Party Video 2016

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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    There is also Poles Apart?both are sold on DVD here

    Bijou Drains

    A couple of links that the current EC might find useful:

    Bijou Drains
    jondwhite wrote:
    There is also Poles Apart?both are sold on DVD here

    From the description on this very website:"Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff is a DVD from the Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    More generally,  repeated conference resolution that we should put the positive case for socialism (so no starving babies pictures of the Shave the Children kind).

    Vin said:YMS Do you think that the video was in part rejected because it displayed some of the horrors of capitalism? This was not mention by the EC Nor has  any member objected until now.



    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Vin said:YMS Do you think that the video was in part rejected because it displayed some of the horrors of capitalism? This was not mention by the EC Nor has  any member objected until now.

    My opinion is we shouldn't join the staving-baby-a-thon along with the charity mongers, if we have to convince people capitalism isn't working, then we're wasting our time.  That's only my opinion.  I've avoided commenting on the video, — I don't think much off it — because too many cooks spoil the broth.  I only mentioned my opinion in the context of a general procedural approach that needs to be considered.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
      I've avoided commenting on the video, — I don't think much off it — because too many cooks spoil the broth.  I only mentioned my opinion in the context of a general procedural approach that needs to be considered.

     vin said: Fair enough, but do you think the party needs a video introducing itself to the world?

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    More generally,  repeated conference resolution that we should put the positive case for socialism (so no starving babies pictures of the Shave the Children kind).

    Vin said:YMS Do you think that the video was in part rejected because it displayed some of the horrors of capitalism? This was not mention by the EC Nor has  any member objected until now.

    According to Marx and Engels capitalism was progressive which means capitalism does have a positive side.  However, when they weighed up the positives and negatives they came to conclusion that fully developed capitalism in terms of social evolution it was all negative.


    Vin saidIf there are problems wit the video, they can be altered/changed/replaced.  I can take on board criticisms and change things.The realities of capitalism can be removed but  in my opinion humble opinion they are the driving force for change and the basis of socialism.  

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Vin saidIf there are problems wit the video, they can be altered/changed/replaced.  I can take on board criticisms and change things.

    What has to be done now IMHO is to somehow address the 'anomalies' surrounding the application of Rule 17 and the EC's lash up of the whole affair.  In the dim and distant past branches would have already been expressing their 'disquiet' about the EC's muddle-headedness but I shan't be holding my breath on this occasion.In the meantime it's not at all unreasonable to continue promoting the video in much the same way as "Capitalism and Other Kids' Stuff" and all the many videos that have been published in the name of the party without, it has to be said, a murmur from anyone.

    gnome wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Ozymandias wrote:
     The commentary might be easy for you and I to understand but surely this is a global message and the guy narrating is going to cause people to switch off abroad.

    For the benefit of those who cannot understand Vin's "heavy regional accent" sub-titles (in English) have now been added.

