Party activity this bank holiday weekend…

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party activity this bank holiday weekend…

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    Report from Manchester Branch on today's activity

    Paul B wrote:
    Two members attended and we gave out a few hundred leaflets. We started in Sackville Gardens, where several political groups had stalls, but then moved to the Mechanics Institute a few minutes' walk away, where there were various talks, and handed out leaflets in the entrance. Splitting the event into two sites like that probably made it look less well-attended than it really was.

    To add to the picture, 2 members and 2 sympathisers ran  the announced stall in the centre of Kingston for two hours on Saturday. Slow start but it picked up later with discussions on the EU referendum (the Leave and Remain leafletters were out again, amazing how people are concerned with the British capitalists' trading arrangements while the only thing they trade is is their labour-power) and Ken Livingstone's alleged anti-semitism rather than the GLA elections. Leaflets  (both on the election and on the referendum) handed out. A couple of pamphlets sold and a couple taken without paying (the person chose carefully as he took How the Gods Were Made and Marxism and Darwinism). Contacted by a member of the Zeitgeist movement who had come from the other side of London to do this.This will be the last of the election stalls. Next date: polling day, Thursday 5 May (also Marx's birthday).


    Report on Doncaster debate – 30 April

    Eddie C wrote:
    I went. One other YRB member (Fredi Edwards) and two regular sympathisers attended.  One person from the Doncaster People's Assembly, who belongs to a Trot group, came due to knowing Tosh. So five of us (not counting the speakers) were present. Tosh made it quite clear that whilst he is a Labour Party member, he was not present as a representative of that party. Both speakers were good and an interesting discussion ensued. There was quite a bit of agreement but the differing views (both from the speakers and the floor) were put forward in an amiable fashion. I suppose it lasted just over 2.5 hrs.

    Report on 'Turkey' talk – 30 April

    Dick Field wrote:
    It went very well. No-one came, apart from the six branch members who were already there for the 2.30 meeting, and I went on for far too long as usual but everyone was very positive about it

    A thousand thanking yous to the comrades and friends who turned up to distribute our materiale at the big May Day meet at Clerkenwell. A most heavy bag of leaflets (mostly "Problems" mated with "Manifestoes") vanished with considerable rapidity. Order of Jack Fitzgerald Socialist Hero Medals have been awarded to: Chris Dufton (NLB); Mike Foster (WMRB); Oliver Bond (WLB); Ray Ellison.


    Report on Burnley May Day Rally – 2 May

    Paul B wrote:
    This was the first time the Party has attended the Burnley May Day Festival, and it was a very worthwhile event. Five members there, we gave away masses of leaflets and sold £11 worth of literature. Jeremy Corbyn was the main speaker, but I'm afraid I didn't get the chance to listen to him. Also it was rather windy, and muddy underfoot. All we need now are some members in Burnley.

    And an Alex Anderson Distinguished Services to Socialism Medal with Oak Apple Clusters was awarded to Robert Worden (SLB)

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