Please stop this

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Please stop this

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  • #93978

    Hi SteveI think given the history of all that has happened, and so recently, there is still a lot of raw feeling about and some resentment is bound to leak out in any discussion.  And because, in situations like this it is so easy to misconstrue even the most innocent remark, I think you are absolutely right to just let the process of debate take its course for now without comment. And painful though it has been, I think there have been some positive lessons learned from all this.  Let's hope we can build on that.Richard

    steve colborn

    Hi Hud. I agree with your post 100%. I just hope this is all put to bed sooner rather than later. It is not to my liking to have comrades spending so much time talking about people like me, when they want to be getting on with the reason they are in the Party for, propogating the Socialist case.Be well, Steve.

    steve colborn

    I will go further Adam, I am ashamed that any of my actions on this site, my posts, have led to good comrades to be discussing MY, ( sorry for the capitalisation) actions on the spintcom thread, "member behaviour"). I will go further, I will guarentee, that I will abide by what is deemed, good comradely behaviour and is expected of "comrades".If I had forseen this turn of events, I would never have proceeded in my actions and posts. It was never my intention that things go this far. My apologies to all, that may have been insulted, or caused "hurt", by any of my actions!I will stand by the above, as it is only right and proper that I do so. Please, as this thread is titled, let us, "stop this".I want closure on this, hopefully this post will go some way to this end. I can do no more! My apologies to all concerned, in felicity and fraternitySteve Colborn.

    steve colborn

    Since the thought of signing anything resembling acommitment to good behaviour seems to drive members into fits of theconniptions, I daresay everyone will agree to accept the panicky anddisingenuous declaration just received and let the whole matter drop. Again.I attempted to bring this issue to closure, by making the declaration above, in a genuine and sincere way. It was neither disingenuous, nor in any way panicky. But it appears there are still those, to whom my name is anathema. So be it, the brickbats will the bourne, as the intention was genuine, it still is. As I said, I can do no more and stand by the above.Steve Colborn.


    I have yet to see any communication or statement to the effect that in future you intend using the democratic procedures available in pursuance of a complaint on the moderation of the forum.  

    steve colborn

    Tue, 07/05/2013 – 10:51pm#20BrianOfflineJoined: 08/11/2011Send PM I have yet to see any communication or statement to the effect that in future you intend using the democratic procedures available in pursuance of a complaint on the moderation of the forum.Yours For Positive Socialist ActivityBrian_____________________________________________________________________________________________ "I will go further, I will guarentee, that I will abide by what is deemed, good comradely behaviour and is expected of "comrades". "What more can I say? As I have said, I can do, moreover say, no more!  I cannot make my intentions any clearer than this.Steve Colborn. 

    steve colborn wrote:
     "I will go further, I will guarentee, that I will abide by what is deemed, good comradely behaviour and is expected of "comrades". "What more can I say? As I have said, I can do, moreover say, no more!  I cannot make my intentions any clearer than this.Steve Colborn. 

    I'm not talking about "guarantees" wrapped up in an ambigious generalisation but a specific statement of intent to use the democratic procedures available to all users.


    Steve, personally I thought your statement to be a genuine and sincere apology and I'm sure others will as well.

    steve colborn

    Thanks Ed, I appreciate your acceptance of my "sincere apology" and it was sincere and "is". I do not think, until this issue is resolved, I will be forwarding my Form A, my personal health issues would, in any case, make this problematic. Bigger and more personal issues, taking precedence. Please believe, that I was sincere, 100%. I made and posted my statement, as I said, to bring closure to an issue, that was taking "good comrades" away from what they are in the SPGB to do, propogandising for Socialism. However, it appears that rather than this outcome, my post has put "myself" again, as the centre of attention. Something I never wanted, nor intended. I am "one" Socialist, no more nor less. No more valuable nor invaluable, to our common aim, nor goal.I will restate, I have apologised and moreover gaurenteed, comradely behaviour. I do not want, nor expect a reply, merely closure, of this regretable series of events.Steve Colborn.


    I think you're right about this dragging on, in all likelihood until conference next year at the earliest. I don't know that it will remain about you specifically, I think that is already subsiding. But rather it will become about the apparent gaps in the rule book. If….ahem when we do grow and start to have a real impact the forces of reaction will attempt to infiltrate us and damage us from within. We'd probably have entryism from the trots and so on. I think the issue will become more about that, rather than yourself and Vincent.

    Brian wrote:
    I have yet to see any communication or statement to the effect that in future you intend using the democratic procedures available in pursuance of a complaint on the moderation of the forum.  Yours For Positive Socialist ActivityBrian
    Brian wrote:
    I'm not talking about "guarantees" wrapped up in an ambiguous generalisation but a specific statement of intent to use the democratic procedures available to all users.Yours For Positive Socialist ActivityBrian

    This for me at least, shows the area of disagreement aimed at Steve. His frightful, utterly outrageous behaviour on this forum. He and several others dared to question moderation, dared to highlight the flaws. How dare they flout rules and regulations in trying to highlight inconsistencies and problems. (deliberate sarcasm on display)I admit that sometimes things got out of hand, but as some have pointed out on other party forums, there were two sides at each others throat. From this mess something positive has come about. The report into forum moderation has accepted failings and come up with some solutions. It is a potential workable guide.But if no one had bothered to highlight the failings in the first place, and simply followed the rules and regulations then nothing would ever have changed. Socialists of all people should be aware of this fact. History is littered with the corpses of those who saw problems/flaws and stood up to highlight and challenge them. Going against the rules and regulations. We as socialists stand up to highlight the failings of capitalism and challenge it. Rising to the challenge and confrontation is in our socialist DNA.Now I find a person who once supported a change in moderation, who saw the problems, and took it upon himself to offer an alternative, a socialist alternative, is criticising another member for daring to challenge the status quo in the first place. For not following the rules 100%.What does Steve have to do? Does he have to perform a task that no other forum member or socialist must do, or for that matter is capable of doing. Provide a 100%, airtight guarantee to never, ever fall foul of forum rules? Who can give such a guarantee?What more can a socialist do other than to apologise and state that they will abide by good comradely behaviour? Do some want Steve to cut his wrists and sign in blood, a document that does not exist?The party is of course free to decide on rules and regulations of conduct, but they must be applicable to all members, not just those some have taken a personal dislike to and decided have flouted their code of conduct.

    Ed wrote:
    Steve, personnally I thought your statement to be a genuine and sincere apology and I'm sure others will as well.

    I only hope others will heed Ed's words. 

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