Post Fascism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Post Fascism

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  • #224586

    While I am at it another couple of pet peeves

    Why is it we nearly always automatically define the working class as those who work for a wage or for a salary? We don’t call for the abolition of the salary system. We don’t call ourselves salary-slaves, (even though they are much more alliterative) so why continue with a distinction that appears we accept the middle-class status of salaried workers.

    Then there is our reluctance to use the words social ownership or social control and collective ownership or collective control as synonyms for common ownership and democratic control. We use the latter very repetitively.

    The best definition of common ownership is no ownership.

    Have we really defended the original political usage of those terms social and collective or permitted them to be usurped?

    As I asked earlier, MS, what is the alternative for the term to use for the Malthusian proponents of ethno-nationalism as the answer to the so-called ecological and over-population crisis.

    Is eco-nativism as ALB suggests more explanatory than eco-fascism? It certainly narrows it down to being anti-immigrant but not the wider blame of over-population.

    I often use in articles the word corporations to mean companies, particularly large multinational (transnational as some prefer) enterprises. Am I letting family-owned businesses such as Walmart or local firms off from criticism? Is corporations another word to discard? When we talk of employers do we also reject calling them CEOs? In my youth, it was sufficient to equate bosses with the term management to be understood, despite the managerial bureaucratic theories of Burnham, Rizzi and Cardan.

    We have to find a language that fellow workers can easily follow and that is not always going to be the vocabulary we use in the WSM.

    As I said words are normally understood by the context they are used in.

    Our main video, Kids Stuff, does not even use the word socialism to explain our socialist case.


    ALB: “It leads to the struggle against those designated “fascist” being considered more important than the struggle for socialism…
    Capitalism, not fascism, is the enemy.”

    Would the Socialist response not be that fascism is merely a subset of capitalism, and that the only way to ensure fascism dies (and stays dead)is through the abolition of capitalism?


    Other words totally lost to us is social democracy and social democrat.

    How do we retrieve and rehabilitate those?


    Yes, Jack, I think that’s right. Here’s our analysis of the rise of Nazism from the 1978 edition of our pamphlet Questions of the Day though it was in previous editions.

    Bijou Drains

    One of the issues of mislabeling any right wing approach as fascism is the boy who cried wolf approach. If we label, for example the current Tory government, as fascist some may then assume that any group that are labelled fascist are not really fascist, or perhaps more worryingly, may feel that being governed by the Tories has not been too bad, therefore Fascism is ok and that voting for those who are labelled fascist is going to be equally benevolent.

    I agree Alan, however, the use of a z in words like organize is absolutely hideous and that we can make more use of more current usage to describe ourselves.


    The Origin and Growth of Nazism pt.1

    The Origin and Growth of Nazism pt.2

    The Origin and Growth of Nazism pt.3

    The origin and growth of Nazism. This is a good analysis. This organization is an university on socialism and political science and economics, and we have the tool to destroy any false argumentation


    The anti communists are saying that fascism and nazism is better than communism.

    Fascism and neoliberalism is the favorite horse of the left wingers because they are reformists and that is the poison that they are spreading within the working class.

    For them, the main problem is not capitalism, it is the leader and the political parties the same argument of the right wing populists

    The new argument is that there is a new fascism different to the German and Italian fascism but it is an old religion repacked in a new wrapping paper

    Fascism comes in two forms and they are fascism and anti fascism

    We can not fall in the same trap


    This is the new guru of the left, they always have a new priest


    Still, we have not yet come any closer to defining word for the adoption of a Malthusian political approach within the environmentalist milieu by the far-right, many of whom can be described as proponents of a totalitarian authoritarian society based upon race and religion who are making use of the climate crisis to promote those views.

    “Liberal” and “progressives” using similar and related arguments may well be shocked into realising that they are unwittingly advocating an “eco-fascist” ideology when confronted with the accusation.

    The problem we are facing is only going to worsen in the future, and if words are our weapon, then we better arm ourselves appropriately.


