Party COP26 activity

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party COP26 activity

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  • #224302

    Despite the rain (Glasgow is definitely not the place to go for a vacation) they did manage to distribute half of the 3000 leaflets they had.


    Report from Glasgow Branch:

    On Thursday 4th of November I met up with comrade Peter Hendrie to collect pamphlets for distribution to this end comrade Hendrie had already been active in his home town of East Kilbride. On Saturday morning, I teamed up with comrade Andy Malone and we proceeded to distribute pamphlets and discuss the party case around Glasgow’s George Square. Unfortunately, due to the incessant rain this confined our activity to the partial shelter afforded at the entrance to Queen St Station. (Police wouldn’t allow distribution inside) but after two hours of relentless rain, we reluctantly headed home.

    On Monday we had the pleasure of meeting up with fellow members at the Queen St location which comrade Paul Edwards, also in attendance, had secured for the party. Well, done Paul!

    The Gazebo provided a welcome shelter from the still relentless rain but we still managed to dispense pamphlets and also engage people in discussion. Tuesday finally brought some relief from the rain, as did Wednesday, when we were more active in the surrounding streets, and after we finally packed up in the afternoon, we retired to a nearby hostelry where our travelling comrades had a well deserved meal, before we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. In conclusion, with limited resources, we gave a good account of ourselves and it was a pleasure discussing with other people who were surprisingly willing to listen to our unique case, even on occasion buying a Standard!


    A few members of Manchester and Lancaster branches went to Liverpool yesterday for the 2nd annual Merseyside Marxist Bookfair, where we had a stall. Attendance and stalls looked to be somewhat reduced from the last occasion in 2019 and there were no talks this time, so the event was somewhat low key and does not seem to be going from strength to strength. This might be because the organiser insisted on first establishing stallholders’ views on trans rights, saying they would refuse entry to anyone expressing (in their opinion) anti-trans views.

    Some literature was sold or given away during the day. Meanwhile four members took leaflets down to the train station at Lime Street where there were crowds, and distributed approximately 500 leaflets. As at Glasgow, the QR code on the leaflets connected to climate change landing pages on the website, from which a link opened a live Jitsi meeting at 7.30 that evening. Two teenage enquirers turned up at this meeting and asked various questions, and I understand a lively discussion ensued. We hope to get stats in due course for the number of leaflet recipients who scanned the QR code through to the landing pages. In Glasgow the ratio was about 1:25.


    Again a promising result is that two people followed up a random leafletting, and perhaps it offers some insight into the appeal of QR to younger people rather than old fogeys like myself who are now of the generation that we once derided our older generation as being incapable of programming video recorders!

    I watch with keen interest the future imaginative applications we make of QR.

    Will we have it on the Socialist Standard so it can be bought via phone camera?

    There is no need for any special committees, but I do hope those individual members with expertise in the applications continue to cooperate and produce innovative initiatives for us to incorporate.

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