Poppy Cock

July 2024 Forums General discussion Poppy Cock

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  • #157019
    Bijou Drains

    In view of the debate about Red Poppies, White Poppies and Purple Poppies, could we produce a symbol that indicate opposition to capitalist wars? Might create a bit of publicity, but would also show an appreciation of the principled stand made by members of the SPGB in both world wars.


    The original form of the word ‘Poppy Cock’ was Dutch for soft dung so the symbolism is obvious if a little unmarketable.



    The ribbons arrayed the honours displayed
    The medals jingling on parade
    Echo of battles long ago
    But they’re picking sides for another go.

    The martial air, the vacant stare
    The oft-repeated pointless prayer
    “Peace oh’ Lord on earth below”
    Yet they’re picking sides for another go.

    The clasped hands, the pious stance
    The hackneyed phrase “Somewhere in France”
    The eyes downcast as bugles blow
    Still they’re picking sides for another go.

    Symbol of death the cross-shaped wreath
    The sword is restless in the sheath
    As children pluck where poppies grow
    They’re picking sides for another go.

    Have not the slain but died in vain?
    The hoardings point, “Prepare again”
    The former friend a future foe?
    They’re picking sides for another go.

    I hear Mars laugh at the cenotaph
    Says he, as statesmen blow the gaff
    “Let the Unknown Warriors flame still glow”
    For they’re picking sides for another go.

    A socialist plan the world would span
    Then man would live in peace with man
    Then wealth to all would freely flow
    And want and war we would never know.

    (J. Boyle 1971)


    Here’s what the Chief of Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter, told the Sun in an interview yesterday:

    General Sir Nick also warned history may be repeating itself – drawing parallels today with the beginning of last century – when powerful nations vied for supremacy. He added: “It’s particularly important in the world in which we live today where we have this return to what I call great power competition. That is very similar I would suggest to the first decade of the last century and it’s pretty important therefore that people understand what war is about and why it needs to be avoided at all costs.”

    Fortunately, “we” are prepared for war:

    he said today’s generation of troops still boast the “fighting spirit” of their comrades of a century ago, who the nation will silently remember tomorrow. He said: “We’re Anglo-Saxons, and Anglo-Saxons stand up and are counted for what they believe in. If people can see the value in the cause then I think that Anglo-Saxon desire to do the right thing and to fight if you have to fight is still there and will always be there.”




    I think the white poppy is that symbol. Peace, not “valiant” death.

    J Surman

    “We’re Anglo-Saxons, and Anglo-Saxons stand up and are counted for what they believe in. If people can see the value in the cause then I think that Anglo-Saxon desire to do the right thing and to fight if you have to fight is still there and will always be there.”

    How sick is that!

    Watched a little of the performance in Paris today – those so-important leaders showing us just how cynical they are. How many wars are presently current, and how much are the arms companies profiting year on year.

    Sick, sick, sick.



    It seems that “Anglo-Saxons” are not so keen to train to be hired killers and/or cannon fodder and that more of those General Sir Nick presumably considers “lesser races” are to be recruited from the “colonies”. The racist bonehead himself is one himself — a “settler” from Kenya.



    See a’ the Sunday papers this morning, it’s enough to “gie you ra boak” (Scottish expression). The 1918 Armistice allowed the “Victors” to draw lines on maps dividing the former Ottoman Empire between them, creating new countries – Iraq – for example, installing their puppet governments, therby creating the basis of the Oil Wars that have occured, and continued to the present day.

    And still they persist with this Circus: they call Armistice Day…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by James_Moir.

    Nice to see you on the forum, Jimmy. Don’t make it an occasional visit.

    (Take care and look after yourself.}

    As pointed out, drawing lines on maps had a consequence. Cameroon, an ex-German colony, was divided between France and Britain and the legacy is costing blood, even today over language

    J Surman

    To return to the original question:

    What about black poppies? – Black for death, for that is what war is. Black symbolises so much that is negative. Sad to say though it seems a majority of populations in large parts of the globe are somehow disconnected from even knowing where wars are currently being waged, even or especially when they are being waged and/or supported by their own politicians. As long as it’s ‘not here’ you don’t need to think about it too much.


    Good article by ‘Ivan’ on Remembrance Day that dates from 1973:

    Day of Remembrance For What? (1973)

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