Post Fascism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Post Fascism

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  • #224619
    Inactive In this article they are using Naomi Klein as reference to the concept of eco fascism but she is not a good pick either, the concept of ecofascism is wrong and it is useless as Adam just said


    You’re right, Marcos, that one’s a load of rubbish. Now I am more than ever convinced that we should not use the term “ecofascism”. We should attack ecologists who say the world is overpopulated and that the population should be compulsorily reduced, but on the ground that the premise is wrong and so their conclusion does not follow. not on the ground that it is “fascist” (which is merely a way of saying that you very strongly disagree with it).


    Place this article into a digital translator and you will read more rubbish and more distortion. The real expression is bullshit

    It is the same place that invented the concept of socialism of the XXI century claiming that neo liberalism started in the XV century and did not mention that the inka and the Aztec had a oppressive state similar to the European, it was not a paradise.

    They call themselves Marxists until someone published the letter written by Marx on Simon Bolivar calling him the Latin American Napoleon, the honeymoon was over


    I wouldn’t say the Teenvogue article was completely rubbish other than like 99.99% of people it recommends reforms as a solution and has a romantic attachment to indigenous peoples as custodians and guardians of Nature.

    When you scratch the surface of eco-fascism we get to Garret Hardin’s “lifeboat ethics”

    Not so far away from the euthanasia and eugenics of Nazism, is it? Yet how many understand the political conclusion of where the Tragedy of the Commons is heading towards?

    The Wiki entry on eco-fascism refers to Bookchin’s use of the term “Deep Green” as a description of the misanthropy which is prevalent in some ecologists and perhaps if eco-fascism is objectionable, we should begin using it more. Will it be introduced into the Socialist Party lexicon?

    As I said, this ideology is set to grow and perhaps even dominate in popularity, particularly when the consequences of global warming heightens with rising numbers of climate refugees as certain countries collapse. So that is why this exchange on words and meanings is vital.

    The other aspect of using fascism as a term for any populist totalitarian or authoritarian regime sometimes but not always with a charismatic dictator is the misuse of the word. So far we omitted the word social fascist as used by the Stalinists against their labourist rivals in the 1930s

    In conversations, I have used the term “red fascism” to describe Stalinism


    I meant it was rubbish from the point of view of clarifying what the term “ecofascism” might mean.

    The word “fascism” of course originated in Italy as Mussolini’s name for what he was up to. It was the Stalinists who extended it to mean any authoritarian regime (that was inimical to the interests of state-capitalist Russia) including, in fact especially, Nazi Germany. But as far as I know the Nazis did not call themselves or regard themselves as Fascists. It is as the Stalinist meaning that it has become part of the political vocabulary and why we should avoid using it ourselves except in a historical context.

    Since there were clear parallels between the totalitarian regimes in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia it is not surprising that some opponents of the Stalinists called it “Red Fascism”. We have even used it ourselves on occasion, even if more as a debating point than strictly an accurate description.

    It is in fact a moot point as to which is worse. A totalitarian regime that openly proclaims that that is what it is or a totalitarian regime that pretends to be democratic? Both Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia claimed to be socialist.

    Bijou Drains

    The term red fascist reminds me of a heated debate I had with an SWPer in a boozer in Newcastle back in the 1980s. The SWPer spouted some defence of actions by Trotsky during the Kronstadt rebellion, stating that the rebels were traitors and saboteurs. I responded to him by saying that he was behaving like a red fascist. His response was to threaten to glass me. He obviously missed the heavy irony in his response.

    Fortunately he was a spotty, seven stone, student and a quick explanation that he was likely to receive a byker teacake if he persisted with that line of reasoning was enough to calm his ire.

    He’s probably a management consultant or a junior Foreign Office Minister by now


    A comrade had a similar experience in 1908.


    The Stalinists and the Trotskyists called Fascists to anyone that did not support them, but they supported the dictatorship of the vanguard party to lead which is also totalitarian like Fascism.

    The vanguard party is also Leninists fascism and the dictatorship of a single party is one of the component of the Italian and German fascism/nazism

    I am again participating in leftwing forums and the new terminologies and conceptions are growing like weeds in the forest, but they are old religion repacked, it is nothing new, they think that they are innovators.

