Party banner

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party banner

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  • #82236

    The new Party banner has arrived:


    I like it. I hope individual local branches will commission banners.


    Looking forward to seeing the working class muster underneath it.


    Here's a better photo of the new banner:and here's the old banner (you can't see the "of Great Britain" part):


    Comments/discussion on RevLeft here:-


    Here is the other side of the banner:




    In respect of party banners I recently listed those known to exist or known to have existed and thought I would share for discussion here2013 trade union style embroidered banner by Ed Hall hanging in head office2011 banner digitally printed white lettering 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain' onto red polyester used for a SPGB stall at Marxism 2011<2005 banner white lettering 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain' onto large red slik used for a SPGB stall at Durham Miners Gala 2005<2000s banner gold lettering 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain' onto dark red cloth with fringe material used in a video interview no longer online at – probably in head office. possibly a smaller replica of the 1950s banner.1990s to 2000s vinyl banners – at least sixOne is from 2014 with the same fascia design as head office and is simple text on white background and gets used on some branch stalls.One is Marx and Engels in profile and is used by Glasgow branch.One was up at head office and is from at least the early 2000s and depicts a montage of peoples faces with a stylised globe image.One was up at head office and reads 'abolish the wages system' and might still be there.One reads 'One World, One People, One solution'.One was used by Edinburgh branch reading 'One Solution Revolution' in the 2000s.Missing banner? cited on the yahoo spintcom mailing list and possibly the same as the one in the conference resolutions dissolving the Camden and North West London branches 1989-1991. Likely in their possession and possibly still in use, possibly the 1950s one but unlikely as this was very large.<1950s banner – A very large banner was used filling the window of head office in 52 clapham high street in a photograph from the 1950s.1905 banners / vexillums – The photograph of 1905 conference indicates a variety of banners in use – mostly a different shape from modern ones. Wikipedia describes this shape as a vexillum or gonfalon because they hang from a horizontal crossbar, although other terms might be used. From left to right, one depicts an angelic winged female figure, One reads 'Watford Branch' and one probably reads 'No compromise, no political trading'. They were probably designed by an early member who worked in printing called F. C. Watts.


    I am sure a NERB member has a banneredit:  just noticed you mention 'Durham Gala'. That's probably it


    Can you tell us more about it?

    jondwhite wrote:
    In respect of party banners I recently listed those known to exist or known to have existed and thought I would share for discussion here

    Some of the banners referred to can be seen here; I will search for others in due course…;

    jondwhite wrote:
    Can you tell us more about it?

    Not really. I just seem to remember a discussion obout it sometime ago. You could try John Bisset or Steve Colborn

    gnome wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    In respect of party banners I recently listed those known to exist or known to have existed and thought I would share for discussion here

    Some of the banners referred to can be seen here; I will search for others in due course…;

    A lot of the info on vinyl banners in particular was deduced / gleaned from the many photos on meetup.


    I'm told there was alsothe Moth eaten one – pre-1990s. white lettering on large red square slik. Both the Ashbourne-appropriated 'Missing banner' and the Durham miners <2005 one were replicas of this moth-eaten one.


    Actually, it's yellow lettering. Red and yellow, also the colours of the Labour Party…..

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