Practicing socialism: Holocracy and motivation and effort considerations.

July 2024 Forums General discussion Practicing socialism: Holocracy and motivation and effort considerations.

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  • #122654
    mcolome1 wrote:
     Have you seen the survey that he is running in the name of the Socialist Party of Great Britain ?  I am a member of the WSM and I have used the name of the Socialist Party and I have always tried to do it properly. I have great respect, appreciation and love for this organization and I am not going to let anybody to use its name for personal use, I have been thrown out of forums defending the Socialist Party, Have you done that ? Some of my emails have been sent to  agencies by right wingers

    My postcard mockups are just mockups and I state clearly in the begining these aren't official in any way.  The're just mockups, you don't need to get upset.  BUT, it's also a public document.  So if you think it's not something SPGB wants to endose then you can just edit out SPGB everywhere it comes up and replace it with something else like SGGB or make something up or an organization you dislike.  I can run these postcards with your endorsement or I can run them with someone elses endorsement. Tell me the names of some communist friendly groups you hate that would like this idea and I'll gladly go into my google document and do a find and replace to remove every SPGB refence in the mockup and put somoene else name there instead.  If you don't want SPGB to be a part of this it's easy to dissassociate from the work i'm doing on behalf of SPGB.  So go ahead and tell me where all those people who left because the people here were too closed minded. Tell me where they went and I'll talk to them. If you think I'm a troll, then point me to better feeding grounds and that's how you can get rid of me. 


    I suggest we ban this hijacker.

    Steve-SanFrancisco-UserExperienceResearchSpecialist wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
     Have you seen the survey that he is running in the name of the Socialist Party of Great Britain ?  I am a member of the WSM and I have used the name of the Socialist Party and I have always tried to do it properly. I have great respect, appreciation and love for this organization and I am not going to let anybody to use its name for personal use, I have been thrown out of forums defending the Socialist Party, Have you done that ? Some of my emails have been sent to  agencies by right wingers

    My postcard mockups are just mockups and I state clearly in the begining these aren't official in any way.  The're just mockups, you don't need to get upset.  BUT, it's also a public document.  So if you think it's not something SPGB wants to endose then you can just edit out SPGB everywhere it comes up and replace it with something else like SGGB or make something up or an organization you dislike.  I can run these postcards with your endorsement or I can run them with someone elses endorsement. Tell me the names of some communist friendly groups you hate that would like this idea and I'll gladly go into my google document and do a find and replace to remove every SPGB refence in the mockup and put somoene else name there instead.  If you don't want SPGB to be a part of this it's easy to dissassociate from the work i'm doing on behalf of SPGB.  So go ahead and tell me where all those people who left because the people here were too closed minded. Tell me where they went and I'll talk to them. If you think I'm a troll, then point me to better feeding grounds and that's how you can get rid of me. 

     I said: I am not going to feed the troll. I already laid down  my case very clearly. Period


    reminder: 14. Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators. Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules.


    Moderator1, I have reported it to the moderators!The difference being your insistence that I contravene your reading that I must report it to the moderators sneakily, out of sight, behind the back of the party being reported.What I will never do is report on anything or anyone in secrecy, privacy, anonymity…I discourage private discussion on forum matters.  If it relates to the forum, it goes on the forum.  No secret deals, pacts, connivances, factions in private on the free-and-open forum.In any case, I will not pursue my report to the moderators any further, while I hereby categorically refuse to respond to postings by the OP.


    This is the only forum where I have seen that matters related to a forum must be done in secrecy, like a Masonic temple. I prefer to do everything on the open.  The only ones that handle everything on secrecy are the Central Committees of the Vanguard Party.Frankly, I  do not like the way that this forum is being managed,  it is too dictatorial and too autocratic, and it has too many rules, we can not say anything, because we can get a warning or a  reminder.The WSM forum has only 8 simple rules, and anybody can follow them without any problems, and it is easier to follow a conversation

    twc wrote:
    Moderator1, I have reported it to the moderators!The difference being your insistence that I contravene your reading that I must report it to the moderators sneakily, out of sight, behind the back of the party being reported.What I will never do is report on anything or anyone in secrecy, privacy, anonymity…I discourage private discussion on forum matters.  If it relates to the forum, it goes on the forum.  No secret deals, pacts, connivances, factions in private on the free-and-open forum.In any case, I will not pursue my report to the moderators any further, while I hereby categorically refuse to respond to postings by the OP.

    @twcHear hear! I agree completely.  My google document is completely public an not sneekily out of sight, behind the back of the party most interested.  If you've heard about my postcards and thought I was trying to misrepresent you, then I'm sorry for the missunderstanding. I scrubed the google doc and there's no mention of you guys anwhere on it anymore.  Instead of SPBB I did a find and replace it with UcSF and I changed all "Britain" to "Germania" so no one is going to confuse this ass being endorsed my Molme1 or SPGB. I Endorse my postcards and I'm a member of SPGB.  My views do not necessarily reflect your views but a lot of times they do.  Please accept my offer to share in the google doc.  If you don't like what you read you can add a public comment and google will make sure it's not out of sight and I can't just delete it because google has unlimited history so you can leavea a permanent comment for ever of your choice on what I am doing right in the google document.  Thanks for considering my idea and if their's anything I can do for you in a few minutes of my time to say thanks for your time than let me know. 

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