President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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  • #206990

    Further to ALB’s post, Republicans are considering a legal challenge to Bloomberg

    “Florida created an unconstitutional system that prohibits people from voting until their debts are paid. Now the state is objecting to those debts being paid. The state seems intent on preventing voting, rather than collecting payment,”


    And then, they are saying that Nicolas Maduro is a dictator and that  his election is a fraud


    More vote for the lesser evil arguments

    “We’ve got our own reasons to vote for Biden, and Joe ain’t one.”

    “…Naomi Klein wrote: “Vote for a more favorable terrain. Our struggle goes way beyond elections. We’re in the streets. We’re talking to our neighbors and co-workers. But who controls the presidency changes what’s politically possible for our struggles.”…”

    Cornel West: “A vote for Joe Biden is . . . a way of preserving the condition for the possibility of any kind of democratic practice in the United States.”

    And if Biden does not move, which is the very probable position, what then?


    Is that the so-called radical left?  What is radical about a bunch of capitalism reformist?


    A refreshing both are evils article even if the conclusion isn’t so clear

    “Both candidates represent money that begets money, both would keep the existing social order in the US intact, both would support butchers around the world that are friends of the US, and both will try to overthrow those governments that are not subservient to the US. But Biden will bring back normalcy, will try to resurrect the aura of presidency, and will try to remake the image of the US empire. Trump, on the other hand, will continue on his sociopathic path, will continue to amuse the rest of the world with his idiocy, will make the other “leaders” of the world laugh at his ignorance, and may destroy the US empire from within. Hmm … this is a tough decision.”


    Now they are planning to nominate a reactionary catholic woman to the supreme court who is a member of the most reactionary group withing the catholic church. Proven that in the capitalist world,  sex, religion, national ethnic origin and colour of the skin would make any difference to serve the interest of the capitalist class


    He must be joking. How can they appoint a strict Roman Catholic who therefore takes orders from the pope on certain issues to the Supreme Court. Even on their terms it’s against the US constitution as the judges have to swear to uphold that and not take orders from abroad.

    Daniel De Leon once write a pamphlet against “ultramontanism” which this would be. And surely it won’t appeal to evangelicals and other know nothings (or should that be Know Nothings?) who are part of Trump’s electoral base.


    Its all about Roe V Wade and Supreme Court ending abortion which unites the Catholics with the Evangelicals and the Mormons and all the other fundamentalists


    If the Supreme Court dared to ban abortion all hell would break loose. I don’t think they will even with a raving Roman Catholic as one of them.


    Antonin Scalia was a magistrate of the US Supreme Court and he was a catholic and a member of the Opus Dei. Catholics and Evangelicals ( Catholics without a pope ) are united under the same banners: Abortion, Homophobia, Family value, and against same-sex marriage. Religion has always played an important role in the electoral process and political life of the USA, they are still puritan and Calvinists. The ironic thing is that more than 55% of white women including feminists and lesbian voted for Donald Trump knowing that he is a women predators. Clarence Thomas is a black man and he is a reactionary right-winger and he is also a woman predator and he was nominated by the Congress as a magistrate of the Supreme Court


    Ralph Nader’s wish list for Biden

    Democratic voters should demand that the Democratic Party candidates pledge to vote to (1) raise the long frozen, federal minimum wage of $7.25 to a living wage; (2) support more efficient full Medicare for All (with free choice of doctors and hospitals and no cruel, irritating networks); (3) repeal Trump’s two trillion dollar tax cut, with additional loopholes for the rich, and huge corporate subsidies and giveaways; and to use the money to upgrade and rebuild the job-rich public works sector as well as the infrastructure in every community in the country – both in the red and blue states; (4) crack down, with law and order, on the corporate crimewave that bleeds consumers out of trillions of dollars a year; (5) repeal anti-labor laws to facilitate empowering tens of millions of workers who want to join unions to defend their economic and safety interests; and (6) accelerate the transition to a solar-based economy with better air, water, greater neighborhood self-reliance, and to reduce the devastating climate disruption from the burning of fossil fuels.

    Has he any hope in having those fulfilled? And even if he does, will it make much of a difference?



    Ralph Nader has a new show demonstrating the falsehood of the so called presidential debates or what he calls no debate and how these debates are manipulated by the dictatorship of two capitalist parties system  The small  island of saint thomas is more democratic than the USA When are  the USA workers going  to wake up ? When are they going to stand up and rebel against all these manipulation? Are they masochists? The peoples from the small island of Barbados are fighting back against the capitalist domination and they question everything that their leaders tell them


    So he has gone and done it. The other thing is that if she is appointed she will have a say if the result of the election  is contested and goes to the Supreme Court.

    Another example of the flaws in “democracy” in the US — one of the candidates gets to appoint a member of the jury that will have to decide on the election result. That’s the sort of thing that the president of Belorussia would love to do.


    Now Donald Trump can apply the same expression that he used himself against another third world country: The USA is a shithole country and a banana republic, the so-called three separation of power is gone, bourgeoise democracy is a real farce, the only real democracy is socialism, the so-called two political party system is the dictatorship of one single party split into two political fronts. Pretty soon all the capitalist reforms implemented by Roosevelt and his New Deal are going to be reversed, the large original accumulation of capital that the USA state apparatus  was able to accumulate is gone and the surplus-value taken from  more than  80% taxation is gone too, now the state has accumulated a huge debt of fictitious capital and if it continues its spiral  ascension the fall is going to be worst than the collapse of the Soviet Union



    There are two reactionaries women predators in the USA supreme court and Congress nominated them, and if this woman is appointed by Congress it is going to be controversial.  She belongs to a fundamentalists religious organization where men are the machos men, and women can not make any decision, there are like the Jehovah Witnesses, it is a clear indication that all the reforms which  favoured women are going to be reversed, and those women who voted for Donald Trump are going to be in the streets protesting along with the others women that did not vote for him

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