Party Video 2016

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118527
    gnome wrote:
    and a preconceived opposition because of its origin.

     vin said:This is so obvious and embarrassing to the partyThe discussion around the video can only be understood when this is accepted otherwise the discussion becomes desperateOn spintcom a member has criticised the video on the grounds that it is amateur! Reminiscent of the criticisms of Corbyns suit.Do we really wish to present a slick expensive video? What exactly would that say about a party claiming to hold socialist principles?Show me a 'professional' party video that I can learn from?  I am getting too old to print and  deliver leaflets (and I have delivered thousands )  But  I CAN produce a free video for the movement. 


     Hello Vin"Gwynn, did you watch the full video as you only criticise the opening?"I can confirm that I have viewed at least four of your videos on YouTube.I have viewed two versions of the 'Introductory' videos at least three times each. If you look at my post # 116 above it should be obvious that I have viewed at least up to 5.22 minutes in. "What about the rest of the video?? Adam Buick, Danny Lambert, Cdes Shodeke and Martin. ? Did they offer an individualist argument?" My criticism was meant to be constructive however painful you unfortunately found it to be.My criticism is not that the videos emphasis was exclusively on 'individuals' but that far too much was.Yes Bill Martin makes a good 'class' point and does it effectively.Adam's piece was filmed in very unsuitable circumstances – all that very distracting background noise! As a Union official I was advised that interviews should always be given in quiet surroundings – preferably of ones own choosing. Good advice I think.Danny made some good points but unfortunately rambled and fumbled a bit. (And all that tea swilling should really be edited out.)There could be copyright issues in using BBC interview material re Adam and Danny.Jacquelin's contribution was spot on presentationally but I cannot now remember what it's 'class' emphasis was and cannot check back as the videos are no longer available to me. What I do think is that all four of these contributions should have been made 'direct to camera' – much more effective emotionally and persuasively. They should also have been scripted (as Jacqueline's was) in order to avoid the almost inevitable fluffs and stumbles that acccompany a 'live' interview where the person interviewed is 'thinking on their feet.'"Describing how individuals earn a living in capitalism can hardly be described as an individualist analysis. Capitalists  are free and workers are not free The opening sequence was a lead in – an attempt create an interest and to go on to our case. And even the opening sequence defines the working class as a class forced to sell labour power and the capitalists don't have to?  They are free."I don't recall that. My recollection is that 'individuals' are forced to sell their ability to work but it is not stated that this is what they have in common – that this is what makes them a class. (I may be mistaken.) And no – capitalists are subject to all kinds of restraints – legal for example – and they cannot simply go where they want or do what they like. It just seems that way sometimes. (Most of the time maybe).What is missing here I think is an analysis/explanation of what makes the capitalists a class with interests which cannot be reconciled with those of the working class.FraternallyGwynn


    Vin said GwynnI take your points but I am up here in the NE of England on my own and my aim was to use the material at hand on the internet and show the party as it was – warts and all – which I do not think is a bad thing  as people are sick of slick politicians and would be put off by a slick well prepared video  aimed at conning themI present  cdes as ordinary members of the working class trying to convince others to join them. It would be a wrong move to pay to produce a 'professional video'. The politically minded working class will see right through it.Produce a video that gives an honest straight forward view of the movement.Unfortunately I am working entirely on my own. But I am here to work with other comrades to make a video to introduce the party to the working class. We do not need to pay capitalist enterprises thousands of pounds to produce something that is obviously contrived.I will make oneI appreciate your engagement with the discussion comradely vin


    Vin said: I have taken into consideration the ECs' criticismsI have Removed regional accentremoved Adamremoved musicremoved clichesRemoved charactertures of capitalistsRemoved Danny's contribution (which I happen to think was excellent)Removed any reference to individualsRemoved any negative consequences of capitalism. ie food banks, strikes and Starving childrenRemoved reference to capitalists being free and workers not I appear to be left with this: Really not trying to be funny maybe it could constitute the basis of a new attempt.Any suggestions On what could be added? Edit: subtitles will be left for the user to decide. As with allYoutube videos


    If some have issue with some of the footage of Party speakers being of poor quality, it wouldn't be hard to draw up scripts to then be filmed in suitable conditions, specifically for a promotional video. It could be done at head office and then sent to Vin.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    If some have issue with some of the footage of Party speakers being of poor quality, it wouldn't be hard to draw up scripts to then be filmed in suitable conditions, specifically for a promotional video. It could be done at head office and then sent to Vin.

