Party Video 2016

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118589

    I don't want to get into a debate about the video, but the Socialist Standard only publishes photos which are not copyright or are free. In fact we publish a list of the sources each month. See page 23 of this month's Standard (which includes Corbyn's photo on the front page)., for instance. Here:

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    Don't really understand how the viewers could sue, or am I being thick?

     Vin said: It's becoming so pretty pathetic, Tim.  Have a look at other party videos, debates etc. ALL criticisms could be applied yo them. Brian and YMS have kept silence until nowI recieved permission from all concerned except Bill Martin, if he wishes to sue, that will be up to himVin was appointed at the time of video making by NERB to produce audio visual material and open Internet accounts  The Socialist Standard prints pictures of many politiciians and logos of other parties and extracts from other newspapers and BBC reprorta etc etc 

    Every edition of the SS contains a box of picture credits to cover the party against copyright issues.  I see no such box in the video.


    Tim,if you look on page 23 of the current standard:

    Picture Credits wrote:
    Picture Credits Cover: Corbyn – © YouTube/exadverso 2015 CreaƟve Commons AƩ ribuƟon 3.0 Unported licence. Turkey protesters – © Maurice Flesier 2016 CreaƟve Commons AƩ ribuƟon-Share Alike 4.0 InternaƟ onal licence. p2: Knowledge – http://www.rusirius. net/knowledge. Erdoğan – © simsek hb 2016 CreaƟ ve Commons AƩ ribuƟon-Share Alike 2.0 Generic licence. p4: School test – Harold Heaton, 1922. p7: Rees-Mogg – © Cantab12 2012 CreaƟ ve Commons AƩ ribuƟon-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence. Owen Smith – © Wykehamistwikipedian 2013 CreaƟve Commons AƩ ribuƟon-Share Alike 4.0 InternaƟ onal licence. p10: “I voted” sign – © hƩ ps:// poliƟ p11: Tony Benn – © Isujosh 2007 CreaƟve Commons AƩ ribuƟ on-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence. p13: Turkey rally – © GeƩy Images 2016 CreaƟve Commons AƩ ribuƟ onShare Alike 4.0 InternaƟ onal licence. p19: BBC Micro, 2010, Stuart Brady, PD. p20: Wealth Secrets of the 1% – NaƟ on-States… – p22: German boy soldier – © LocospoƩ er CreaƟ ve Commons AƩ ribuƟon-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence. Mickey Mouse is Dead, Subhumans, from the album The Day The Country Died. Skye, 2004, Wojsyl, CC BY-SA 3.0. p24: Ortega, 2012, Fundscion Ong DE Nicaragua, CCA-SA 3.0; Trump & Palin, 2016, Alex Hanson, CCA 2.0.

    Evidently the layout team have gone to a lot of trouble to find copyright cleared pictures. (the text appears to have been mangled by my copying here, but you get the picture).


    Vin So the socialist standard has permission from Corbyn, Osborne etc to publish their mugshots? And any mention of any person and organistaion mentioned in the SS? Jesus must be a lot of work involvedI didn't realise they went to so much trouble. ALL the photos used and the music in the video have been checked. and paid for. Oxfom do not mind using their statistics or mentioning their name, I received permision from Adam , cde Shodeck and clifford slapper( But decided not to use him} No problem with Danny, as with most people, he always likes the videoI think the only problem maybe the us of Video clips from BBC politics program, which I did look into and  most political groups use such materials but it would be easy to seek approval.

    Brian wrote:
     By continuing to use the logo you are deliberately misleading the working class that the video is a party production.  It contains no diclaimer to this effect, neither does it state its your independent production. If you are so proud of your efforts how come you are not claiming ownership but seeking a free ride on the back of the party?You have dug yourself a hole which only you can backfill.

