Party Video 2016

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118467
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    so that all members know, for future reference, can you let us know which four members you are referring to.

    I don't propose to 'name and shame'; the EC minutes, when published, will presumably do that.  Any unanswered questions can then be taken up by members and branches.I hope the NERB meeting on the 15th is a great success…

    I don't propose to 'name and shame'

    Let us be fair, the EC acted in what they thought was the best interests of the Party as they saw it.  That is their prime imperative. They aren't a nest of saboteurs set on undermining the Party. I am not at all envious of the onerous task they have volunteered for and therefore to some extent will be less condemnatory of their actions.As i said in previous post, i think the problem has been one of subjectiveness and i doubt any of us are immune to its influences.Firstly, we have an EC that by its own admission in the past is not all that involved in the internet or social media, therefore, less knowledgeable about what is placed on the web. This may well influence their opinion if the only experience is of very expensively produced and  professionally made videos. The to-be-expected flaws of an amateur's attempt may be overly obvious to them and the bar they have demanded is raised far too high whereas the web is full of very effective videos that fail the professional's test. As i also said any artistic projected results in peoples' personal tastes prejudices coming to the fore. Was the music soundtrack too sombre as someone suggested on this thread? Was the introductory changing of the colours of the logo unnecessary long and distracting? Was the narrator's accent too parochial? We'll all have different opinions on this. And i don't think it is the EC's job to micro-manage this aspect and decide these things. They could have fully justifiably delegated responsibility on deciding to adopt the video and whether to place it on our official websites to the membership. A branch poll. Or simply a poll based on this forum and Spopen/Spintcom. Not a difficult thing to do, albeit, not without some drawbacks, but certainly the result would be more reflective of the feelings of the party than individual EC members predispositions to media tools. Another  drawn out bureaucratic process, some may observe? But not necessarily and even if it was, we are only too well-used to such decision-making inside the party which i think Gnome once described as glacially slow , so whats new.  Unless instructed specifically otherwise, i will embed the video on our blogs and link to it on the many websites i visit daily where appropriate. 

    Bijou Drains

    In view of the comments on "strong regional accents, is it safe to assume that recordings of Dick Donnelly, Vic Vanni, Harry Young and Steve Coleman will no longer be available on the internet?

    ALB wrote:
    So you didn't have a problem with the UK regional accent?

    It was an unusual accent to me but I could understand most of it, though it may have demanded a a bit more concentration than it would with a "generic" English accent.At 1:55 I couldn't quite understand what was being said. It sounded like "the claws is of fudd" to me.

    Sympo wrote:
    At 1:55 I couldn't quite understand what was being said. It sounded like "the claws is of fudd" to

    Clothes and food.

    Sympo wrote:
     I was slightly put off with the caricatures and drawings of people, like the one portraying David Cameron. I would prefer actual pictures of Cameron and other pro-capitalist politicians or capitalists.This might sound silly but I found the picture at 1:55 to be a little inappropriate. An actual picture of some capitalists would be better. The same goes with that cartoon at 1:04.After one minute of the video drums start playing. Is this a part of the song playing or is it a combination of two songs? Either way it sounded a little weird to me.The music is a little wimpy and sad in my opinion. Perhaps no music at all would be better?The sound of the alarm clock is unnecessary and loud.Again, no offence to anybody.

     Sympo, Vin has asked me to post this.Hi Sympo,I very much appreciate your constuctive criticisms and I am not offended in the least. It fact it is what I need as I am producing the video on my own. I dont like the caricatures myself; I used them because of fear of copyright or complaint.  I just somehow thought I needed permision. Perhaps I could have some legal advice? I notice they are used in newspapers and the Socialist Standard. But that is something that I can change.I can also improve my diction, or use an alternative speaker,  just needed someone to advise me and thanks for that. Much appreciated.The drums  are not part  of the song, they are war drums, symbolic of the class war that is raging, so I am surprised you find them 'wimpy' As a musician I noticed they were out of sync with the music (BPM) I intended to correct it when I found the relevant buttons to press in Vegas Pro software. That is probably why you find them 'weird'I deliberately made the alarm clock irritating and again sympolic of how workers cannot ignore the economic imprative of wage slavery.The party has no introductory video and a 'professional' production would cost thousands. With a little support and constructive criticism, I am capable of producing one for nothing as I, like the rest of us in this party,  wish to end capitalism.All the bestvinAgain thanks for your contribution. 

    lindanesocialist wrote:

    "I dont like the caricatures myself; I used them because of fear of copyright or complaint."I see. I don't really know how copyright works. Perhaps it is alright to trace images, i.e. getting an image of David Cameron for example and drawing on a piece of paper that is on top of the photo? That way one makes an image that looks kind of realistic and not a caricature."The drums  are not part  of the song, they are war drums, symbolic of the class war that is raging, so I am surprised you find them 'wimpy'"I am referring to the music that was playing together with the drums. The drums are alright, though not combined with the music. If you are the musician behind that music I apologize for calling it wimpy, but that is how I feel about it."I deliberately made the alarm clock irritating and again sympolic of how workers cannot ignore the economic imprative of wage slavery."I see. Perhaps getting rid of the clock animation would be an improvement?"The party has no introductory video and a 'professional' production would cost thousands."I understand."Again thanks for your contribution. "No problem


     Vin said: Fantastic video. This is what the party needs. 20 million views   Imagine such a video going out in the name of the party  mentioning the SPGB!!  I watched this some time ago and spoke to Spencer about him helping the party produce a similar video for payment but he politely declined He explained he only did personal videos and didn't do it for money.We need a video introducing the Party and this is a great style and example.


     Vin said:I posted Spencer's video on spopen last year as an example of what the party should be doing. Perhaps a party video committee would be a good start. It could come up with a script similar to Spencer's. Some experimentation[/quote]


    Mackem-dialect discussed here . Perhaps we should link our video to those interested in Mackem.


    Vin said: thanks for that Alan. I have tweeted this to the program and will send it via other routes  "Re your program #mackems … Perhaps #corbyn would understand this #socialist message in #mackem    "    

    Bijou Drains

    Has Corbyn got a "Sewper Dewper Compewter" to follow the link?


    Vin wrote:Should this video be promoted on Youtube, Facebook etc ? It may not be professional but it gives a lot of information about the party and is our only introductory video  out there.   It answers important questions: Who are you? How are you different from other  'socialist' Parties? .   Aren't humans too greedy for it to work? How can I contact you? Who is your leader? I am trying my best to promote the video as I know other comrades are.As a direct consequence of the EC's decision not to adopt – albiet by a slender majority – the video will receive no finance for promotion. I have to wonder what our absent comrades  who left inheretance for propaganda would think of this situation?YFS


    Although the minutes of the August EC meeting have yet to be published, I'm reliably informed that the following motion was passed with just one dissenter:

    That all members be reminded that in accordance with Rule 17, any publications except leaflets and hand bills are to be authorised by the EC prior to publication (including on public websites such as YouTube) and be requested not to publish in advance of such authorisation any items which may be reasonably construed as published by SPGB.

    A prime example then of the EC amending a Rule as it thinks fit…

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