    Malthus theory of over population is not Fascism, we have several writing which demonstrate that we are living under a post scarcity society and that human beings produce more than enough to feed more than three times the actual population, even more, bourgeois economic statistic shows that too

    killing, climate caos, racism and hunger has not nothing to do with fascism, they are part of capitalism, and they have existed before fascism.

    Progressive has been related to socialism and it is wrong too because it was a bourgeois tendency who existed in Europe and then it emigrated to the USA, that is another wrong term used by the left-wingers.

    As we have said, fascism must be attacked with socialists argumentations and we have plenty of that,

    if we use one of their words we can open a parenthesis or give an explanation that their definitions are wrong, when I use the word Jews, I use the expression “traditional term” , but I also explain that jew is not a religion or a race, but a person who profess a faith known as Judaism. Das Capital has a bunch of footnotes

    Sometimes I use the term Left of capital but I also open a parenthesis and I say that it is a term used by the ICC because there is not a socialist left and a reformist left, some left communist can write good articles but in essence they always defend and support Leninism


    I fully understand that a 17th Century argument blaming poverty on the numbers of poor is not fascism.

    However, it is a foundational building block being used in the present day to again make the poor culpable for climate change and environmental destruction.

    Nazi ideology in Germany was based on lebensraum – living space – an appeal that being a superior race, Germans were justified in expanding – invading – into neighbouring nations so as to accommodate its population. “Blood and Soil”

    We have ecological activists who deem the poor in the developing and undeveloped world Untermenschen, not deemed fit to share equally in the benefits of the developed world and fated to pay the price to preserve the privileges of those living in the developed world.

    The concept of eco-fascism is already in the public discourse.

    Call it out for what it is. Quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck…

    And while I am at it, we can start critiquing those eco-localists as being advocates for autarky, the antithesis of the world cooperative commonwealth


    The Doctrine of Discovery which was emitted by the Catholic Church was adopted by many European powers and the USA and had the same conception of superior race, ethnic cleansing and disdain against the poor and peoples from others civilization and it is older than Nazism, and still the USA use the same doctrine. Capitalists have been blaming their crisis on the workers and the poor since the first overproduction crisis emerged within their economic system, and they have been saying for decades that workers and poor are lazy. The slaves worked more than 18 hours a day and they used to say that they were lazy and blame their problems on the slaves


    In that interview Traverso is accepting that “fascist” is not an accurate description of the far-right parties that have managed to win an electoral following. To call them “post fascist” is to say that they are not or at least no longer “fascist”. But I don’t think that’s the word we are looking for.

    “Eco-fascism” is not as bad as “fascism” on its own but the suggestion is still there that they are some sort of “fascist”.


    Just read the Wikipedia entry on “eco fascism”:

    “Ecofascism is a theoretical political model in which a totalitarian government would require individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the “organic whole of nature”. Some writers have used it to refer to the hypothetical danger of future dystopian governments, which might resort to fascist policies in order to deal with environmental issues. Other writers have used it to refer to segments of historical and modern fascist movements that focused on environmental issues.”

    I expected to find something more substantial than “theoretical political model” or “hypothetical danger” of what some future government “might resort to”. The only substantial thing is that it was part of the ideology of historical fascist movements and governments.

    Are there or are there not ecologists who actually advocate that without having any connection with historical fascist governments or current grouplets inspired by them? And if there are, calling them “fascist” would just be a way of discrediting them.

    So, “ecofascism” is a useless term too.


    The concept of Post Fascism is spreading thru Latin American and they are calling post fascist to any right wing candidate or government even if they are elected by the majority of the workers, Traverso in one of his book said that it is a mutation, and the original concept come from a Hungarian anti communist. The USA leftwing continue using the concept of Neo fascists and the Neo fascists in some countries in Europe including the Germany they are minorities groups divided in sects. They are just trying no to accept their own failures and that the working class is rejecting them, in Argentina the right wings have taken control of the Senate

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