Party Video 2016

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118452
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Ozymandias wrote:
     The commentary might be easy for you and I to understand but surely this is a global message and the guy narrating is going to cause people to switch off abroad.

    For the benefit of those who cannot understand Vin's "heavy regional accent" sub-titles (in English) have now been added.

    Bijou Drains
    gnome wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Ozymandias wrote:
     The commentary might be easy for you and I to understand but surely this is a global message and the guy narrating is going to cause people to switch off abroad.

    "For the benefit of those who cannot understand Vin's "heavy regional accent" sub-titles (in English) have now been added."Just to clarify, "Vin's heavy regional accent" could be classified as a regional variation of Northumbrian English, that is it spoken with a variation (Mackem) of Northumbrian pronunciation of English. It is probably the closest version we have to the English accent as it was originally spoken, in its true form Northumbrian is not an accent it is a dialect, possibly a language. In its pronunciation and syntax it is far less influenced by French than Reported English, and is far less influenced by Gaelic than Scots Englsih. The vowel sounds are closer to Old English and not influenced as heavily by The Great Vowel Shift.In a world where the English of Donald Trump, Jose Mourinho, DW Bush, Valdimir Putin and Bob Marley are regularly heard and understood across the world. Is it beyond the average listener to hear and understand Vin's commentary, I think not Would the same comments have been made if the commentator had a heavy African, West Indain or Indian Sub Continent accent, would the same comment have been made?for those interested, you might find this website interesting a'had hinny


    Lecture over? Ffs. 

    Bijou Drains
    Ozymandias wrote:
    Lecture over? Ffs. 

    Sorry I couldn't understand your accent.


    "They", that is people who teach about making successful Youtube videos, say that it is necessary to hook people in the first 10 to 17 seconds. With that in mind, it may be worth cutting the time of the logo animation at the start and going straight into the narration.

    DJP wrote:
    "They", that is people who teach about making successful Youtube videos, say that it is necessary to hook people in the first 10 to 17 seconds. With that in mind, it may be worth cutting the time of the logo animation at the start and going straight into the narration.

    Here's Vin's suggested edit of the video.


    This is regarding the video linked by gnome in this thread's last post.I'm not a member of the SPGB or anything but I'll contribute with a critique that hopefully will not offend the creator of the video. These are just my subjective opinions.I was slightly put off with the caricatures and drawings of people, like the one portraying David Cameron. I would prefer actual pictures of Cameron and other pro-capitalist politicians or capitalists.This might sound silly but I found the picture at 1:55 to be a little inappropriate. An actual picture of some capitalists would be better. The same goes with that cartoon at 1:04.After one minute of the video drums start playing. Is this a part of the song playing or is it a combination of two songs? Either way it sounded a little weird to me.The music is a little wimpy and sad in my opinion. Perhaps no music at all would be better?The sound of the alarm clock is unnecessary and loud.Again, no offence to anybody.


    So you didn't have a problem with the UK regional accent?

    ALB wrote:
    So you didn't have a problem with the UK regional accent?

    All rather academic now considering the EC, by a slender margin today, decided not to endorse the video as an official 'party publication' for some of the reasons Sympo cites…   and many more besides.


    Then it will have to be a unofficial one just as "Capitalism and Kids Stuff" has been. It's never been endorsed as an "official" party production either.

    All rather academic now considering the EC, by a slender margin today, decided not to endorse the video as an official 'party publication'

    Always in search of perfection, dotting the i and crossing the t.Unlike the written message, a video is much more of an artistic venture and therefore will always be subject to subjective scrutiny and a matter of personal taste. It requires that more allowances are made when it comes to approval, more flexibility. What flaws some see in one video may possess can be rectified by a different approach in the next video…I hope rather than merely negative criticism of what they thought was wrong with Vin's attempt and what was its faults, our aspiring Oscar/Bafta judges also provided helpful suggestions and perhaps even proposals for an alternative video…or am i the eternal optimist… 

    ALB wrote:
    Then it will have to be a unofficial one just as "Capitalism and Kids Stuff" has been. It's never been endorsed as an "official" party production either.

    Except that video doesn't mention the party by name or purports to be an introduction to the SPGB/WSM which is what some EC members have been getting in a stew about.   However there have been many videos of party meetings and debates, etc. which have been uploaded to YouTube over the years without first having received any 'official' sanction.   I'm not aware anyone has ever complained about them.Meanwhile, Vin's 'unofficial' offering has already received over 300 views in just a week.

    Vin's 'unofficial' offering has already received over 300 views in just a week.

    It also has had:91 visits on SOYMB blog20 on Socialist Courier20 on Socialist Banner16 on Mailstrom (personal blog)

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I hope rather than merely negative criticism of what they thought was wrong with Vin's attempt and what was its faults, our aspiring Oscar/Bafta judges also provided helpful suggestions and perhaps even proposals for an alternative video…or am i the eternal optimist…

    I'm sorry to say that four EC members condemned the video out of hand, did not offer a single shred of advice or encouragement and only differed from each other by the level of their scathing observations.  I was ashamed to witness such a travesty.

    Bijou Drains
    gnome wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I hope rather than merely negative criticism of what they thought was wrong with Vin's attempt and what was its faults, our aspiring Oscar/Bafta judges also provided helpful suggestions and perhaps even proposals for an alternative video…or am i the eternal optimist…

    I'm sorry to say that four EC members condemned the video out of hand, did not offer a single shred of advice or encouragement and only differed from each other by the level of their scathing observations.  I was ashamed to witness such a travesty.

    so that all members know, for future reference, can you let us know which four members you are referring to.cheersTim

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