     It is my video not the party's. I have stated that clear on Youtube. No withdrawal or apology necessary.  When a member of the WSPUS said it was good. I pointed outh the SPGB dont think so they have rejected it. He is a little baffled to say the least."Misleading the working class? Seeking a free ride on the back of the party?"Sure Paddy Shannon said there are rules against questioning the inegrity of members Yours for positive socialist activity Vin and Linda


    Vin said Something should be made clear at this point.This was a draft Video, submitted to the EC, if accepted as a draft then  these matters could easily have been ironed out.The situation now is that  this is MY video NOT the party's MY work and MY money spent on it NOT the Party's.It is an unfinished project that I have uploaded to MY Youtube account.SPGB have already publicly disowned the video. So there is no liability It is open to MY Party to sue me This is the only issue here.


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     Vin said  May I ask  YMS and Brian if they are concerned for or have ever enquired about copyright legal action regarding these videos on the SPGB official youtube acount? Actually there are too many for me to list, BBC Cnannel 4 etc Ironically this is the source of the material I used in the video 

    Brian wrote:
    You have not received permission to use the party logo.  Yet you continue to use it?  Is that sour grapes and nonsense?  By continuing to use the logo you are deliberately misleading the working class that the video is a party production.  It contains no diclaimer to this effect, neither does it state its your independent production. If you are so proud of your efforts how come you are not claiming ownership but seeking a free ride on the back of the party?You have dug yourself a hole which only you can backfill.

    Seems Swansea Branch may be divided on the video. Howard Moss on Spintcom descibed it thus: Yes, I've watched it, I agree it's very good. Another useful weapon in our armoury. Well done.Only one word to describe this – excellent.   Howard Moss                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


    It doesn't matter whether or not some people from this or that branch disagree with the merits of the quality of the video, so it's unhelpful to attempt to set branch members against one another.The issue here is whether or not there's an issue of copyright to be worried about.From my point of view I can't see that there is a problem and if there were an issue, it could be sorted.

    David Porter, member of EARB wrote:
    I just watched this video and although it is not perfect it puts across a powerful message that is fundamentally the case for socialism and, above all, can be clearly understood by the average man/woman and that is more than I can say for many of the Socialist Standard articles that will be way above the heads of the average person.

    David Rowley, member of SPGB Facebook wrote:
    It's very good and sums it all up perfectly, needs a massive share!!
    Brian wrote:
    You have not received permission to use the party logo.  Yet you continue to use it?  Is that sour grapes and nonsense?  By continuing to use the logo you are deliberately misleading the working class that the video is a party production.  It contains no diclaimer to this effect, neither does it state its your independent production. If you are so proud of your efforts how come you are not claiming ownership but seeking a free ride on the back of the party?

    Your comments are completely unwarranted, disparaging and uncomradely – you should give yourself a warning – viz:7. You are free to express your views candidly and forcefully provided you remain civil. Do not use the forums to send abuse, threats, personal insults or attacks, or purposely inflammatory remarks (trolling). Do not respond to such messages.And you obviously do not read what other contributors write.  Despite what cde.Maratty says most members who have expressed a view regard the video as being produced by the party.  It was produced by him while he was still a member of the Audio-Visual Committee and as such did not require the permission of the EC to either produce it or to use the logo. See #190.


    A branch is not divided by holding different opinions but I appreciate I shouldn't have used the word 'divided' , I appreciate your comments re video SP Can anyone confirm if the party is open to prosecution re my post 204 above?

    Bijou Drains
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    A branch is not divided by holding different opinions but I appreciate I shouldn't have used the word 'divided' , I appreciate your comments re video SP Can anyone confirm if the party is open to prosecution re my post 204 above?

    as far as I'm aware, copyright matters are usually a civil law issue and only rarely have criminal consequences

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    A branch is not divided by holding different opinions but I appreciate I shouldn't have used the word 'divided' , I appreciate your comments re video SP Can anyone confirm if the party is open to prosecution re my post 204 above?

    as far as I'm aware, copyright matters are usually a civil law issue and only rarely have criminal consequences

    My point is, that a criticism of the Intro Video is that it leaves the party open to be  sued for using BBC material but the video was constructed using material from the Party's official Youtube channel.We were already open to be sued before the Intro Video.  

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