Post removed from ‘Party Forum Fiasco’

September 2024 Forums Off topic Post removed from ‘Party Forum Fiasco’

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  • #84703


    moderator1 wrote:


    The evidence is available on all party forums to anyone who wants to read it and decide for themselves whether cde Vince Maraty breached the guidelines and rules.  The length of the indefinite suspension will depend on how long the EC takes to reach a decision based on the IC report now in front of them.  




    From Cde Vin Maaratty

    Just to clarify – You have   presented  a case to the EC in the belief that the EC has the authority to permamently ban a party member from all forums?

    Where do you think power lies in the SPGB? Have you informed Vin or Vin's branch of your attempt to permenently ban him from expressing an opinion on the forums. Should you not present a charge to either the individual concerned or to the individual's branch?

    More importantly what is NERB branch doing while this undemocrat ic affair continues?


    No socialism without free speech

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