trump personal doctors ( he is not a medical doctor, he is an osteopathic  ) because nobody is able to recover from COVID 19 infection  in a few days, and they are  questioning the date that he was infected,  and  when he was tested, ( positive and negative ) and how is his immune system


    Joe Biden is the candidate of Wall Street, Financial Sector, the Pentagon and the intelligence apparatus. The same sectors that supported Barrack Obama


    Can it get any crazier? Yes

    Trump calls for the arrest of Biden and Obama

    “Unless Bill Barr indicts these people for crimes,” declared the president, “the greatest political crime in the history of our country, then we’re gonna get little satisfaction unless I win. Because I won’t forget it. But these people should be indicted, this was the greatest political crime in the history of our country. And that includes Obama, and that includes Biden; these are people that spied on my campaign, and we have everything.”

    A president calling for the jailing of his opponent days from an election, accusing him of being part of a coup…Unreal




    And also we now have one of the leaders of the opposition party, Nancy Pelosi, suggest it is time to evoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump for mental incompetence.

    Stranger and stranger still


    Early voting – 25 days until election day – 7million have already voted


    Yes, it looks as if US capitalist class have got fed up with the antics of the president of their executive committee as ruling class. All the more reason, not to intervene to help them out.

    Meanwhile Pluto Press have sent us publicity for some of their books about the election in which they say:

    Neither candidate will implement the reforms necessary to blunt the sharp edges of capitalism.”

    Very revealing. That’s all leftists want : “to blunt the sharp edges of capitalism”. But of course no one can do that, at least not for long, not even Bernie. It’s the whole system of capitalist class ownership and production for profit that has to go.



    This is like the joke about the house painter, The USA ruling class is going to remove the ladder to Trump, and they want him to hold himself with the brush, this is like a palace coup,  all the major economic sectors are supporting Joe Biden, he is a better protector of their national and international interests, and they do not want an internal workers revolt, now they have a guy talking about unity, supporting all ethnics groups and American value, the capitalist train is taking another track. The FBI already arrested some white conspirators inspired by Trump, they are sending them a message, and also there is a Black militia and many were members of the armed forces, the black panthers they had firecrackers the new black panthers they have machines guns, heavy ammunition and flame throwers. Joe Biden already won the electoral college, that is all that he needs to be president, he is already the new president before the real election taking place, unless something different happen


    Wall street only? The whole capitalist apparatus is supporting him such as the Industrial sectors, the agricultural sector, the financial and banking sectors, and the intelligence apparatus, Trump is supported by his supporters and they are a minority. They want another Barrack Obama,( he has 65% of approval )  and this is the reason why the Black peoples are supporting him instead of Bernie Sanders. Do you think that the US capitalist class is going to take Barrack Obama to jail? He served them pretty well in 8 years, much better than George Bush, and he is a chameleon


    In Central America, they have a rope ready for Negroponte, Oliver North, Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell. They are  heroes and braves in the USA because most peoples do not know the real history about them, they are just a bunch of  cowards and criminals, especially Negroponte

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