Some of these greens aren’t half misanthropes. And this one is illogical with it. There is only one species that is biologically capable of managing the biosphere in an ecological way and that’s us, homo sapiens, so there’s no point in running us down. We are the only hope of the planet. And how does she think that humans could practise what the original inhabitants of America used to do if parts of the Earth continue to be owned by private individuals, capitalist corporations, or national governments? The passage she quotes from us doesn’t even use the word “ownership” with its possible connotation that the owner can do what they like with what they own.
She also distorts what our leaflet said by omitting what immediately followed:
“on the basis of ‘from each according to ability, to each according to need’. Free of ownership by the few and the rule of ‘no profit, no production’, this is the only framework within which problems such as global warming, growing inequality and wars can be tackled for good.”