President Biden?

March 2025 Forums General discussion President Biden?

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    Well, never place faith in any of my predictions. I thought Bloomberg would become Sanders main danger but the Comeback Kid Biden appears to have prevailed.

    The threat of  Sanders presidency has receded. The risk of a contested nomination stealing the “crown” from Sanders has disappeared.

    The centrists, the moderates have overcome the left and the “socialists”.

    The oligarchs breathe a sigh of relief. Once again they have been victorious in the class war.

    Sanders will endorse Biden as he did HRC

    I now make another new prediction…Trump will win his second term against Biden is Sleepy Old Joe.

    And 2024 will have AOC as the knight in shining armour riding to the Left’s rescue and will the dragon she has to slay be Ivanka Trump?

    Only to suffer the same fate…the reformist’s hope being dashed yet again…

    And of 2028? Will we be here?

    Are the alarmists and catastrophists going to be proved right with their climate crises predictions?



    If your predictions come true, Alan, the same question arises as in the case of Corbyn’s dejected followers – will defeat make them more susceptible to the socialist case, or less? Will they come round to thinking ‘we have got nothing to lose by stepping off the reformist treadmill and cutting our ties with the politics of capitalism since the establishment will always stitch things up in their favour in the end’ or will they become more determined than ever to shift capitalist politics in the direction of enlightened reformism?


    Robin, I think the choice of Labour Party leader, the lack of interest in maintaining Corbyn’s agenda answers your question.

    The defeat in the General Election demoralised the “radical” wing of the Labour Party and have no emboldened their policies. A few token gestures but nothing of substance.

    The actual social reforms in their manifesto did not cause the Labour Party to lose, but it was the vacillations on Brexit and the media smears of Corbyn.

    With Sanders it is a bit different, there is general approval ratings for his proposals such as Green New Deal and Medicare For All and free college education and the end of student debt. But the tax rises on the corporations necessary to fund his policies is why he got no Big Business endorsements and instead was targeted by the mainstream media.

    He has not suffered too many personality attacks and the majority of people view him as sincere and genuine – an honest politician

    When he loses, there will still be movements for the environment such as Sunrise and the $15 minimum wage. It may be the basis of a continued independent grassroots campaign without him other than perhaps as their voice.

    I see no prospect of any Labour Party activism. What happens in the UK will be outside the Labour Party but it is much more nebulous and less organised than in the USA. The environment movement such as XR fail to become anything more than a one issue protest…there is no real economic analysis.

    It is perhaps at that level, socialists can act as a catalyst by pushing the feasibility of a non-market economy as the ONLY solution. We have to present socialism as the REAL eco-friendly society. That would be my focus, right now. Hopefully, the plans for Glasgow’s COP26 can be our springboard.  But somehow, and I appreciate the problems and difficulties, it has to be more than one intensive weekend of activity.

    But who am I to say being  thousands of miles away from my fellow-workers in Britain. I no longer have any direct connection to make reasoned and informed views on their thinking and their consciousness. You live a bit closer, geographically and culturally, and may have a better insight but still you too are not completely alongside your UK fellow-workers and might lack much needed knowledge.

    So really you and I rely on our fellow Party members in the UK to provide the necessary insight for us to determine our actions. Is this required  analysis sufficient? Or is our own Party distanced too?


    Hopefully, the plans for Glasgow’s COP26 can be our springboard. But somehow, and I appreciate the problems and difficulties, it has to be more than one intensive weekend of activity.


    What would you have in mind, Alan?  Different kinds of activities before, during and after the COP26 event?  I can think of several – a mass-postering campaign if this is still legal in the UK,  a one day school during the event , leaflet distributions, literature stalls,  hiring a van with a loudspeaker,  a projector to project images on to buildings, becoming actively involved in the local social media build-up around this event etc etc.   Can you think of any others?

    Anyway I hope that the local branch will be doing all it can and that  as many members and sympathisers as possible  outside Glasgow come along to help.   How are plans to arrange accommodation for outsiders proceeding?


    Hopefully, the plans for Glasgow’s COP26 can be our springboard. But somehow, and I appreciate the problems and difficulties, it has to be more than one intensive weekend of activity.


    What would you have in mind, Alan?  Different kinds of activities before, during and after the COP26 event?  I can think of several – a mass-postering campaign if this is still legal in the UK,  a one day school during the event , leaflet distributions, literature stalls,  hiring a van with a loudspeaker,  a projector to project images on to buildings, becoming actively involved in the local social media build-up around this event etc etc.   Can you think of any others?

