Post Fascism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Post Fascism

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  • #224790

    The double standards

    Make it easier for young Hong Kong citizens to seek resettlement in the UK.

    The Calais camps could be emptied within weeks if a similar welcoming attitude was present.


    And would be filled up with twice the number a few weeks later such is the desperation of many people to try to get a better life.

    My guess would be that the most likely “solution” would some processing (and maybe detention) centre in France with all the Iraqi Kurds and others who don’t qualify as “refugees” being rounded up and shipped back.

    But if we are in the game of thinking up ideal solutions within capitalism, how about ending sanctions on Syria and Iran or the support given for Saudi bombing in Yemen?

    Unfortunately capitalism is capitalism. Geopolitics, wars and other conflicts of economic interest, together with mass poverty and misery are built-in to it.

    All we can do is describe and record this.


    As you say, for capitalism, their “solution” is to out-source the detention centres as they have done in Libya, The Greek Isles and Turkey.

    Then there is the Australian option, where islands like St Helena and Ascension Island are being suggested for detention camps.

    As our answer to no war means ending capitalism, its cause, our answer to no borders also means ending capitalism, the reason for the continued existence of nation-states.

    Our task is to get that message out there as clearly as possible.

    I do hold personal reasons for my sympathy and empathy, because, in a few weeks time, I too could easily become an illegal immigrant lacking the proper documentation and papers and could face deportation and forced separation from my wife and family.

    As the religious say, there but by the grace of God go I.


    An interesting story of Cuban asylum seekers in Greece

    Visa free flight to Moscow, Visa free flight to Serbia and then a bus to the Greek border.

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