Palestine-Israel Conflict

July 2024 Forums General discussion Palestine-Israel Conflict

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    “These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel – in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.” – Netanyahu, December 30, 2022


    Thousands of Israelis took to the streets Saturday evening to protest plans by Netanyahu’s new government that opponents say threaten democracy and freedoms. The protesters gathered in the central city of Tel Aviv. They contend that proposed plans by the new Cabinet will hinder judicial system and widen societal gaps.

    “The settler government is against me,” read one placard. Another banner read, “Housing, Livelihood, Hope.” Some protesters carried rainbow flags.

    Said Rula Daood of “Standing Together,” a grassroots movement of Arabs and Jews, “We are here to say loud and clear that all of us, Arabs and Jews and different various communities inside of Israel, demand peace, equality and justice.”


    The Hamas Elite

    “I blame the rulers here, the government of Gaza. They live in luxury while our children eat dirt, migrate and die abroad.”


    Israel’s national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir’s order, has ordered police to ban Palestinian flags from public places.

    “Today I directed the Israel police to enforce the prohibition of flying any PLO flag that shows identification with a terrorist organization from the public sphere and to stop any incitement against the State of Israel,”


    80,000 Israeli protesters have demonstrated in Tel Aviv against plans that would make it easier for parliament to overturn Supreme Court rulings.


    The “pro-democracy” protests in Israel accused of hypocrisy.

    “…former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, also accused of war crimes in Gaza, but for the 2009 war on the strip. She declared: “Together we will protect the state because it is for all of us.”
    But “for all of us” it is not. That was made clear when the crowd turned hostile on the small number of anti-Zionists who showed up at the protest with Palestinian flags. Those were quickly pulled down by fellow “pro-democracy” protesters…”


    In retaliation to recent Israeli killings in the West Bank, a Jerusalem synagogue was attacked and several worshippers killed. Rockets fired from Gaza resulted in an Israeli air strike.

    Does the violence bring the prospect of peace any closer? Does it increase the possibility of victory for either side?

    Or does it merely polarise the communities and continue the tit-for-tat killings?


    Israel and Sudan will sign an “historic peace agreement” in Washington in a few months’ time…

    Formalising relations with Israel has been condemned by the Palestinians, who see it as a betrayal of their cause.


    The United States says it is “deeply dismayed” by Israeli settlement expansion plans.

    Khalil Jahshan, executive director of the Arab Center Washington DC, a think tank, said, “Israel knows it’s just an expression of dissatisfaction. Whether it’s a ‘regret’ or ‘deep concern’, whatever the diplomatic term du jour is, still the administration will not do anything practical about it to hold Israel responsible for its behaviour.”

    The USA also stated a United Nations proposal that would call on Israel to cease settlement activity and to denounce the same settlements is “unhelpful”.

    “The contradiction of the Biden administration’s stated position ‘opposing’ Israel’s settlement expansion yet rejecting any attempt to hold them legally accountable is proof of their complicity in the continuation of Israeli occupation and apartheid,” said Tariq Kenney-Shawa, US policy fellow at Al-Shabaka, a Palestinian think tank. “This is because all the US cares about is preserving the status quo of Israeli domination — that is the heart of the issue.”

    The USA has warned Palestinians against turning to the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice to pursue accountability for Israeli violations.

    Israel receives at least $3.8bn of US aid annually.


    Palestinian resistance sparks pogrom by Israeli settlers


    Or, to put it another way, Palestinians kill two Israeli settlers and the settlers go on a rampage:


    The Israeli rights groups Peace Now and B’Tselem also described the attacks as a settler “pogrom” supported by the Israeli government.

    300 attacks, including shootings and arson in the Nablus area of the occupied West Bank, Palestinian officials say, in what has been described as a “pogrom”

    37-year-old Palestinian Samih al-Aqtash shot and killed by settlers protected by the Israeli army in the village of Zaatara south of Nablus.

    390 Palestinians were injured across the villages of Huwara, Zaatara, Burin and Asira al-Qibliya…stabbings and attacks with metal rods and rocks, one person in hospital with fractured skull after being beaten in the head with a rock. Another beaten with a metal rod to the face, 30 Palestinian homes and 100 cars were set on fire by settlers…
    …video shows the attacks taking place under the protection or in coordination with the Israeli army, sometimes with soldiers and settlers shooting side by side.

    In two earlier posts, I had warned of this reaction to any Palestinian violence and had purposefully used the term “pogrom” in those posts.

    Jordan hosted a meeting between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in Aqaba attended by Egypt and the United States, called in order to discuss steps to de-escalate tensions.

    The closing statement of the Aqaba summit, said: “The Government of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority confirmed their joint readiness and commitment to immediately work to end unilateral measures for a period of 3-6 months. This includes an Israeli commitment to stop discussion of any new settlement units for four months and to stop authorisation of any outposts for six months,”

    After the statement was announced, Netanyahu said that there “will not be any freeze” with regards to settlement construction.

    “The building and authorisation in Judea and Samaria will continue according to the original planning and building schedule, with no change,” he said, using the biblical term for the West Bank.

    A number of top ministers in Israel also confirmed that the Israeli government will not temporarily halt the announcement of new illegal settlement units.

    Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, who headed the Israeli delegation at the summit, said “Contrary to reports and tweets about the meeting in Jordan, there is no change in Israeli policy,”

    Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, “…there will not be a freeze on construction and development in settlements, not even for one day,”

    “The speed and efficiency in which settlers take over Palestinian lands by building farming outposts is coupled with a lot of violence,” Dror Etkes, Kerem Navot founder and settlement researcher, told Al Jazeera.

    According to the latest United Nations figures, 2022 recorded the highest number of settler-related incidents since the international organisation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs started monitoring them in 2006.

    Etkes said that the establishment of outposts is usually associated with a huge amount of violence…Israeli human rights group Yesh-Din data from 2005 to 2022 show that 93 percent of all investigations into ideologically motivated crime in the West Bank are closed without an indictment.


    Israel has released all suspects arrested after a Sunday night rampage by Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank, which killed one Palestinian, injured hundreds and destroyed Palestinian homes and property.

    The Israeli police told the Times of Israel that six suspects had been released on Monday, and that a further two were released to house arrest on Tuesday. No other settlers are believed to have been arrested.

    The release of the settlers arrested fits into a wider pattern, with only 3 percent of investigations into attacks against Palestinians resulting in a conviction and 93 percent of investigations closing without an indictment, according to the Israeli rights group Yesh Din.

    Every year, hundreds of attacks have been carried out by Israelis living in illegal settlements against Palestinians and their properties in the occupied West Bank.

    So far in 2023, at least four Palestinians have been killed by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.


    Israelis protest against settler attacks on Palestinians.

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