    Who do you think might be able to do this at HO – members of the current EC?  Some of them don't know how to watch a video let alone make one.  The chances of this happening, I regret to say, are zero. It would be far better to hand over the whole project of making an introductory video to an outside company such as Lambda, who made the 2015 General Election video for the party.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    If some have issue with some of the footage of Party speakers being of poor quality, it wouldn't be hard to draw up scripts to then be filmed in suitable conditions, specifically for a promotional video. It could be done at head office and then sent to Vin.

    Vin said: I was thinking along similar lines and was about to draw up a plan until gnome stepped in and from what he has said has blown my plan out the windBut I appreciate your engagement with the project


    Vin said:Using a professional company will still require equipment and speakers to be in the same place all at onceI  would suggest an appointed committee similar to the SSPC. with the authority to produce videos as and when improtant issues arise and when possible have the draft rubberstamped by the EC. We could produce as many video as we wish – Could also produce videos on overpopulation, war etc If you look at the tecnique use in this video a speaker speaking directly to the camera in front of a green screen be moved around or images placed behind him/herAll that is rquired is a central location for equipment and speakers to access. It cannot be difficult for a member to learn to use the video equipment and a green screenIs it 'doable'. 

    It would be far better to hand over the whole project of making an introductory video to an outside company such as Lambda, who made the 2015 General Election video for the party.

    I agree, Gnome. There was an argument one time that we hand over the Party's case to non-socialists to determine but it is a weak argument. The Party can easily explain the outlines of what we wish to see and develop a rudimentary story-board for a commercial company to follow and produce drafts to present to us for final approval. As always he who pays the piper calls the tuneNot sure of the costs but it may not be cheap. What was the price of a very basic video such as the election video? Even relative primitive flash animations can be very effective in getting a message across

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    It would be far better to hand over the whole project of making an introductory video to an outside company such as Lambda, who made the 2015 General Election video for the party.

    I agree, Gnome. 

    Fair comment cdes and fair enough. I appreciate the support both of you have given me  during  my attempts 

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    Vin said:Using a professional company will still require equipment and speakers to be in the same place all at once

    Sure, but presumably a professional company would know what it was doing unlike any member I can think of who frequents HO.

    I  would suggest an appointed committee similar to the SSPC. with the authority to produce videos as and when improtant issues arise and when possible have the draft rubberstamped by the EC. We could produce as many video as we wish – Could also produce videos on overpopulation, war etc

    That committee already exists – it's the Audio Visual Committee which actually has quite a wide remit.

    Terms of Reference of the Audio-Visual Committee1. To produce and improve on A/V material on subjects decided by Conference or approved by the EC.2. To record Party meetings and radio and TV broadcasts.3. To produce annually at least ONE programme for general circulation.4. To make recordings available for sale to the general public.5. To recruit a team of volunteers to read current Socialist Standard articles as podcasts.6. To report to the EC annually in January on the results of work done and money spent in the previous calendar year This is intended to be part of the EC report to Annual Conference.7. To report to the EC annually in July on future plans and financial and non-financial requirements for the coming calendar year. This is intended to be part of the EC report to the Annual Delegate Meeting. This may include recruiting additional help or resources in-house or the purchase, hire or commission (on a commercial and competitive basis) of hardware, software or technical services which may be required to achieve agreed objectives.8. To be composed of a at least two members appointed annually by the EC from nominations made by branches.

    No reference there to any vetting requirement under Rule 17.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    It would be far better to hand over the whole project of making an introductory video to an outside company such as Lambda, who made the 2015 General Election video for the party.

    Not sure of the costs but it may not be cheap. What was the price of a very basic video such as the election video? 

    About £2500.


    Then easily affordable, in my view…in fact, we could even finance a much more ambitious video, or as Vin suggests several specific videoes addressing particualr aspects of the socialist case.  


    Ah-Can Mackem for nowt (for translation see Tim Killgallon, Northern language expert)  


    We seem to be missing something important here. We have a member who has so far put in a lot of graft to produce an introductory video. Quite an important thing in itself.The idea of paying an outside agency to produce a professional video for a few thousand quid is missing the point. Vin was meant to be on the AV committee. With more help, access to material, ability to interview, financial input etc it would have been possible to develop the AV committee into a decent operational department capable of producing quality video material well into the future. It's possible to make it so that such a department can react to events happening in the world and produce video commentary. It could even spawn an interesting Party YouTube site, with regular blogs being put out. New members more savvy with digital media may be drawn in and it could become a very valuable tool in promoting socialism. Who knows what could be achieved. I urge Party members who use this forum to spread the word about this to your branches and elsewhere in the Party. Don't let a excellent opportunity slip through our fingers.

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