Party Video 2016

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118602
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    as far as I'm aware, copyright matters are usually a civil law issue and only rarely have criminal consequences

    The question of 'copyright infringement' in this instance is a 'tempest in a teapot' and in my estimation is being used as a diversionary and malacious tactic.Copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works.The copyright holder is typically the work's creator, or a publisher or other business to whom copyright has been assigned. Copyright holders routinely invoke legal and technological measures to prevent and penalise copyright infringement.Copyright infringement disputes are usually resolved through direct negotiation, a notice and take down process, or very occasionally, litigation in a civil court.Egregious or large-scale commercial infringement, especially when it involves counterfeiting, is sometimes prosecuted via the criminal justice system. Shifting public expectations, advances in digital technology, and the increasing reach of the Internet have led to such widespread, anonymous infringement that copyright-dependent industries now focus less on pursuing individuals who seek and share copyright-protected content online, and more on expanding copyright law to recognise and penalise the service providers and software distributors which are said to facilitate and encourage individual acts of infringement by others.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    My point is, that a criticism of the Intro Video is that it leaves the party open to be  sued for using BBC material but the video was constructed using material from the Party's official Youtube channel.We were already open to be sued before the Intro Video. 

    Can't say fairer than that. Case closed, surely?


    Really appreciate you comments SP  re copyright. I have had this video up for some time using material of John Lennon. only problem is that those who own the copyright of the songs have took ownership of 'monetarisation' which means they take any money made from the video. Doesn't bother me as I am not in it for the money (or to be excact – the coppers.)They do not wish to sue as it advertises their music and earns them money (in this case pennies)I would like to be part of the production of party videos  with as much input as possible from membership , and to this end I seek further nomination to the AV committee. I would like to gauge members' views. So I i'll send this to all members.   


    SA Tails1 minute agoI hope the proposal gets accepted. It's a great idea, and I'd love to see videos being produced by the SPGB. I'm a member of the party in Canada, and we've been talking about making videos, but we've yet to do very much beyond talk, plan and etc. The parties finally producing videos would be a great step forward for the cause in its entirety. 


    WDP India  likes the video see their facebook site

    Bijou Drains

    I think the way forward is for the AV committee (whoever that might currently constitute, I'm honestly not that sure) is to quickly develop a set of guidelines for the production of party Videos, seeking professional advice if necessary, taking account issues such as copyright, liable, etc.. Ensure that the EC and if necessary conference agree to those guidelines for the production of Part Videos and then get on with making videos and helping those who want to make videos, make those videos in line with Party procedures.I think that as things stand I am the AV Committee, so I will begin that process by clarifying with the Gen Sec if that is the case. Begin the work and if necessary seek funding from the AV for technical/legal support.If the guidelines can be prepared for approval for the November EC meeting, then that should ensure that videos, acceptable to the party in general can be produced by those members who wish to.Any constructive comments would be welcome.


    I would like to second gnome's most recent comments on copyright in this topic.


    Tim you are the AV committee. Here are Vin's proposals for future party Video production and will be sent to as many members as possible. The  negative images of capitalism are  illustrative of technique and what was handy at the time,


    Gnome,many years ago, we had a nasty run-in with a photo agency, with regards to the use of this photo on some posters that someone was flyposting (side issue): they accepted my promise to destroy all remaining copies of the poster.There is a financial risk to the party regarding its publications, unless due dilligence is taken.  One thing to look for is how much money we would deprive the copyright holder of by our use (in the case of the photo above, Magnum licenses the image for national advertising campaigns, and has a fee accordingly).  The safest bet, to avoid thinking to hard about copyright, is to ensure that any works used are clearly licensed, and to just anything with "cc by-nc" clearance. thing we need to be aware of its that as a Party we are more likely to receive malicious enforcement from pro-capitalist entities that would take delight in giving us a kicking.


    I just watched the video again and it is excellent. I regret saying the narration should be changed because I guess I've caused offence yet again. Also I was also totally wrong when I said no one would watch it as it's had well over 1000 views in a week. I was talking shite. The problem with forums like this one is that sooner or later things end up in a fisticuffs situation with resentment brewing up. You only have to scan the comments section of any online newspaper article or YouTube video and sooner or later things turn into a slanging match. It's easy to sit behind a screen and pontificate. I do it all the time. There wouldn't be anywhere near this level of animosity if everyone was siting in the pub together talking. Double edged sword the net. 


    "re copyright. I have had this video up for some time using material of John Lennon."I think I posed this question before but didn't Lennon have a copy of "Questions of the Day" on him when he wrote the lyric for Imagine? I can't remember which old party member told me that when I was about. 16. Lets face it he couldn't have come up with those lines had he been immersed in Maoist/Trot/Leninist tracts. Going off topic here sorry. 


    There's a photo of him carrying Red Mole


    #221, that's become a bit of a Party urban myth. Wiki explains its origins

    Several poems from Yoko Ono's 1964 book Grapefruit inspired Lennon to write the lyrics for "Imagine"—in particular, one which Capitol Records reproduced on the back cover of the original Imagine LP titled "Cloud Piece", reads: "Imagine the clouds dripping, dig a hole in your garden to put them in." Lennon later said the composition "should be credited as a Lennon/Ono song. A lot of it—the lyric and the concept—came from Yoko, but in those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho, and I sort of omitted her contribution, but it was right out of Grapefruit."



    ..definitely a mythtake.


    Vin said:thanks Ozy. My regional accent disappears when I singit becomes Americanized, like most rock songs.It is generous of you to admit that you have changed your mind 

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