President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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  • #206485

    “I have had the same problem of what term for African-Americans which i use now, since negro, coloured (and even black sometimes) are no longer PC.”

    I have seen “people of colour” being used recently.


    That’s not a good term. Personally, I don’t like it at all as it’s so obviously artificial and right on. At one time the word used in the US by everybody was “Negro”, then it was “Colored” (also in respectable use on Britain till the 1970s) as still in NAACP, now it’s “Black” or “Afro-American” . If you want to be pedantic neither is strictly accurate but they are not so artificial and pretentious as “people of colour”. Incidentally, to complicate things quite a few of those called “Latinos” would otherwise be categorised as “Black”.

    As Marcos has pointed out, all this “racial” classification is a mess and absurd. Everybody is “mixed race” insofar as in prehistoric times there were separate “races” of humans, including “Europeans” (mixed even in historical times with people from Central Asia or from the African side of the Mediterranean).

    The best term for all of us is “human being”.



    There are about 68 different language groups in Mexico alone. While most speak Spanish (perhaps), they identify with and use their native language. The class distinction of them being ‘fellow workers’ is an important one, especially if they are employed or seeking to be so, as well as ‘human beings’.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by PartisanZ.

    Just how many of Trump’s policies will Biden retain?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by PartisanZ.

    The same dog wearing a different collar. When the USA workers are going to wake up? They have been repeating the same movie for more than 250 years, they can not even elect a social democrat like Bernie Sanders, many of them have been elected around the world, and they have proven to be a good appendix of the capitalist class.

    The only way for them to change the policy toward China if it becomes the same country like it was in 1960 when Richard Nixon made the first commercial deal with Mao Tse Tung, in that historical period China was not a threat to USA capitalism and it was not struggling to replace the USA in the world market, and it was not the factory of the whole world.

    All those pretexts about China virus, stealing technology, spying, 5G, the closing of the embassy, violation of human rights,  etc. etc. could have been eliminated if the ruling class of china become submissive to the  interests of the USA ruling class, like the case of North Korea, Venezuela, Russia and Cuba which the USA can not control either even imposing heavy embargos and commercial blockage


    He planned to argue that the left’s intense focus on the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on Black people undermined multiracial organizing, which he sees as key to health and economic justice.


    Dave wrote

    “When it comes to voting, is “fellow human beings” a helpful way of differentiating voting intentions of various communities and who politicians are appeal to.”

    What is the purpose of differentiating the voting intentions of various communities?  We already know that the vast majority of workers, regardless of their ethnic origin, will continue to vote for the continuation of capitalism for the foreseeable future…


    This is the best answer on this thread



    Biden has not said whether he would, if elected in November, support the project, known officially as the Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent. The project has bipartisan support in Congress.

    The total bill is expected to approach $1.2 trillion.


    The new argumentation made by Ralph Nader and David Clay Johnson ( Donald Trump biographer )  is that in case that Donald Trump loses the election, he is going to pardon all the members of his family and his associate, and he is going to resign before January 2021 and nominate Mike Pence as the president and Pence is going to pardon him for all his Federal crimes, if he accepts the pardon it  is a clear indication that he is a felon. He has a pending tax evasion, fraud and racketeering case in New York City , and that is a crime at state level which can be processed by New York District attorney against him and his family, and that can not be avoided even if he changes his residence to the State of Florida


    Yes, this election has the makings of a good soap opera,


    I was at a meeting on Zoom yesterday evening organised by the local Humanists addressed by a speaker from the Black NonBelievers (speaking from Atlanta). It was an interesting talk in itself. She referred to the “Black” community and to only “women of colour”. I see from Wikipedia that this is a feminist thing, probably to get round the “latino/latina” problem. But the Wiki entry also says that it covers other “NonWhites” (to use terminology of apartheid era South Africa) and not just “Blacks”.

    This reminded me of this statement quoted by Wiki from a Labour Party Black Section from in the 1980s (the heyday if the Looney Left) to justify counting people from Cyprus as black;

    Black” is a political concept. It is used to include all racially oppressed minorities. Each geographical area, therefore, is likely to reflect its own “black” communities. In most areas this will inevitably mean people of Afro-Caribbean or Asian descent. However, in Haringey, forexample, Cypriots have chosen to be, and are, involved in local Black Sections.

    Labour Party Black Sections, 1985


    The joke of the year is that Donald Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize like Barrack Obama and Henry Kissinger


    The harsh truth of the matter, is if they deserved it, then indeed Trump is also a deserving nominee.

    An organisation can be nominated

    All nominations from heads of state or politicians serving at a national level are accepted. University professors, directors of foreign policy institutes, past recipients of a Nobel Prize and members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee are also among those deemed qualified to submit a nomination for the prize. The nominations require no invitation and as long they are entered before 1 February of the qualifying year, they will be accepted. For the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize there are 318 candidates.

    Surely we can find a friendly academic to nominate us. We too can gain some publicity from being nominated.

    But should we associate ourselves with those others?


    Malcolm X said that Martin Luther King accepted the peace prize too early because his people did not enjoy peace. Malcolm X would have never accepted a peace prize and they will never offer one to him either

    “I would refuse to follow a general who accepted a peace prize before the battle was won,” Malcolm X told nearly 1000 people attending the Law School Forum in Sanders Theatre last night.

    In an apparent reference to the Rev. Martin Luther King. Malcolm declared “As a leader, I would refuse to accept a prize for peace while my people had no peace.”


    I wonder what Malcolm X would have said about Barrack Obama, probably he would have called him the slave of the house of the master, or the owner of the plantation.


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