President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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  • #205562

    The case for the lesser evil – Biden

    “the new grassroots initiative as a “two-step campaign: First, vote Trump out. Then challenge Biden from day one.”

    And how often have we heard that one before…



    It sounds like the Leninists two-stages revolution


    The vote lesser evil video, narrated by Chomsky


    Now, Donald Trump is attacking or questioning the religious life/view of Joe Biden. It looks like Trump will do anything in order to be reelected because he is not a religious person and he is not a churchgoer either, and he does not belong to any religious congregation. Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic and he regularly attend a church with his wife


    I wasn’t aware of this Biden quote which illustrates the US-Israeli alliance

    “It is the best $3 billion investment we make,” Biden said in 1986 in reference to the annual largesse in military assistance, implying it was worthier of funding than any other federal funding. “Were there not an Israel,” he continued, “the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region.”



    Kamala Harris is the pick for VP.

    An ex-attorney general, a glorified cop, not an appeal to the progressive for the African-American vote but to reassure the law’n’order brigade. Also to placate identity politics as she is of Jamaican-Indian heritage.

    Her history is that she blocked evidence to keep an innocent person in jail, her state denied early release to non-viol minor offenders on the grounds it reduced the numbers used for prison labour, jailed pot smokers, and threatened jail for truancy, and much more.

    Bernie Sanders endorses Harris, Biden’s pick for VP


    Her biography sounds like a typical American politician.  Nothing new, it does show that any sex and any colour of the skin can serve the interest of the ruling class. The best example is Barrack Obama. The Feminists of the Socialist Party should support her


    The best president of the USA is the one who has not been elected yet


    Headline in yesterday’s Times (of London):

    ”Wall Street backs Biden with millions in donations.”


    It looks like one sector of the USA ruling wants Donald Trump to be replaced by Joe Biden


    She put the little guys in jail and the big guys became her backers and the police forces were her backers too. The Democratic Party is another right-wing party like the Republican Party, there is no such thing as a progressive and leftist/socialist  Democratic Party


    i think we have to seriously consider that with Biden’s failing faculties, and the likelihood of him being a one-term president, the VP choice is an endorsement of the next president by the Democratic Party establishment, a safe pair of hands to pass on to.



    Why are they calling Kamala Harris an “Afro-American”? She could equally be called an “Asian Indian American” as I notice some are saying she’s both. But they never called Obama both an “Afro-American” and a “White European American”.

    What nonsense these “racial” classifications are !  Why not simply say she is a member of the human race.


    This is a contradiction or a mess,  the African American voted against a candidate which promised Medicare for all to select a candidate who does not support Medicare for all.  and he said that he will reject any bill that will come to his office, but Joe Biden has selected a VP who supported some form of  Medicare for all, and the African Americans are against police brutality, but Joe Biden has selected a VP which is a pro-cop and pro incarceration of the poor peoples. Sometimes I believe that peoples mistakenly elect their executioners

    Some posts have been deleted on here but when I attempted to move them into this thread they did not post.
    I don’t have the time or inclination to be  doing this.
    I managed to save most of them onto the feminist thread but apologies for the mess of some other ones.
    I can’t move form General Discusions Forum into other Forums nicely.
    I suggest to comrades to keep on the topic and if you wish to debate further on the subject of feminism use the above link.
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    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by PartisanZ.
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