Peter Watkins “The Commune”

March 2025 Forums Events and announcements Peter Watkins “The Commune”

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    For those who have not seen it or have forgotten it, this drama/documentary about the Paris Commune by Peter Watkins is worth a watch.



    What all 2 and three quarter hours !


    The Rosa Luxemburg film is on youtube to

    ALB wrote:
    What all 2 and three quarter hours !

    Interstellar which came out a month ago was over 2 and three quarter hours. Its not unusual and it doesn't seem to put people off.


    Just watched DJP's recommendation of film about Luxemburg and quite enjoyed it, if enjoyment is the right word of the story of a socialist martyr. Anyway it got me thinking of John Bisset's aborted venture Socialist TV and now hoping someone will take hold of the reins of that and develop the idea further and somehow taking into consideration copyright laws (many of the vids have now been deleted), incorporate it more fully into our online propaganda.'s earlier links to Marxist theory vids could be included and a lot more besides. We have the website (JB to provide the password) , we just need it maintained regularly with the deleted videos deleted and new ones added and members concientiously providing the links to vids they come across and informing when they are being taken down. Again, a task that can need not be SPGB but performed by companion party or a lone volunteer. I excuse myself since its only in the last week or so i have got an internet connection that lets me view You Tube and i may lose that in the future.  


    That's only part 1! I think the film is about five hours long.I enjoyed it when I watched it a few years ago.


    There's also that TV series with Patrick Stewary as Lenin, sure I started watching it online once but can't seem to find it again…


    I'm guessing you're referring to Trevor Griffiths's Absolute Beginners which was a self-contained episode within the 1974 BBC series Fall of Eagles series. Absolute Beginners was a dramatisation of the 1903 split between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks at the RSDLP second congress in London in 1903. There are clips of the episode on YouTube but I'm not sure if the full episode is available online.Griffiths, I guess, is best known for co-writing the screenplay to Reds, which was Warren Beatty's hollywood blockbuster about John Reed and Louise Bryant.


    I found a couple of the clips of Fall of Eagles, featuring Patrick Stewart as Lenin. I've not watched them, so apologies if they overlap.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    For those who have not seen it or have forgotten it, this drama/documentary about the Paris Commune by Peter Watkins is worth a watch.

     What about us numpties that don't speak French?  I have trouble with English 


    You can switch on the english subtitles.

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