Possible media outlets

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Possible media outlets

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    I was talking to some people at conference about possible ways to get heard on TV, radio or in newspapers. I was thinking we could use this thread to brainstorm ideas about this.

    One avenue I thought of was 4thought TV a couple of minute slot just after the channel 4 news.

    4thought.tv is all about sharing diverse thoughts, ideas and points of view, and we are always on the look out for new people to appear on the show.  If you would like to take part and be filmed, or know someone with an interesting story or perspective who should be having their say, please email us.  It’s most helpful if you can include a brief overview of your background, such as family, religion and any issues you feel passionately about, along with a recent photo.


    We are also continually developing new theme ideas for 4thought.tv, so also email us with suggestions of what you’d like us to explore.  To give you a sense of the variety of weekly themes, here’s some themes we’ve already covered, or you can explore all themes.

    There’s also probably the most obvious which is Question Time. Now I don’t mean that we should try and get on the panel, but members could apply for tickets in the audience and ask some difficult questions. The problem with this is that in order to be selected to ask a question you must submit one question before hand and one upon arrival. So they can filter out any really challenging questions. This doesn’t mean that we couldn’t ask questions which we had not submitted. As the show goes out with only a 5 minute delay, there’s not much that they could do about it. This is one possible avenue we could take but I don’t think it’s the best as we would only have really limited time to speak and we would only be able to phrase it as a question instead of a statement about what we think.

    There’s also “The Big Questions” on BBC 1 at 10 am Sunday Mornings. The programme is billed as a “moral, ethical and religious debate”. This sometimes has politicians but always has religious ministers  and cultural commentators on it. In my opinion this is the sort of show we should be targeting as they allow audience members to actually have their say. I have occasionally seen Marxists of varying degree’s of quality, probably from Trot parties, so I don’t think our politics will inhibit our being heard. If we had some good performances they would probably allow us more time. Any national exposure like this would really help to raise our profile. And it’s FREE :D


    4Thought is a great idea! If we can produce something of the standard of Capitalism is Kids Stuff in a condensed form, that might raise some interest.Any other comrades want to discuss?


    Thanks Sussex Socialist I was beginning to think that everyone thought it was a shit idea. But yeah 4thought is probably the best as I would have thought it gets higher viewing figures than “the Big Questions”. I can’t see why they wouldn’t give us a spot, they’ve got space to fill and we can fill it.


    Its a great idea.


    “If we can produce something of the standard of Capitalism is Kids Stuff in a condensed form, that might raise some interest.” I’ll second that…something that is introductory and reveals how out of the ordinary the SPGB is fore a political party. Something short that it can be posted, embedded or emailed easily


    Google+ are hosting Versus debates (with help from intelligence squared) athttp://www.youtube.com/user/versusdebatesin order to promote its social network (facebook rival) Google+ hangouts and inviting suggestions for future debates athttps://plus.google.com/107841648304854245302/posts

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