     And here is a transcript of the subtitles (presumably for the hard of hearing and those whos first language is not English). I have added bold type to some of the more amusing/egregious mis-transcriptions.VIDEO TRANSCRIPT:We have the technological ability to produce more than you know for every man woman and child on the planet [0:15]So why did a million stills from extreme public alongside extreme wealth [0:23] The economic system of companies and spread to every corner of the planet and [0:30] is dominated by money investment in rest profit and markets but how does that [0:36] affect us as individuals [0:38]Well if you communist then you are free to do almost anything you want [0:44] go to bed when you want to get up when you want to travel anywhere in the world [0:49] invest in a call center factory suit march in buy expensive houses cars [0:57] clothes and is very little you can do is a couple listing couple of society [1:06] yeah …. [1:14]Of course you know you're not a capitalist reminded of that every [1:18] morning when the alarm clock goes off with your doctor money check [1:27] brittany a nurse the cost has been reinserting our professor remember the [1:33] working class [1:34] you have no choice with the seller time in your abilities in order to pay the bills [1:46]Where does all his wealth and all this freedom for the couple's from from the [1:52] airplanes and trains crush cars big expensive forms the claws of food was? [1:59] Certainly not from the capitalist. Everything we need or desire is produced [2:03] by us working class [2:13]Saw her walls most of the wealth produced by the workers was certainly [2:20] not the workers themselves [2:22] in fact the garden rocks form the richest 1% of the population owns more [2:28] wealth than the rest of us put together [2:39] So what does the Socialist Party stand for? Well let's find out from its own members [2:48][Adam.] Basically we are social's vitac going to be nice if we could say that we saw for [2:52] socialism and everyone would know what we meant. What we mean is a world without [2:58] frontiers where all the resources of the earth will become the common property of [3:02] all people and they used to produce things directly to satisfy people's [3:05 ] needs instead of for sale in the market with you to profit as a man with a [3:09] capital words [3:10] Capitalism is ownership by a few in production for profit [3:14] we're standing for common ownership by everybody and production satisfied [3:18] because needs [3:20][Interviewer] Why did you seek the abolition of the week system with the cream? [3:27][Adam] I think that working for wages is in fact they're selling your ability to [3:34] work for somebody else so it's already presupposes the division of society into [3:37] those who are employed in position to be employees and the rest so you know we [3:44] see the great little wager system is a system of exploitation this is the [3:48] rationing in me and when the world's capable of producing enough for everybody so we wouldn't need to Russian people that access to what – to what they need that's that's to your wages we see is way slavery's other word for it is….[Danny] [4:03] … missus that's been used my sliding people or education people I guess [4:12] sending the selection [4:13] yeah yeah it's actually only when we would wear we're not here to [4:17] – – with what we've got proposed to run cats [4:21] What we're doing is going forward out our analysis our idea that proposition [4:26] so we can end see is that the only not this is this is a review [4:33] we say is the natural and industrial resources about hung planet of the common heritage of all humans is that why would you know I mean are beautiful because he agreed isn't a fundamental fast about human nature [4:51] it's merely a symptom of a situation now we live in a world dominated by poverty [4:56] and what every one of the best of every day ecology cabinets kids to play the game [5:01] polity avoidance and what that means is capitalism do we have to try and grab as [5:06] much material wealth ground as possible to ensure outs or ensure our survival [5:11] so basically more what great is the fear of my hand [5:14] now we are four types of producing an abundance of all the things that my gosh [5:22] ….

    Is it possible to remove this feature?Or do all YouTube videos have them??


    Vin said lolTerrible isn't it, I prefer the regional accent. But subtitles are removed by the viewer if he or she is internet savvy  click settings bottom right Don't understand why this problem has never been an issue with  'capitalism and other kids stuff' et etc

    HollyHead wrote:
    And here is a transcript of the subtitles (presumably for the hard of hearing and those whos first language is not English).Is it possible to remove this feature?Or do all YouTube videos have them??

    As I tried to explain to the EC at its August meeting and what is being referred to here are the automatically generated speech recognition subtitles which should not be confused with the subtitles Vin has added.  This feature can be disabled quite easily.


     vin saidCapitalism and other kids stuffSubtitled"If you saw a young kid in a gutter ritual past and ignored and told you it was taken to hospital OK im doctor you probably know the worlds most virtuous around touristic person but probably you probably know most anti social either what would you do min ago or domething to" lol but never been an issue until now. Paddy, Vin? Nothing to do with it

    gnome wrote:
    HollyHead wrote:
    And here is a transcript of the subtitles (presumably for the hard of hearing and those whos first language is not English).Is it possible to remove this feature?Or do all YouTube videos have them??

    As I tried to explain to the EC at its August meeting and what is being referred to here are the automatically generated speech recognition subtitles which should not be confused with the subtitles Vin has added.  This feature can be disabled quite easily.

     I understand that Dave, What I meant to ask is — is it possible for the originator / maker / poster of YouTube videos to disable this feature?

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