Palestinian civil rights

September 2024 Forums General discussion Palestinian civil rights

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  • #82182

    I found this al jazeera article interesting because it reminded me of the case made for it by Bill Martin many years ago.

    Not sure if it was in an article or on a discussion list but he argued when it was not popular that instead of struggling for an independent state against the Israeli state which was doomed to fail for such a 2nd state is simply not viable even if established,  the Palestinians should make it a civil rights issue. This article belatedly explores the same theme as first raised by Bill.


    IMHO, how can the recognition of  the state of Israel and the demand to become full citizens of Israel with equal rights as other Israelis not expose and undermine Zionism and the current apartheid laws. The "proud" claim of Israel that it is the only democratic country in the middle east would also be revealed as a fraud when they deny citizenship and the vote to the Gaza and West Bank Palestinians. The right of return to the world's jewish population will obviously be extended  to the right of Palestinian refugees to return. Fair's fair…or will it be shown,  as it would be,  that such idealism in the real world is not fair.   

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