President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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  • #205771

    Has been living USA since 1984 and always the so call lefty every election they always promote voting for the Democratic party.

    I am disappointed with stupid is very sad seen Chomsky now i do understand why still around…

    He is part of the problem and he is false radical that will ending his life be complice of USA. Class domination !!!




    I did not bring the topic, I am a socialist but I am  not a feminist, and that is


    Noam Chomsky is not the only, there are a lot like him, from Canada all the way to Argentina and the Caribbeans. The USA is a special case, all these intellectuals, they read a lot of books, and write a lot of books, give many conference and lectures,  but they never obtain a clear understanding of what socialism really is. Pretty soon  you are going to see them marching behind Kamala Harris and promoting her as a leftwinger


    If it worked before, do it again

    The birther conspiracy theory against Kamala Harris



    The USA is one of the most racist nations that has existed over the earth since the day that the Calvinist and Puritans landed on the East coast. McCain was born in Panama Canal which was part of Great Colombia and it was a territory stolen by the USA, and Ted Cruz was born in Canada and both were a presidential candidate, and he is a Senator of Texas which is also a  territory stolen by the USA from the Nation of Aztlan, even more, the Mexican government is questioning the validity of the Guadalupe/Hidalgo treaty which in one of its clauses said that the Mexicans were allowed to go in and out of the North Territory and they were allowed to have two citizenship, and the document was ex parte altered, and a Mexican website ( La Voz de Aztlan ) published the original documents and the website was taken down accusing them of being antisemitic. Many universities professor in Texas were suspended because they were teaching to their students the real history of the South-Western region of the USA which was stolen after the  convenient war against Mexico



    Another article on the lesser evil quandary of Chomsky

    In a fake democracy voting for corporate candidates just legitimizes our servitude. That’s the problem.


    For the Democratic Convention, they gave one minute to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. It is a  dogs and cats fight. Richard Wolff asked a question to a group of his listeners: Why do you support a system that is not yours and it will not help you?  That is the key to the problem


    Malcolm X said: A drop of black will make you black and in order to be an American ( USA ) you have to be a white person, with blue or green eyes, blonde hair, and a protestant.  Several years ago any white person was allowed to vote even if that person was not a USA Citizen. Why Kamala Harris is called a black woman when his father is Jamaican and his mother is from Indian? She should be called an Indian/black American, in the way that there are Italian American or German American. Barrack Obama is an African white American, and they call him black. This identity politics is crazy


    As Marcos pointed out AOC will receive just only 60 seconds of air-time at the Democratic Convention. Other than Sanders, none of the other progressives will have a speech. A Republican anti-Trumpist will get prime place for his speech.

    The DNC Party machine are always in control. Those on the Left that advocate a vote for Biden and then a radical campaign after he is elected are delusional.

    There is no centrist base for progressives to appeal to. There are the small progressive faction and then there is the Republican-lite corporate one who runs the Democratic Party.


    More and more this election has nothing to do with any policy issues.

    It is more and more an out-right referendum on Trump.

    It will be about who gets their voter base out.

    I saw a Biden video which was all about how a nice dad he is…no political content whatsoever


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