    Anyway I hope that the local branch will be doing all it can and that  as many members and sympathisers as possible  outside Glasgow come along to help.   How are plans to arrange accommodation for outsiders proceeding?


    Isn’t it likely that if Sanders is denied being the Democratic Party candidate for president some of his supporters won’t vote for Biden but for, say, the Green Party.

    Chomsky, Kliman and the others won’t be happy and will urge people to vote for what they don’t want — and probably not get it anyway as either way Trump has a good chance of winning. If Sanders is his opponent it will be easy. And if he isn’t the Democrats will lose some votes. Catch 22 for them.



    Definitely if it had been Bloomberg there would have been a boycott.

    With Biden I think even many on the left will rally around the slogan “Anyone but Trump” even Kliman and co.

    The Sanders camp has released a devastating anti-Biden statement.

    To tell the truth, I haven’t seen any articles on the Green Party this time around compared with 2016. Perhaps they are waiting to see if Sanders is defeated before getting active.

    I think Warren is deliberately staying in the race so to keep many of her supporters from switching to Sanders and hoping to get a Secretary of State job as Mayor Pete has already been promised by Biden. Not sure if Amy has.


    The generation of African American from the time of Malcolm X is gone forever, like the generation of political activists and socialists/communists  from the 60 are gone too, both are gone with the wind

    Joe Biden was the winner of this race because he received extensive support from the black peoples,  they are associating Biden with Barrack Obama, who was what Malcolm X used to call the slave of the house of the plantation owner, instead of the slaves of the plantation

    Bernie Sanders was the winner in California because most Latinos supported him, in the same way, Hillary Clinton was the real presidential winner  because most Latinos voted for her

    Sometimes I believe that the US workers are masochistic. It doesn’t make any difference who the winner might be, but it is easier for Donald Trump to beat Joe Biden than to beat Bernie Sanders.

    In the end, capitalism is going to be the winner, and the workers are going to be the losers


    This article published by a Trotskyist group gives a heavy blow on the Democratic Socialist Party and the right-wingers of the Democratic Party. Barrack Obama has been behind all these manipulations to oppose the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. The so-called communist president has shown that he is just another recalcitrant right-winger like the rest of the leadership of the Democratic Party


    Another endorsement of Biden, this time by Kamala Harris.

    Warren remains silent as Sanders asks for her endorsement but gets Jesse Jackson’s endorsement.


    Probably, next time Alexandria Ocasio Cortez will replace Bernie Sanders


    Even at a young age I noticed that my catholic neighbours always had a picture of JFK alongside the customary Pope’s photo and the Virgin Mary.

    JFK was the first catholic president, and it was a big thing back in the 60s.

    Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize because he became the first black president of the USA.  Recently, we had Hillary being the possible first female president and in the current race many of the female contestants used being female as part of their campaign. Even Mitt Romney had his Mormon religion approved as simply another form of Christianity.

    But have you noticed how seldom political commentators will inform the public that Sanders will be the first ever Jewish president.

    He doesn’t make a big thing of identity politics to his credit.

    But it may only be a matter of time before Sanders is smeared as a self-hating Jew for his anti-Netanyahu and anti-AIPAC views and so not deserving of his Jewishness being raised as a positive issue.

    They made much of his heart condition and operation, yet failed to say that Bloomberg had the same procedure.

    And concerning Biden they certainly staying away from what is obvious to all…a failing mind. No long speeches from him or else he meanders off the theme as much as Trump does


    Ronald Reagan had the same mental condition as Joe Biden, and Reagan son wrote a book where he says that his father had Alzheimer disease when he was the president of the USA. Hillary Clinton had many women on her campaign, but 59% of the white women voted for Donald Trump despite the fact that he is a sexist, and most black peoples voted for Joe Biden despite the fact that he is racist. Tulsi Gabbard supports all women issues and rights and she did not get too much support from the feminists




    PS Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls herself a socialist but she is also  a catholic


    Before Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton used to be called the first black president


    Axios reported that Biden are weighing Jaimie Dimon for treasury secretary, a cabinet position tasked with overseeing the U.S. financial system.

    Biden is also considering Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bank of America vice chair Anne Finucane for the top Treasury post.

    Bloomberg, , “would be top possibility to head the World Bank” under a Biden administration, according to Axios.

    Also in the frame is John Kerry, Susan Rice, Sally Yates,

    All corporate Democrats and it is also perhaps why Warren has not endorsed Sanders.

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