Party Meeting on ‘Brexit’

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Meeting on ‘Brexit’

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  • #85012
    • As this Party Meeting will be taking place via e-mail correspondence, but will not be covered by branch electronic meeting standing orders, it will require some procedures to enable a free and open debate.

      Below is the procedure I propose as the EC appointed Convenor of this meeting.

      The meeting will begin with the report from myself. After which, debate will occur under the following guidelines:

      1: All contributions to be considered a part of the debate must have the
      subject line (re:) SPM – Brexit
      For contributions place (CON) at the end of the subject line.
      For Points of Order or matters relating to the organisation of the proceedings (PO) should be appended.
      For Points of Information (PI). They must stay strictly to the topic of the meeting.

      2: Members are requested to restrict themselves to only one Contribution (CON) posting each for the first four weeks of discussion, so as to allow for a reasonable spread of contributions and also to encourage carefully considered contributions. The final week will be open for rights of reply, and unlimited extra contributions. Posts should have a maximum length of 1,500 words. Points of Information or Order must be short and to the point, and not used to making debating points. Points of Information should arise only out of the debate and relate strictly to the content of a member's contribution (including questions).


      3: Members not online who wish to may send a contribution to HO and arrangements will be made to transcribe and post it up to SPOPEN.

      3: As per conference and ADM standing orders, a member's Socialist credentials are not to be called into question.

      4: As this is a Party Meeting, all members are contributing as individuals, not delegates or officers.

      5: Motions shall not be moved nor voted upon by this meeting.

      6: The meeting will be open to contributions from 19/08/16 and will continue to be received as part of the meeting for three weeks afterwards, until midnight 23/09/16.

      7: Contributions will be collated and edited by the Bill Martin to be presented to the EC and members for consideration. A full printed hardcopy of the meeting will be made and stored at Head Office.




      Bill M.

    Reply to this message…

    Bill, workers are living on the streets, starving, cold and if lucky if they are sleeping on a friend;s settee. I couldnt give a fuck about the clubs of big business. The party needs to prioritise and the EU is of no relevance to us' How about a special meeting on HUNGER and HOMELESSNESS and Personally I dont give a fuck about brexit

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