Our London Assembly Election Campaign

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Our London Assembly Election Campaign

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  • #251835

    More tweets from the hustings:


    Leafletting today in Brixton:


    150 or so there and in Clapham High Street. A further 250 in Streatham Hill.


    The Southwark News in its article on the mayor and assembly elections


    refers its readers for details on who the candidates are and what they stand for to this site:


    where, in the appropriate places, there is a link to a copy of our election leaflet.


    Missed this:


    Four of us handed out 400 or so of our leaflet at the May Day event in central London today, a march from Clerkenwell Green at the edge of the City to Trafalgar Square for a rally to be addressed by various leftwing trade union leaders including Mick Lynch.


    We decided that the easiest way to move our stall from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square was to go with the march. But behind which banner? Certainly not any of the “Marxist-Leninist” contingents from workers from the Middle East and Asia with their hammer and sickle banners and especially not the one with a huge picture of Stalin. In the end we settled for Haringey trades council which happened to be the last one. So, we were as far away as possible from the vanguard(s).

    The sad truth is that without the “Marxist-Leninist” contingents there would only have been a few hundred there. The trade union banners were followed only by 3 or 4 people. Also, some there seemed to think that there were on a pro-Palestine march.

    At one point a man obvious City gent crossed the road between the marchers. We asked him if, as a capitalist, he felt intimidated by a workers’ march. He replied that he didn’t.


    Voted: they only cursorily checked my ID (just to make sure there was a photo there at all), then handed my ID to a supervisor. I made a wee fuss, but she explained they were just tallying use of council issued ID.

    I forgot my stickers, so had to spoil my ballot long hand.


    Another mention in the local media:

    Lambeth and Southwark election candidates for London Assembly

    We had to ask for the original version to be corrected because it had us advocating TUSC’s programme of reforms.


    Today they verified the number of votes cast. Tomorrow they will count the number cast for each candidate.

    Here are the figures for Barnet and Camden. They give the size of the electorate (413,809) and the number of voters (163,657). So, turnout here of just under 40%.


    The figures for Lambeth & Southwark are 448,552 and 175,428, a turnout of just over 39%.



    Result for Lambeth & Southwark just declared:

    LAB 84768
    GRN 35144
    LD. 22030
    CON 21121
    RFM 8942
    SOC 2082 or 1.2%


    Barnet & Camden 1639 (1%)

    Labour 70,749 43.2%
    Conservative 51,606 31.5%
    Green 18,405 11.2%
    Liberal Democrats 12,335 7.5%
    Reform UK 7,703 4.7%
    Socialist (GB) 1,639 1.0%

    So, our results are about par, a bit down on our best in Lambeth…


    Yes, this is the 4th time we have contested Lambeth & Southwark GLA constituency.

    Previous results were:

    2008 1588 1.0%
    2012 2938 1.9%
    2016 1333 0.7%
    2024 2082 1.2%

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by ALB. Reason: Uodated

    Looks like not many voters followed Ed Griffiths’s advice (which we didn’t endorse) and voted for us in the constituencies and the Communist Party for the party list vote:

    In Barnet & Camden the CPB list got 719 votes and in Lambeth & Southwark 945.



    I met the Reform UK candidate, Tony Sharp, at the count and he described the CPB as tankies. I suppose most of them would have been. Apparently he was once the deputy leader of UKIP.

    Mike Foster

    Well done to everyone who took part in the campaign, and hopefully we’ll get some more interest from it.


    More psephology. There was only one other group using the word “socialist” standing in the GLA elections — TUSC, the front organisation of the spurious socialist but actually state-capitalist organisation that calls itself SPEW.


    They stood in 4 geographical constituencies like the 2 we stood in. Here is how they did:

    North East: 5595 2.7%
    City and East: 4710 2.6%
    Croydon & Sutton: 2766 1.6%
    Havering & Redbridge: 2145 1.2%

    The same league as us even if higher up the table despite offering attractive sounding reforms in the hope of garnering votes. A minor reformist party that can’t compete with the bigger ones when it comes to that.

    Their task is as difficult as ours but at least ours — socialism — is worth campaigning for.

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