    Neoliberalism is not the favorite toy anymore, now it is post fascism, and they think the it is an innovation but it is also an old term that has been repacked.

    They do not know that workers are electing right wingers due to their own failures and now they are harvesting their own fruits, and now the danger of mankind is post fascism, it is not capitalism, it is the same pretext of the capitalists during World War Two

    Adam Buick has written three new articles on the Socialist Standard which define properly all these new nonsenses and rubbish

    It is a old term that they just add the word Fascism,( been replaced by Neo fascism ) like in the USA any nationality has a national prefix, like Italian American, Irish American, British American, etc. etc. but they are citizens of the USA


    #224646 REPLY

    Bijou Drains
    The term red fascist reminds me of a heated debate I had with an SWPer in a boozer in Newcastle back in the 1980s. The SWPer spouted some defence of actions by Trotsky during the Kronstadt rebellion, stating that the rebels were traitors and saboteurs. I responded to him by saying that he was behaving like a red fascist. His response was to threaten to glass me. He obviously missed the heavy irony in his response.


    I read an. article from the Socialist Standard in regard to a meeting that the socialist party had with nazis and fascists and the party provided their own peoples to conduct the meeting without any bodyguard, and the party was able to present its own case against fascism with socialist argumentation and I think that the fascist comported themselves much better than the anti fascists.

    I do remembers when the Stalinist used to go to any meeting, marches or book sales of any political party, their respond was to create troubles, to insult everybody and to push peoples, they were as violent as the fascists or nazis.

    Fascism can not be attacked with ‘fascism’, it must be attacked with socialists arguments or socialist principles, that is the reason why I say that fascism exists in two ways: Fascism and anti fascism

    Next time it would better to tell them that there are two type of coups which are right wing coup and left wing coup and the best one was the bolsheviks coup


    Prince William said increasing pressure on the continent’s “wildlife and wild spaces as a result of human population” was presenting a “huge challenge for conservationists, as it does the world over”.

    Seems he hasn’t changed his views for back in 2017, he said much the same, that Africa’s “rapidly growing human population” was putting its wildlife and habitats under “enormous pressure”.

    Eco-Royalist Fascism?


    There is a new one known as Lumpen Bourgeois, and the Marxist Humanist invented the concept of Post Marxists and Post Marxism and Engels is a post marxist, and revolution in permanence instead of the permanent revolution. The best one is Libertarian Fascism, the Anarchists should be filing a lawsuit. Like Mao Tse Tung said: Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend.


    There is even Post Early for Christmas


    Here is an example of anti-immigration using the cover of environmentalism

    “They were going to the UK from France, why didn’t France help legalize their status? There should be an ecologic assessment with these decisions as all places are impacted by climate change.


    The problem with your suggestion about what the capitalist state could do to deal with the problem (lay on air flights, instal in hotels, etc) is that many of the migrants cannot be classified as “refugees” under international law. A lot of them are self-confessedly economic migrants. It seems that most of those who drowned in that disaster were Kurds from Iraq. The Kurdish autonomous region there is probably the safest place to be in Iraq so I can’t see how anyone from there could meet the criteria for being a refugee under international law.

    This is not to criticise them or say that they should be left to their fate as many are probably trying to join family members who were political refugees from when Saddam Hussein was oppressing the Kurds and who are already established in Britain or are even now British citizens.

    In any event, I can’t see the point of speculating what capitalist states could do if they wanted.


    As you say, in this instance most were Iraqi Kurds and across Europe their application for refugee status is rejected.

    There was a legal application process for the woman who sought to join her fiance and marry – but it is lengthy and can be up to 6 years

    But the figures from the Refugee Council is that 2/3rds crossing on small boats has been genuine refugees.

    The real reason for the rise in boats in recent years is that the crossing via lorries has been almost eliminated by new security measures. We all recall the documentaries of those occasions, cling for dear life underneath to axles.

    I’m not suggesting any proposals that are perfect, not even “no borders”, simply that airlines and ferries act as gatekeepers and by removing that role, lives will be saved.

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