The new globe is certainly an improvement on our other versions and to advertise the SPGB very appropriate. However when we begin to participate in global social movements such as being suggested by the proposed two excursions to France, i think we should have, as Vin suggested, specific World Socialist Movement banners with a suitably themed slogan.I go for one i already suggested…"A World to Win, A Planet to Save" but open to many others …The Canadian Party and i think New Zealand and India …have that "One World One People" logo don't see why is should turn into a controversy. Each branch should request funding from the EC for their own banners and decide their own design. I know some might say this go against the logic of uniform identity but i'm for diversity for Individual branches. The websites, the Standard, the election leaflets and pamphlets i fully agree should carry our national registered emblem whatever that turns of out to be and it should incorporated into the different branch banners designs. But branches should have the freedom to emphasise different aspects of the party's case as they deem fit on a banner.